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  1. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News What are the three neighborhoods in the northern zone where renting a property leaves you more money? - La Nacion Propiedades

    What are the three neighborhoods in the northern zone where renting a property leaves you more money? - La Nacion Propiedades Source...
  2. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News Why “home staging” is key to selling or renting a property quickly - La Nacion Propiedades

    Why “home staging” is key to selling or renting a property quickly - La Nacion Propiedades Source: https://www.lanacion.com.ar/propiedades/casas-y-departamentos/por-que-el-home-staging-es-clave-para-vender-o-alquilar-rapido-una-propiedad-nid19022024/ February 19, 2024 If you want to...
  3. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News New problems for renting: there is more supply, but the costs and requirements to access a home have skyrocketed - Infobae

    New problems for renting: there is more supply, but the costs and requirements to access a home have skyrocketed - Infobae Source...
  4. BuySellBA

    Economy New problems for renting: there is more supply, but the costs and requirements to access a home have skyrocketed - Infobae

    New problems for renting: there is more supply, but the costs and requirements to access a home have skyrocketed - Infobae Source...
  5. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News Properties: The most sought-after area where renting an apartment costs 13% cheaper than in CABA - La Nacion Propiedades

    Properties: The most sought-after area where renting an apartment costs 13% cheaper than in CABA - La Nacion Propiedades Source...
  6. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News Renting: a bad business? - La Nación Propiedades

    Renting: a bad business? - La Nación Propiedades Source: https://www.lanacion.com.ar/propiedades/casas-y-departamentos/alquilar-un-mal-negocio-cuanto-dinero-pierden-los-duenos-porque-los-contratos-se-ajustan-solo-una-nid22092023/ September 25, 2023 Renting: a bad business? How much money...
  7. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News Few and very expensive: renting a 2-bedroom house in GBA costs at least $400,000 per month - Infobae

    Few and very expensive: renting a 2-bedroom house in GBA costs at least $400,000 per month - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2023/09/30/pocas-y-muy-caras-alquilar-una-casa-de-3-ambientes-en-el-gran-buenos-aires-cuesta-al-menos-400000-mensuales/ September 30, 2023 The lack...
  8. B

    Apartment Rental Owner Selling Apt While I'm Renting

    It seems you find yourself in a situation where your landlord wants to sell the apartment you're currently renting, and you're concerned about the potential inconvenience and safety of having prospective buyers visiting the property. Here's an alternative phrasing for your situation: I entered...
  9. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News Increases and inflation: Renting a 2-bedroom apartment in the northern area exceeds $245,000 - La Nación Propiedades

    Increases and inflation: Renting a 2-bedroom apartment in the northern area exceeds $245,000 - La Nación Propiedades Source...
  10. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News Renting a four-room apartment in CABA increased by 358% in the last year - INFOBAE

    Renting a four-room apartment in CABA increased by 358% in the last year - INFOBAE Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2023/12/20/golpe-al-bolsillo-alquilar-un-departamento-de-cuatro-ambientes-en-caba-subio-un-358-en-el-ultimo-ano/ The steady rise in housing costs persists...
  11. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News The drama of renting: In CABA, almost 80% of young people must terminate their contracts because they cannot pay them - Infobae

    The drama of renting: In CABA, almost 80% of young people must terminate their contracts because they cannot pay them - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2023/12/19/el-drama-de-alquilar-en-caba-casi-el-80-de-los-jovenes-debe-rescindir-sus-contratos-porque-no-pueden-pagarlos/...