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In the 2023 Argentine presidential election, Javier Milei and Victoria Villarruel were respectively elected president and vice president of Argentina, defeating peronists Sergio Massa and Agustín Rossi (of the Union for the Homeland) 55.7% to 44.3% of the votes. It was the highest percentage of the vote since Argentina's transition to democracy. Milei and Villarruel took office on 10 December 2023. Their victory represented a significant political upheaval in Argentina, challenging the traditional political dynamics and signaling a new era in Argentine politics characterized by radical changes and uncertainties. Milei's campaign and eventual victory in particular were subject to intense scrutiny and analysis both nationally and internationally, as he was variously described as a far-right populist, right-wing libertarian, ultraconservative, and political outsider by major news outlets across the globe, and compared to both Donald Trump and Jair Bolsonaro, among others.
In the politically turbulent landscape of Argentina, Milei, a former goalkeeper, rockstar, and economist-turned politician, emerged as a controversial and polarizing figure in the 2023 presidential election. Representing the Libertarian Party as the presidential candidate of La Libertad Avanza, Milei's campaign was marked by a blend of populist and economic libertarian ideologies, which he staunchly defended against the far-right label given by international news media. Villarruel, the vice-presidential running mate, exerted some significant influence on Milei despite some differences of views, and attracted attention and controversy due to her connections and historical revisionist views regarding the Argentine military dictatorship, for which she has been described as an ultraconservative.
Amidst an economic backdrop of rising interest rates and volatility, Milei's ascent in Argentine politics was seen as a reaction to the frustrations with both Peronist and non-Peronist governments. His surprising victory in the August 2023 Argentine primary elections, followed by success in the October 2023 general elections, reflected a significant shift in the Argentine political landscape. Milei's advocacy for the abolition of the Central Bank of Argentina and the adoption of dollarization were met with criticism but underscored the radical nature of his economic policies. His foreign policy and social views were also seen as radical.Launched in June 2022, Milei's campaign gained momentum as Argentina grappled with soaring inflation, exceeding 100% in May 2023. His radical proposals, including the free sale of firearms and human organs and the repeal of Argentina's abortion law, sparked widespread controversy and debate. His stance against the law that legalized abortion in 2020 was particularly contentious, as he proposed a referendum to potentially revoke it. Besides his August 2023 primary elections win being deemed a major election upset, it brought him to international attention. He was considered the front-runner going into the general election, where it was thought he would further improve his primaries margins and even win in the first round; the October 2023 results showed an underperformance from Milei, who maintained his voting percentage from the primaries, with Massa surprisingly coming up on top in what was seen as a backlash against Milei and his politics. Thus, the polls for the November 2023 runoff showed a tight race that would be decided by undecided voters. Ultimately, Milei won in a landslide victory and became the president of Argentina. Observers generally saw Milei's win more as a discontent for the status quo rather than support for his politics.

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