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omnibus law

  1. kenobi

    Politics After a new intermission in Deputies, the Government continues with the negotiations to unblock the Omnibus Law - Infobae

    After a new intermission in Deputies, the Government continues with the negotiations to unblock the Omnibus Law - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/02/02/nuevo-cuarto-intermedio-en-el-debate-de-la-ley-omnibus-el-gobierno-acerco-posiciones-pero-siguen-las-negociaciones/...
  2. K

    Politics Incidents and clashes between the Police and protesters outside Congress after a new day of debate on the Omnibus Law - Infobae

    Incidents and clashes between the Police and protesters outside Congress after a new day of debate on the Omnibus Law - Infobae Source...
  3. Olivia1

    Politics Milei said at the Cabinet meeting that they will not agree to more changes in the Omnibus Law: “Let the novel end” - Infobae

    Milei said at the Cabinet meeting that they will not agree to more changes in the Omnibus Law: “Let the novel end” - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/02/01/milei-dijo-en-la-reunion-de-gabinete-que-no-accederan-a-mas-cambios-en-la-ley-omnibus-que-se-termine-la-novela/...
  4. P

    Politics After the incidents, the picketers regroup forces and prepare a new march to Congress - Infobae

    After the incidents, the picketers regroup forces and prepare a new march to Congress - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/02/01/tras-los-incidentes-los-piqueteros-reagrupan-fuerzas-y-preparan-una-nueva-marcha-al-congreso/ February 01, 2024 Left-wing parties and...
  5. AguartsJE

    Politics Vote by vote: how is the count in Deputies for the Omnibus Law - Infobae

    Vote by vote: how is the count in Deputies for the Omnibus Law - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/01/31/voto-a-voto-como-esta-el-conteo-en-diputados-para-la-ley-omnibus/ January 31, 2024 The dialogue opposition will provide a quorum for today's session, called for 10...
  6. Postrip

    Politics In the run-up to the debate, the PRO ratified support for the Omnibus Law: “We feel identified” - Infobae

    In the run-up to the debate, the PRO ratified support for the Omnibus Law: “We feel identified” - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/01/31/en-la-previa-del-debate-el-pro-ratifico-el-apoyo-a-la-ley-omnibus-nos-sentimos-identificados/ January 31, 2024 The head of the bloc...
  7. JanselTour

    Politics The picketers seek to show strength and mobilize in Congress against the Omnibus Law in the midst of the debate - Infobae

    The picketers seek to show strength and mobilize in Congress against the Omnibus Law in the midst of the debate - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/01/31/los-piqueteros-buscan-mostrar-fuerza-y-se-movilizan-al-congreso-para-rechazar-la-ley-omnibus-en-medio-del-debate/...
  8. R

    Politics “Extortion block”: the message that Javier Milei shared after the summit between governors and Francos for the Omnibus Law - Infobae

    “Extortion block”: the message that Javier Milei shared after the summit between governors and Francos for the Omnibus Law - Infobae Source...
  9. D

    Politics Axel Kicillof will maintain his rejection of the Omnibus Law and monitors the impact in the province of Buenos Aires - Infobae

    Axel Kicillof will maintain his rejection of the Omnibus Law and monitors the impact in the province of Buenos Aires - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/01/29/axel-kicillof-mantendra-su-rechazo-a-la-ley-omnibus-y-monitorea-el-impacto-en-la-provincia-de-buenos-aires/...
  10. marcosba

    Politics The session to discuss the Omnibus Law in Deputies will be on Wednesday at 10: the debate would last more than 30 hours - Infobae

    The session to discuss the Omnibus Law in Deputies will be on Wednesday at 10: the debate would last more than 30 hours - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/01/29/la-sesion-para-tratar-la-ley-omnibus-en-diputados-sera-el-miercoles-a-las-10-el-debate-podria-durar-30-horas/...
  11. Quirno

    Politics The Government carried out the cancellation of more than 27 thousand social plans: among the beneficiaries were deceased people - Infobae

    The Government carried out the cancellation of more than 27 thousand social plans: among the beneficiaries were deceased people - Infobae Source...
  12. gringer

    Politics Miguel Ángel Pichetto: “We are willing to provide a quorum and debate the Omnibus Law” - Infobae

    Miguel Ángel Pichetto: “We are willing to provide a quorum and debate the Omnibus Law” - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/01/29/miguel-angel-pichetto-estamos-dispuestos-a-dar-quorum-y-debatir-el-martes-la-ley-omnibus/ January 29, 2024 The president of the We Make...
  13. AronG

    Politics The Government looks to the PRO and Peronism to seek the final votes for the Omnibus Law - Infobae

    The Government looks to the PRO and Peronism to seek the final votes for the Omnibus Law - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/01/29/el-gobierno-mira-al-pro-y-al-peronismo-para-buscar-los-votos-finales-de-la-ley-omnibus/ January 29, 2024 After eliminating the fiscal...
  14. perroc

    Politics This is how the Omnibus Law was drafted, after the modifications agreed upon by the Government and dialogue - Infobae

    This is how the Omnibus Law was drafted, after the modifications agreed upon by the Government and dialogue-oriented sectors of the opposition -Infobae Source...
  15. WillJursan

    Politics Omnibus Law: the ruling party sent the final project that it will take to the venue and the dialogue blocks define a position - Infobae

    Omnibus Law: the ruling party sent the final project that it will take to the venue and the dialogue blocks define a position - Infobae Source...
  16. CartyHTY

    Politics Javier Milei increases the pressure against the governors: “I am going to leave them without a peso” - Infobae

    Javier Milei increases the pressure against the governors: “I am going to leave them without a peso” - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/01/25/javier-milei-sube-la-presion-contra-los-gobernadores-los-voy-a-dejar-sin-un-peso/ January 26, 2024 At today's Cabinet meeting...
  17. S

    Politics Omnibus Law: the Government's envoy made little progress and the opposition threatens to veto key articles - Infobae

    Omnibus Law: the Government's envoy made little progress and the opposition threatens to veto key articles - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/01/25/ley-omnibus-el-enviado-del-gobierno-logro-pocos-avances-y-la-oposicion-amenaza-con-vetar-los-articulos-clave/ January 25...
  18. Val

    Politics Omnibus Law: the five points without consensus that could be rejected in the Chamber of Deputies - Infobae

    Omnibus Law: the five points without consensus that could be rejected in the Chamber of Deputies - Infobae Source: This Wednesday the project obtained an opinion, but the PRO, sectors of radicalism, We Make the Federal Coalition and Federal Innovation accompanied with dissidence. Due to lack...
  19. Ricrado

    Politics A massive march and a strike with disparate compliance, signs of a CGT that sent coded messages to Milei - Infobae

    A massive march and a strike with disparate compliance, signs of a CGT that sent coded messages to Milei - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/01/24/una-marcha-masiva-y-un-paro-de-dispar-acatamiento-senales-de-una-cgt-que-le-envio-mensajes-cifrados-a-milei/ January 24, 2024...
  20. marianoc

    Politics The Government minimized the CGT strike and focuses on the Omnibus Law: the bid with the provinces for withholdings - Infobae

    The Government minimized the CGT strike and focuses on the Omnibus Law: the bid with the provinces for withholdings - Infobae Source...