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  1. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News These are the most expensive neighborhoods in Latin America - Infobae

    These are the most expensive neighborhoods in Latin America - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2023/11/09/estos-son-los-barrios-mas-caros-de-america-latina-el-ganador-es-un-trazado-burbuja-de-argentina/ November 09, 2023 These are the most expensive neighborhoods in Latin...
  2. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News Puerto Madero: One of the most expensive neighborhoods - Clarin

    Puerto Madero: One of the most expensive neighborhoods - Clarin Source: https://www.clarin.com/economia/puerto-madero-lidera-ranking-barrios-caros-latinoamerica_0_q4N61naaHa.html November 06, 2023 Puerto Madero Leads the ranking of the most expensive neighborhoods in Latin America...
  3. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News Opportunity in the midst of the crisis: In which neighborhoods you can buy homes for less than USD 80,000 - Infobae

    Opportunity in the midst of the crisis: In which neighborhoods you can buy homes for less than USD 80,000 - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2023/12/21/oportunidad-en-medio-de-la-crisis-en-que-barrios-se-pueden-comprar-viviendas-por-menos-de-usd-80000/ Although the...
  4. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News Buying properties as an investment - La Nacion Propiedades

    Buying properties as an investment: Which are the 6 neighborhoods in CABA with the greatest supply and demand for temporary rentals - La Nacion Propiedades Source...
  5. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News 10 houses without heirs are auctioned in CABA: What neighborhoods are they in and how to participate in the online auction - Infobae

    10 houses without heirs are auctioned in CABA: What neighborhoods are they in and how to participate in the online auction December 15, 2023 There are 6 apartments, two houses, a plot of land with two buildings and a garage. They start with a base price from $22,333 By José Luis Cieri On...
  6. terry55

    Newcomer Meeting Americans

    Hello there! I'm currently in Buenos Aires, exploring the possibility of retiring here. I'm curious to know where Americans tend to live in Buenos Aires, particularly in neighborhoods that strike a balance between residential tranquility and proximity to the city's attractions. I'd prefer areas...
  7. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News How much does it cost to rent a one-bedroom apartment in CABA and what are the few neighborhoods in which they can be found? - Infobae

    How much does it cost to rent a one-bedroom apartment in CABA and what are the few neighborhoods in which they can be found? December 7, 2023 Values continue to rise. The combination of inflation, sustained demand, shortage of units in local currency and regulations are the factors that shape...
  8. karen99

    Newcomer BA Neighborhoods/Districts

    Hello, I'm planning a trip to Argentina at the end of March which of course includes BA. Can anyone give me a brief overview of BA districts so we can select a safe hotel in a suitable location for us? (For example, is there an area known for its restaurants or shops? Is there a district that...
  9. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News Neighborhoods at risk: High-rise construction advances while the discussion on the Buenos Aires Urban Planning Code is delayed - Infobae

    Neighborhoods at risk: High-rise construction advances while the discussion on the Buenos Aires Urban Planning Code is delayed December 4, 2023 With six proposals under legislative analysis, the aim is to adjust regulations in single-family housing areas. Neighborhoods such as Villa del...
  10. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News Demand for rentals in private neighborhoods fell 30% despite the decrease in prices in dollars - Infobae

    Demand for rentals in private neighborhoods fell 30% despite the decrease in prices in dollars December 3, 2023 Given the imminent change of government, uncertainty persists due to the political and economic context. In recent days, inquiries have grown, but operations have not materialized...
  11. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News Properties: In which neighborhoods, at what prices and what type of apartments sell the fastest - La Nacion Propiedades

    Properties: In which neighborhoods, at what prices and what type of apartments sell the fastest November 28, 2023 The most sought-after typology, the neighborhood that everyone wants, the prices and statistics on which properties are in demand in the city of Buenos Aires In the midst of a...