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  1. R

    Economy Inflation shortened credit card financing and left the maximum term at 6 installments - Infobae

    Inflation shortened credit card financing and left the maximum term at 6 installments - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/01/30/la-inflacion-acorto-el-financiamiento-con-tarjeta-de-credito-y-dejo-el-plazo-maximo-en-6-cuotas/ January 30, 2024 Both in the official Now 12...
  2. A

    Taxes CABA eliminated the tax on credit cards

    As of 9/3/2023 we eliminated the tax on credit cards. Beginning in April you will no longer see it in your card statement. If it continues to appear, contact your bank or contact the Consumer Defense.
  3. M

    Banking US credit card not accepted anymore

    Hello friends, I've been here with my husband now since May of this year, and suddenly, our Chase credit cards are no longer accepted in two chains of supermarkets. Any idea why is that, or can anyone suggest what can be done to solve this problem? Thank you all!!!
  4. MDirtBoy

    Banking Bank Credit with non-Argentine Income?

    This is a follow-up to a previous question; Is it possible to get credit here in Argentina (say, to buy a house) if you have your income from outside Argentina? For the question, consider that one will declare their external income for tax purposes. Many thanks!
  5. A

    Banking 15% surcharge on foreign transactions on Argentine credit cards starting Sep 1

    Posted in the Pesos to Euros/Dollars thread but thought this warranted its own discussion, especially if people want to try some last-minute purchases before the surcharge goes into effect. http://www.clarin.com/economia/AFIP-recargara-compras-exterior-tarjeta_0_764923763.html Google...
  6. B

    Economy The Central Bank set the new interest rate paid by credit card users - Infobae

    The Central Bank set the new interest rate paid by credit card users - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/01/09/el-banco-central-fijo-la-nueva-tasa-de-interes-que-pagan-los-usuarios-de-tarjetas-de-credito/ January 09, 2024 Under the administration of Santiago Bausili, the...
  7. N

    Banking Banks and phones plans!

    Does anyone have any thoughts on which banks would be best to use while here - I'm getting a masters so i'll be here for long enough to warrant opening an account but don't see myself staying long enough or having enough income to worry about saving abroad in dollars as is (perhaps justifiably)...
  8. B

    Legal credit money wedding situation

    Hey guys So my stupid a$$ best friend decided to get married at age 24 to a girl he´s known for less than a year, and is insistant on everyone coming. I want to go because all my buddies will finally be in the same place at the same time for the first time in years, so I want to go even though...