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  1. Betsy Ross

    Politics What might happen to Argentina after Milei's mega-decree? - Euro News

    Great article that talks about Milei's DNU's Source: https://www.euronews.com/2023/12/23/what-might-happen-to-argentina-after-mileis-mega-decree
  2. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News Rentals: Side B of the total freedom between owners and tenants imposed by Javier Milei's DNU - La Nacion Propiedades

    Rentals: Side B of the total freedom between owners and tenants imposed by Javier Milei's DNU - La Nacion Propiedades Source...
  3. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News Land Law: What establishes the norm that Javier Milei wants to repeal with the DNU

    Land Law: What establishes the norm that Javier Milei wants to repeal with the DNU - Clarin Source: https://www.clarin.com/rural/megadecreto-mieli-anticipa-derogacion-ley-tierras-inmobiliarias-rurales-celebran_0_UFk09atUyR.html The rule was approved in December 2011 and modified in...
  4. Nasdaq

    Politics Thread: President Javier Milei - From Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) to Today

    Thread: President Javier Milei - Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNU) in real-time I've taken the initiative to start a thread dedicated to discussing the Decree of Necessity and Urgency (DNUs) as they unfold. This will serve as a centralized space for us to engage in conversations about their...