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Expat Life: Local Discoveries, Global Connections

life in argentina

One of the groups that use the nameRivers of Life' (known as Ríos de Vida in Spanish) is a group of approximately eighty evangelical churches around the world., there is various other groups, however.
The name Rivers of Life is not exclusive to one church or organisation as many churches around the world use this name. It should also be distinguished from River of Life of which there are several other churches and organisations around the world using this title in their church or organisations' name - most notably "River of Life International" which was founded in the U.K. in 1995 and now has churches, schools and orphanages in Africa and India including a Bible College in Kenya.
As regards Rivers of Life there are currently Churches (but not exclusively) in the following countries: United Kingdom, Spain, France, Netherlands, Argentina, Paraguay, Chile, Bolivia, Colombia, El Salvador, Cuba, Panama and the United States.
There is a ministry in Egypt by the name Rivers of Life, that has various church plants all over the world, it is a non denominational evangelical ministry.

As well as the churches previously mentioned, Rivers of Life has 4 Bible Colleges, 2 Children's Homes, a School with approximately 600 students and an FM radio station (FM Victoria) amongst other ministries set up to serve the churches purposes and in turn to benefit the local community.
For Rivers of Life's 40th anniversary, the mayor of Quilmes, Sergio Villordo visited the church in Quilmes; the first Rivers of Life church. The mayor expressed his solidarity with Rivers of Life and praised the church for staying faithful to the city even though the church had now spread around the world.

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