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freedom advances

Avanza Libertad (English: Freedom Advances; AL), originally founded in 2019 as Frente Despertar (English: Awakening Front; FD), was an Argentine right-wing political coalition. Renamed in 2020, Avanza Libertad had legal status in the Buenos Aires Province. Ideologically, it was libertarian conservative, supportive of economic liberalism, and critical of both Kirchnerism and Juntos por el Cambio. Led by José Luis Espert, it included centre-right and far-right factions, with its more radical factions being compared to Spain's Vox.The coalition members included the Union of the Democratic Centre, the Democratic Party of the City of Buenos Aires, the Autonomist Party, and the United Republicans. Espert ran in the legislative elections with his own alliance of centre-right and right-wing parties. The presentation was made after the negotiations with the leaders of Juntos por el Cambio failed. Previously, the alliance in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires also included Javier Milei, who later confirmed that he would compete separately from Espert.

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