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As of 2023, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has 7,236 members designated Fellow, each of whom is associated with one of the 41 societies under the IEEE.
The Fellow grade of membership is the highest level of membership, and cannot be applied for directly by the member – instead the candidate must be nominated by others. This grade of membership is conferred by the IEEE board of directors in recognition of a high level of demonstrated extraordinary accomplishment.
Aerospace and Electronic Systems Society — List of fellows
Antennas & Propagation Society — List of fellows
IEEE Broadcast Technology Society — List of fellows
Circuits and Systems Society — List of fellows
Communications Society — List of fellows
Components, Packaging & Manufacturing Technology Society — List of fellows
Computational Intelligence Society — List of fellows
Computer Society — List of fellows
Consumer Electronics Society — List of fellows
Control Systems Society — List of fellows
Dielectrics & Electrical Insulation Society — List of fellows
Education Society — List of fellows
Electromagnetic Compatibility Society — List of fellows
Electron Devices Society — List of fellows
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society — List of fellows
Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society — List of fellows
Industrial Electronics Society — List of fellows
Industry Applications Society — List of fellows
Information Theory Society — List of fellows
Instrumentation & Measurement Society — List of fellows
Intelligent Transportation Systems Society — List of fellows
Magnetics Society — List of fellows
Microwave Theory and Techniques Society — List of fellows
Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society — List of fellows
Oceanic Engineering Society — List of fellows
Photonics Society — List of fellows
Power Electronics Society — List of fellows
Power & Energy Society — List of fellows
Product Safety Engineering Society — List of fellows
Professional Communication Society — List of fellows
Reliability Society — List of fellows
Robotics and Automation Society — List of fellows
Signal Processing Society — List of fellows
Society on Social Implications of Technology — List of fellows
Solid-State Circuits Society — List of fellows
Systems, Man & Cybernetics Society — List of fellows
Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics & Frequency Control Society — List of fellows
Technology and Engineering Management Society — List of fellows
Vehicular Technology Society — List of fellows

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