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cost of living in spain

The cost of living in Namibia is higher than some other regional cities in the southern region of the African continent. Namibia imports about 50% of its cereal requirements. Many other items used in daily life also need to be imported. High transportation costs make prices very high and unaffordable. Monopolies in some business sectors causes higher profit booking, which also results in raising of prices.
For example, the price (in 2013) of electricity for domestic consumers in Windhoek for post-paid consumers was 1.08 N$ per unit (KWH) added with ECB levy of 0.0150 N$ per unit and NEF levy of 0.0102N$ per unit, with a fixed cost based on load added to the bill. Consumers who have prepaid metering units paid 1.57 N$ per unit of electricity, with an added ECB levy of 0.0150 N$ per unit and NEF levy of 0.0102N$ per unit. The price of gasoline was ~13 N$ per liter, and the price of liquid petroleum gas (LPG) was ~8 N$ per liter. Rent for a family accommodation may exceed 12000 N$ per month in safe urban locations. The price of a 1-litre water bottle is ~15 N$, one litre of UHT Milk is ~15N$, and a raw egg is ~2N$. The cost of 1 kg fresh chicken is around 60N$, while 1 kg frozen chicken is around 45N$. Red meat costs 60-100N$ per kg. The cost of making an international call, other than to a neighbouring country, is 12 N$ per min and internet access over 3G costs over 1 N$ per MB.

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