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  1. Richard02

    Politics May Pact: the CGT will convene the governors to ask them to reject Milei's proposal - Infobae

    May Pact: the CGT will convene the governors to ask them to reject Milei's proposal - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/03/03/pacto-de-mayo-la-cgt-convocara-a-los-gobernadores-para-pedirles-que-rechacen-la-propuesta-de-milei/ March 03, 2024 “They cannot vote on these...
  2. Manuel38

    Politics The conflict between Milei and the governors fully involves Justice and confronts players with their own votes - Infobae

    The conflict between Milei and the governors fully involves Justice and confronts players with their own votes - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/02/28/el-conflicto-de-milei-y-los-gobernadores-involucra-de-lleno-a-la-justicia-y-enfrenta-a-jugadores-con-votos-propios/...
  3. kenobi

    Politics Patagonian rebellion: Tierra del Fuego will paralyze oil production for a day and the governors will meet in CABA - Infobae

    Patagonian rebellion: Tierra del Fuego will paralyze oil production for a day and the governors will meet in CABA - Infobae Source...
  4. Richard02

    Politics Ignacio Torres seeks to show power in the conflict with Milei and will bring together the Patagonian governors in the Senate - Infobae

    Ignacio Torres seeks to show power in the conflict with Milei and will bring together the Patagonian governors in the Senate - Infobae Source...
  5. CarinCot

    Economy Tension with the governors: eleven provinces owe the Nation almost $400,000 million that are paid with co-participation - Infobae

    Tension with the governors: eleven provinces owe the Nation almost $400,000 million that are paid with co-participation - Infobae Source...
  6. W

    Politics Milei's fight with the governors impacted the Senate and the DNU that deregulated the economy could be rejected - Infobae

    Milei's fight with the governors impacted the Senate and the DNU that deregulated the economy could be rejected - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/02/26/la-pelea-de-milei-con-los-gobernadores-impacto-en-el-senado-y-el-dnu-que-desregulo-la-economia-podria-ser-rechazado/...
  7. GurNF

    Politics Rebellion of governors: Milei redoubled his criticism against Nacho Torres and in the PRO they seek to lower the tension - Infobae

    Rebellion of governors: Milei redoubled his criticism against Nacho Torres and in the PRO they seek to lower the tension - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/02/26/rebelion-de-gobernadores-milei-redoblo-las-criticas-contra-nacho-torres-y-en-el-pro-buscan-bajar-la-tension/...
  8. M

    Politics The conflict between the governors with the Casa Rosada broke out the agreement between Milei and the PRO - Infobae

    The conflict between the governors with the Casa Rosada broke out the agreement between Milei and the PRO: Macri detaches himself from the Government - Infobae Source...
  9. D

    Politics Dialoguists, adversaries and collaborators: how the governors are divided in the relationship with Milei - Infobae

    Dialoguists, adversaries and collaborators: how the governors are divided in the relationship with Milei - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/02/21/dialoguistas-adversarios-y-colaboradores-como-se-dividen-los-gobernadores-en-la-relacion-con-milei/ February 21, 2024 The...
  10. Carlhunter

    Politics The Health Union announced a 24-hour national strike on Thursday to demand wage increases-Infobae

    The Health Union announced a 24-hour national strike on Thursday to demand wage increases-Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/02/20/el-sindicato-de-sanidad-anuncio-un-paro-nacional-de-24-horas-el-jueves-en-reclamo-de-aumentos-de-salarios/ February 20, 2024 It was...
  11. R

    Politics After days of tension with the provinces, the Government resumes dialogue with governors - Infobae

    After days of tension with the provinces, the Government resumes dialogue with governors - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/02/20/tras-dias-de-tension-con-las-provincias-el-gobierno-retoma-el-dialogo-con-gobernadores/ February 20, 2024 Yesterday, the President held a...
  12. honey

    Politics Javier Milei will have a brief meeting with Valdés and Zdero, two radical governors who are key in the dialogue sector - Infobae

    Javier Milei will have a brief meeting with Valdés and Zdero, two radical governors who are key in the dialogue sector - Infobae Source...
  13. AntoniCOM

    Politics Milei's fight with governors and mayors escalates over the cost of the adjustment and the dialogueists look for a way out - Infobae

    Milei's fight with governors and mayors escalates over the cost of the adjustment and the dialogueists look for a way out - Infobae Source...
  14. ArtmikeGG

    Politics Milei's fight with governors and mayors over the cost of the adjustment escalates and those who support dialogue are looking for a solution

    The text presents a situation of political and economic confrontation in Argentina, centered on the President's decision not to send more funds for teachers' salaries and transportation, which has generated harsh criticism and tensions with governors and local officials. Javier Milei leads a...
  15. Tano

    Politics Destabilization, planned chaos, debt, dollarization and “attack” on governors: Cristina Kirchner's main criticisms of Milei - Infobae

    Destabilization, planned chaos, debt, dollarization and “attack” on governors: Cristina Kirchner's main criticisms of Milei - Infobae Source...
  16. B

    Politics At war with Milei over the withdrawal of funds for transportation and education, the governors advance through judicial means - Infobae

    At war with Milei over the withdrawal of funds for transportation and education, the governors advance through judicial means - Infobae Source...
  17. marianoc

    Politics Milei's fight with the governors conditions the future of the Cabinet and opens the door to a new partnership with the PRO - Infobae

    Milei's fight with the governors conditions the future of the Cabinet and opens the door to a new partnership with the PRO - Infobae Source...
  18. D

    Politics Francos anticipated that Milei will veto a possible attempt by the governors to share the Country Tax - Infobae

    Francos anticipated that Milei will veto a possible attempt by the governors to share the Country Tax - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/02/05/francos-anticipo-que-milei-vetara-un-eventual-intento-de-los-gobernadores-para-coparticipar-el-impuesto-pais/ February 05, 2024...
  19. Robert07

    Politics Milei supported Francos in the Cabinet meeting and confirmed to his ministers that “the COUNTRY tax is not negotiated” - Infobae

    Milei supported Francos in the Cabinet meeting and confirmed to his ministers that “the COUNTRY tax is not negotiated” after the disagreements with the governors - Infobae Source...
  20. R

    Politics “Extortion block”: the message that Javier Milei shared after the summit between governors and Francos for the Omnibus Law - Infobae

    “Extortion block”: the message that Javier Milei shared after the summit between governors and Francos for the Omnibus Law - Infobae Source...