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Infant Potty Training: A Gentle and Primeval Method Adapted to Modern Living is a book about toilet training by Laurie Boucke. It is an expansion of ideas that were originally presented in a small self-published volume called Trickle Treat in 1991. Infant Potty Training was first published in 2000, is now in its third edition (2008), and has editions in German, Dutch, Italian and Japanese. Infant potty training is traditionally used in at least 80 countries.
Boucke's method of infant potty training is based on an ancient means of toilet training stemming from cultures that don't use diapers and washing machines, and that has been adapted to a modern urban lifestyle in various ways, including the use of a potty or toilet, part-time pottying and part-time diapering. Instead of always letting a baby eliminate in a diaper, parents start to offer some potty or toilet visits, usually at a much earlier age than with contemporary toilet training.

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