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  1. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News New UVA mortgage loans: Is the initial payment similar to the cost of a rental? - Infobae

    New UVA mortgage loans: Is the initial payment similar to the cost of a rental? - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/05/25/nuevos-creditos-hipotecarios-uva-la-cuota-inicial-es-similar-al-costo-de-un-alquiler/ May 25, 2024 For now, the fees do not equal the cost...
  2. BuySellBA

    Apartment Rental Temporary or traditional rental: What factors influence maximizing profitability - Infobae

    Temporary or traditional rental: What factors influence maximizing profitability - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/05/23/alquiler-temporario-o-tradicional-que-factores-influyen-para-maximizar-la-rentabilidad/ May 23, 2024 What are the best options for the...
  3. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News Record increase: How much will rental contracts increase in June 2024? - La Nacion Propiedades

    Record increase: How much will rental contracts increase in June 2024? - La Nacion Propiedades Source: https://www.lanacion.com.ar/propiedades/casas-y-departamentos/aumento-record-cuanto-aumentaran-los-contratos-de-alquiler-en-junio-de-2024-nid22052024/ May 23, 2024 During the...
  4. Oatmeal

    Home Insurance - Rental Contract

    Hi. Does anyone have any information on a company that provides insurance for a rental (home)? The landlord (owner) is requesting I get fire & civil liability coverage. Normal there is rental insurance from my understanding back in the US but not sure about here. I was told by the accessor this...
  5. BuySellBA

    Apartment Rental The Rental Law died: The neighborhoods of CABA where it became a business again - El Cronista

    The Rental Law died: The neighborhoods of CABA where it became a business again - El Cronista Source: https://www.cronista.com/negocios/murio-la-ley-de-alquileres-los-barrios-de-caba-en-los-que-volvio-a-ser-negocio/ April 22, 2024 The Rental Law died: the neighborhoods of CABA...
  6. BuySellBA

    Apartment Rental Improve rental income - Reporte Inmobiliario

    Improve rental income - Reporte Inmobiliario Source: https://www.reporteinmobiliario.com/article5447-mejora-la-renta-por-alquiler April 19, 2024 In March, the general annual gross rent for apartments exceeded 4%. Detail of profitability by neighborhood for used apartments in...
  7. BuySellBA

    Apartment Rental Due to the greater supply, rental prices had slight decreases in less sought-after neighborhoods of CABA - Infobae

    Due to the greater supply, rental prices had slight decreases in less sought-after neighborhoods of CABA - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/04/18/por-la-mayor-oferta-los-precios-de-alquileres-tuvieron-leves-descensos-en-barrios-menos-cotizados-de-caba/ April 18...
  8. L

    Inflation index on long-term rental apartment rental contracts in Buenos Aires?

    Long time lurker but first time poster. I have been renting an apartment from the same owner for the past several years. I initially got stuck here during Covid but have been playing the perma tourist game. So far so good. Argentina has to be the easiest country in the world to stay...
  9. BuySellBA

    Apartment Rental Rental boom and record in the AMBA: There are 19,000 apartments on offer, 170% more since the DNU came into force - Infobae

    Rental boom and record in the AMBA: There are 19,000 apartments on offer, 170% more since the DNU came into force - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/04/13/boom-alquileres-y-record-en-el-amba-hay-19000-departamentos-en-oferta-un-170-mas-desde-que-rige-el-dnu/...
  10. BuySellBA

    Apartment Rental New rental contracts: In which Buenos Aires neighborhoods the supply grew the most after Milei's DNU - Infobae

    New rental contracts: In which Buenos Aires neighborhoods the supply grew the most after Milei's DNU - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/04/11/nuevos-contratos-de-alquileres-en-que-barrios-portenos-crecio-mas-la-oferta-luego-del-dnu-de-milei/ April 11, 2024 New...
  11. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News Tenants and the first increases after the repeal of the Rental Law: How to calculate the April increase - Infobae

    Tenants and the first increases after the repeal of the Rental Law: How to calculate the April increase - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/04/01/los-inquilinos-y-los-primeros-aumentos-luego-de-la-derogacion-de-ley-de-alquileres-como-calcular-la-suba-de-abril/...
  12. luca

    Searching for a temporary rental

    Hi all, I've decided to extend my stay in Buenos Aires. I've been looking on Zonaprop for temporary / furnished rentals, but I also wanted to expand my search by posting on here. I've included a little bit more about what I'm looking for below. If any of you have a rental that fits this bill...
  13. Oatmeal

    Who is responsible for the monthly (expensas) on a rental? Landlord or Tenant?

    I would expect the rental price would factor the monthly maintenance/expensas to be covered by the landlord, however I am not sure if this is the case here. If the tenant is responsible am I fair to say this can be negotiated and responsible by the landlord? This would be a rental contact of 1...
  14. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News The Rental Law died: it was the best February in six years for property sales - El Cronista

    The Rental Law died: it was the best February in six years for property sales - El Cronista Source: https://www.cronista.com/negocios/murio-la-ley-de-alquileres-fue-el-mejor-febrero-en-seis-anos-para-la-venta-de-propiedades/ March 25, 2024 It was the best February in six years for the sale...
  15. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News How to reduce costs for the tenant when signing a rental contract - Infobae

    How to reduce costs for the tenant when signing a rental contract - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/03/23/como-reducir-costos-para-el-inquilino-a-la-hora-de-firmar-un-contrato-de-alquiler/ March 23, 2024 Although prices show a slight decline, in CABA they still...
  16. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News How much will tenants who still have a contract based on the previous Rental Law pay in April - Infobae

    How much will tenants who still have a contract based on the previous Rental Law pay in April - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/03/22/cuanto-pagaran-en-abril-los-inquilinos-que-todavia-tienen-un-contrato-en-base-a-la-ley-de-alquileres-anterior/ March 22, 2024...
  17. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News What will happen to the new rental contracts if Milei's DNU is rejected? - Infobae

    What will happen to the new rental contracts if Milei's DNU is rejected? - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/03/14/que-pasara-con-los-nuevos-contratos-de-alquileres-si-se-rechaza-el-dnu-de-milei/ March 14, 2024 The Senate meets today to debate the DNU that includes...
  18. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News Is the rental law coming back?: What happens to the contracts if the DNU is rejected in Senators and Deputies - La Nacion Propiedades

    Is the rental law coming back?: What happens to the contracts if the DNU is rejected in Senators and Deputies - La Nacion Propiedades Source...
  19. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News Rental Law: The PRO asked that it remain repealed even if Milei's DNU is annulled - Infobae

    Rental Law: The PRO asked that it remain repealed even if Milei's DNU is annulled - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/03/15/ley-de-alquileres-el-pro-pidio-que-siga-derogada-aunque-se-anule-el-dnu-de-milei/ March 15, 2024 The rejection in the Senate of decree 70 of...
  20. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News Harsh reaction from the real estate sector to the possible return of the rental law - La Nacion Propiedades

    Harsh reaction from the real estate sector to the possible return of the rental law - La Nacion Propiedades Source: https://www.lanacion.com.ar/propiedades/casas-y-departamentos/rechazo-y-preocupacion-de-los-empresarios-inmobiliarios-por-la-vuelta-de-la-ley-de-alquileres-nid15032024/...