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cristina kirchner

  1. Leo

    Economy Strong counterpoint between Cristina Kirchner and Minister Luis Caputo after the former president's document - Infobae

    Strong counterpoint between Cristina Kirchner and Minister Luis Caputo after the former president's document - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/02/14/senora-nunca-es-tarde-para-aprender-la-respuesta-del-ministro-toto-caputo-a-las-criticas-de-cristina-kircher/ February...
  2. Trisha

    Politics What is the labor reform proposed by Cristina Kirchner like? - Infobae

    What is the labor reform proposed by Cristina Kirchner like? - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/02/14/como-es-la-reforma-laboral-que-plantea-cristina-kirchner/ February 14, 2024 The former vice president proposed in a document published on social networks that “provide...
  3. marianoc

    Politics What Cristina Kirchner said about the DNU and the Omnibus Law: the main definitions - infobae

    What Cristina Kirchner said about the DNU and the Omnibus Law: the main definitions - infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/02/14/que-dijo-cristina-kirchner-sobre-el-dnu-y-la-ley-omnibus-las-principales-definiciones/ February 14, 2024 The former president considered that...
  4. Tano

    Politics Destabilization, planned chaos, debt, dollarization and “attack” on governors: Cristina Kirchner's main criticisms of Milei - Infobae

    Destabilization, planned chaos, debt, dollarization and “attack” on governors: Cristina Kirchner's main criticisms of Milei - Infobae Source...