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  1. BuySellBA

    Apartment Rental A report revealed how much rental prices in the northern zone rose in the year - La Nacion Propiedades

    A report revealed how much rental prices in the northern zone rose in the year - La Nación Propiedades Source: https://www.lanacion.com.ar/propiedades/casas-y-departamentos/un-informe-revelo-cuanto-subieron-los-precios-de-alquiler-en-zona-norte-en-el-ano-nid09122024/ December 09, 2024...
  2. BuySellBA

    Apartment Rental Without the Rental Law, the supply of properties in CABA grew almost 200%: stable prices and more negotiation - Infobae

    Without the Rental Law, the supply of properties in CABA grew almost 200%: stable prices and more negotiation-Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/12/02/sin-ley-de-alquileres-la-oferta-de-propiedades-en-caba-crecio-casi-200-precios-estables-y-mas-negociacion/ December 02...
  3. BuySellBA

    Apartment Rental New legal tool: how can a “family asset” be used as collateral in a rental contract? - Infobae

    New legal tool: how can a “family asset” be used as collateral in a rental contract? - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/11/26/nueva-herramienta-juridica-de-que-manera-se-puede-usar-un-bien-de-familia-como-garantia-en-un-contrato-de-alquiler/ November 26, 2024 Thanks...
  4. BuySellBA

    Apartment Rental The rental law is changing forever: tenants will be able to remain in the property, even if the owner does not want to renew the contract- El Cronista

    The rental law is changing forever: tenants will be able to remain in the property, even if the owner does not want to renew the contract - El Cronista Source...
  5. BuySellBA

    Apartment Rental 90% of rental agreements in CABA are made in pesos: what is the most commonly used type of contract and adjustment? - Infobae

    90% of rental agreements in CABA are made in pesos: what is the most commonly used type of contract and adjustment? - Infobae Source...
  6. BuySellBA

    Apartment Rental Study reflects the distorting effects of the rental law on the real estate market in CABA - Ambito

    Study reflects the distorting effects of the rental law on the real estate market in CABA - Ambito Source: https://www.ambito.com/negocios/estudio-refleja-los-efectos-distorsivos-la-ley-alquileres-el-mercado-inmobiliario-caba-n6075106 October 27, 2024 This is a report by the UTDT that...
  7. BuySellBA

    Apartment Rental The rental index adjustment falls for the first time in 53 months: how much is it reduced and what is due - Infobae

    The rental index adjustment falls for the first time in 53 months: how much is it reduced and what is due - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/10/27/el-ajuste-por-el-indice-de-alquileres-baja-por-primera-vez-en-53-meses-cuanto-se-reduce-y-a-que-se-debe/ October 27, 2024...
  8. BuySellBA

    Apartment Rental Properties: the 3 neighborhoods where a rented apartment yields the best income - Infobae

    Properties: the 3 neighborhoods where a rented apartment yields the best income - Infobae Source: https://www.lanacion.com.ar/propiedades/casas-y-departamentos/propiedades-los-3-barrios-en-los-que-un-departamento-alquilado-deja-la-mejor-renta-nid16102024/ October 16, 2024 The areas are...
  9. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News Franchises grew despite the recession and boosted the commercial rental market: booming sectors - Infobae

    Franchises grew despite the recession and boosted the commercial rental market: booming sectors - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/10/15/crecieron-las-franquicias-pese-a-la-recesion-y-dinamizan-el-mercado-de-alquileres-comerciales-los-rubros-en-auge/ October 15, 2024...
  10. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News Regulation and rental market in Spain: due to lack of supply, they propose copying Milei's DNU - Infobae

    Regulation and rental market in Spain: due to lack of supply, they propose copying Milei's DNU - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/10/09/regulacion-y-mercado-de-alquileres-en-espana-ante-la-falta-de-oferta-proponen-copiar-el-dnu-de-milei/ October 09, 2024 As happened...
  11. BuySellBA

    Apartment Rental Everything you need to know before signing a rental contract - Infobae

    Everything you need to know before signing a rental contract - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/10/06/todo-lo-que-hay-que-saber-antes-de-firmar-un-contrato-de-alquiler-de-vivienda/ October 06, 2024 Rights to terminate the agreement. Division of ordinary and...
  12. BuySellBA

    Apartment Rental The real estate investment in which you earn up to three times more than with a traditional rental - La Nacion Propiedades

    The real estate investment in which you earn up to three times more than with a traditional rental - La Nacion Propiedades Source: https://www.lanacion.com.ar/propiedades/inversiones/el-negocio-al-que-se-puede-entrar-con-el-mismo-ticket-de-un-monoambiente-pero-se-gana-hasta-el-nid02102024/...
  13. BuySellBA

    Apartment Rental The Wall Street Journal praised the repeal of the rental law in Argentina - La Nacion Propiedades

    The Wall Street Journal praised the repeal of the rental law in Argentina - La Nacion Propiedades Source: https://www.lanacion.com.ar/propiedades/casas-y-departamentos/the-wall-street-journal-elogio-la-derogacion-de-la-ley-de-alquileres-en-la-argentina-nid01102024/ October 02, 2024 The...
  14. BuySellBA

    Apartment Rental Without a Rental Law: Which are the most sought-after apartments in CABA and how much are they worth? - Infobae

    Without a Rental Law: Which are the most sought-after apartments in CABA and how much are they worth? - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/09/26/sin-ley-de-alquileres-cuales-son-los-departamentos-que-mas-se-buscan-en-caba-y-cuanto-valen/ September 26, 2024 A private...
  15. BuySellBA

    Apartment Rental The Rental Law is dead: this is the new type of contract that real estate agencies use the most - El Cronista

    The Rental Law is dead: this is the new type of contract that real estate agencies use the most - El Cronista Source: https://www.cronista.com/informacion-gral/murio-la-ley-de-alquileres-asi-es-la-nueva-modalidad-de-contrato-que-mas-utilizan-las-inmobiliarias/ September 18, 2024 A...
  16. BuySellBA

    Apartment Rental Rental contracts based on the repealed law will be updated in October with a 238% increase - Infobae

    Rental contracts based on the repealed law will be updated in October with a 238% increase - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/09/18/los-contratos-de-alquiler-basados-en-la-ley-derogada-se-actualizaran-en-octubre-con-una-suba-del-238/ September 18, 2024 This is the...
  17. BuySellBA

    Apartment Rental Four-bedroom apartments are back on the Buenos Aires rental market: how much they cost and who is looking for them - Infobae

    Four-bedroom apartments are back on the Buenos Aires rental market: how much they cost and who is looking for them - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/09/14/volvieron-al-mercado-de-alquileres-porteno-los-departamentos-de-5-ambientes-cuanto-cuestan-y-quienes-los-buscan/...
  18. BuySellBA

    Apartment Rental Expenses more than doubled the inflation estimated for August and reached $150,000 on average - Ambito Financiero

    Expenses more than doubled the inflation estimated for August and reached $150,000 on average - Ambito Source: https://www.ambito.com/economia/las-expensas-mas-que-duplicaron-la-inflacion-estimada-agosto-y-rozaron-los-150000-promedio-n6058309 September 11, 2024 Expenses have increased by...
  19. BuySellBA

    Apartment Rental Moving costs 240% more than a year ago: how much to pay and what to keep in mind to avoid headaches - Infobae

    Moving costs 240% more than a year ago: how much to pay and what to keep in mind to avoid headaches - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/09/07/mudarse-cuesta-un-240-mas-que-hace-un-ano-cuanto-hay-que-pagar-y-lo-que-se-debe-tener-en-cuenta-para-evitar-dolores-de-cabeza/...
  20. BuySellBA

    Apartment Rental Guide to avoiding surprises: 8 key points to keep in mind when negotiating new rental contracts - Infobae

    Guide to avoiding surprises: 8 key points to keep in mind when negotiating new rental contracts - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/09/01/guia-para-evitar-sorpresas-8-claves-a-tener-en-cuenta-al-negociar-nuevos-contratos-de-alquiler/ September 1st, 2024 The...