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  1. All the Answers

    Politics The picketers define new protest measures against the Government and denounce “discrimination” in the cancellation of plans - Infobae

    The picketers define new protest measures against the Government and denounce “discrimination” in the cancellation of plans - Infobae Source...
  2. All the Answers

    Politics Transport unions unite to pressure the CGT for an “urgent” protest against the Government - Infobae

    Transport unions unite to pressure the CGT for an “urgent” protest against the Government - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/03/15/los-sindicatos-del-transporte-se-unen-para-presionar-a-la-cgt-por-una-urgente-protesta-contra-el-gobierno/ March 15, 2024 The Moyanist...
  3. G

    Politics The debate in the CGT deepens: why they delay a new protest and the key month that could accelerate the fight with Milei - Infobae

    The debate in the CGT deepens: why they delay a new protest and the key month that could accelerate the fight with Milei - Infobae Source...
  4. S

    Politics "Social organizations lined up 20 blocks from Capital Humano to see Sandra Pettovello, who did not receive them.

    The demonstration extended from the corner of Carlos Pellegrini and Juncal, where the ministry is located, to the south; Adorni said that nobody summoned them and they were not going to be attended...
  5. Lili32

    Politics The social movements that accompanied the CGT in its march against the Milei Government announce new protest measures - Infobae

    The social movements that accompanied the CGT in its march against the Milei Government announce new protest measures - Infobae Source...
  6. TechNow

    Politics HUGE Protest Tonight 7 PM! Corrientes/Pueyrredon & Santa Fe/Callao.

    Tonight there is a nationwide protest march against Cristina and the kronies in her government. We'll be marching to preserve the constitution, against Korruption, for increased security, and a whole host of other reasons. In the city of Buenos Aires we'll be gathering at Santa Fe/Callao and...
  7. S

    Politics Caught Up in the Meaningless Protest Last Night

    Hi folks, Im orginaly from NYC and have been coming to BsAs for business and to be an expat for months at a time since 2005. I was walking up Santa Fe Avenue last night and had never seen so many people ( 100k-150k ) angry with the government and certainly never seen so many middle class...
  8. R

    Politics Barrios de Pie protested with empty pots in front of the Hotel Libertador, where Javier Milei lives - La Nación

    Barrios de Pie protested with empty pots in front of the Hotel Libertador, where Javier Milei lives - La Nación Source: https://www.lanacion.com.ar/politica/barrios-de-pie-protesta-con-ollas-vacias-frente-al-hotel-libertador-donde-vive-javier-milei-nid05012024/ January 05, 2024 The...
  9. Robert07

    Politics Argentina’s unions fill streets to protest president’s actions - SiliconValley.com

    Argentina’s unions fill streets to protest president’s actions - SiliconValley.com Source: https://www.siliconvalley.com/2023/12/27/argentinas-unions-fill-streets-to-protest-presidents-actions/ Newly elected leader Javier Milei has devalued the country's currency by 50% Gustavo...
  10. D

    Travel BA Design/Hard Rock Cafe Closing Saturday?

    Has anyone come across the news that the Buenos Aires Design shopping mall, along with its restaurants (including Hard Rock, as indicated by La Nación and HRC's Facebook page), is set to close permanently this Saturday? I recall signing a petition on change.org a few months back in an attempt...
  11. DaveDed

    Politics Are people watching this - could become serious

    Is everybody following this unfortunate strike of truck drivers and the intervention of the national guard? I really hope that this doesn't boil over.......these types of incidents can trigger a major bruhaha that can last for a long long time and affect us all very adversely. I understand what...