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  1. E

    Argentina is not expensive in US$, is expensive in TAXES.

    This is to understand what decades of adding taxes and putting pressure on the population to maintain a giant state causes over time:
  2. BuySellBA

    Real Estate Sales The “fine print” of a mortgage loan: rates and taxes can add up to an extra cost of up to 5% - La Nacion Propiedades

    The “fine print” of a mortgage loan: rates and taxes can add up to an extra cost of up to 5% - La Nación Propiedades Source...
  3. Finance Prof

    AFIP to ARCA: Milei government announces ‘dissolution’ of tax bureau

    Great news! This is needed! I would rejoice if they blew the IRS up! https://www.batimes.com.ar/news/economy/afip-to-arca-milei-government-announces-dissolution-of-tax-bureau.phtml
  4. All the Answers

    Economy Contrary to what was promised during the campaign, the Government raises taxes - Infobae

    Contrary to what was promised during the campaign, the Government raises taxes - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/opinion/2024/09/16/a-diferencia-de-lo-prometido-en-campana-el-gobierno-sube-los-impuestos/ September 16, 2024 Except for taxpayers with high net worth abroad, the...
  5. All the Answers

    Economy Banco Nación filed a lawsuit before the Supreme Court against La Pampa for the increase in taxes - Infobae

    Banco Nación filed a lawsuit before the Supreme Court against La Pampa for the increase in taxes - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/09/13/banco-nacion-presento-una-demanda-ante-la-corte-suprema-contra-la-pampa-por-el-aumento-de-impuestos/ September 13, 2024 The...
  6. All the Answers

    Politics Municipal taxes: Kicillof clarified that they can be included in the services and faces Milei again - Infobae

    Municipal taxes: Kicillof clarified that they can be included in the services and faces Milei again - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/09/12/tasas-municipales-kicillof-aclaro-que-pueden-incluirse-en-los-servicios-y-vuelve-a-enfrentarse-con-milei/ September 12, 2024 Through...
  7. BuySellBA

    Apartment Rental QR code required for Buenos Aires property taxes: A new measure will allow owners and tenants to audit consortia - Infobae

    QR code required for Buenos Aires property taxes: A new measure will allow owners and tenants to audit consortia - Infobae Source...
  8. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News Law Bases and tax package: How it impacts the taxes paid by those who have a property as an investment - La Nacion Propiedades

    Law Bases and tax package: How it impacts the taxes paid by those who have a property as an investment - La Nacion Propiedades Source...
  9. Finance Prof

    Receipts to consumers to now include ALL taxes included for more transparency

    Argentina has so many taxes it's insane. Now with the approval of the Bases Law in the Senate, the project "consumer tax transparency regime" advances, which proposes to include in tickets, invoices and vouchers issued throughout the country the breakdown of the taxes paid by the consumer...
  10. Melibaires

    Politics Milei promises to lower taxes, expand May Pact after Ley Bases approval

    They should agree to come to a consensus and approve the basic law now! I believe that would help the country's economy. https://buenosairesherald.com/politics/milei-promises-to-lower-taxes-expand-may-pact-after-ley-bases-approval
  11. All the Answers

    Economy The three taxes that Milei wants to lower when economic activity rebounds - Infobae

    The three taxes that Milei wants to lower when economic activity rebounds - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/05/21/los-tres-impuestos-que-quiere-bajar-milei-cuando-rebote-la-actividad-economica/ May 21, 2021 The president said that a return to product growth will give...
  12. All the Answers

    Politics Finally, the opposition incorporated into the Base Law the chapter that requires “Mr. Tobacco” to pay taxes - Infobae

    Finally, the opposition incorporated into the Base Law the chapter that requires “Mr. Tobacco” to pay taxes - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/politica/2024/04/30/finalmente-la-oposicion-incorporo-a-la-ley-bases-el-capitulo-que-obliga-al-senor-tabaco-a-pagar-impuestos/ April 30, 2024...
  13. All the Answers

    Economy More taxes: new municipal taxes affect companies and put pressure on prices - Infobae

    More taxes: new municipal taxes affect companies and put pressure on prices - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/04/25/mas-impuestos-nuevas-tasas-municipales-afectan-a-las-empresas-y-presionan-sobre-los-precios/ April 25, 2024 The income crisis faced by the different...
  14. All the Answers

    Economy They freed the import of basic products and medicines: how the system will work and what taxes are suspended - Infobae

    They freed the import of basic products and medicines: how the system will work and what taxes are suspended -Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/03/12/liberaron-la-importacion-de-productos-basicos-y-medicamentos-como-funcionara-el-sistema-y-que-impuestos-se-suspenden/...
  15. B

    Taxes Argentine taxes

    I am considering staying longer term in Argentina but I see that there is no double taxation treaty with the USA. Does anyone living here have experience with the tax situation for US citizens?
  16. S

    Taxes Expat AFIP taxes

    Looking at filing taxes with Afip. US expat earning income remote from an outside country depositing into US Bank account. Anyone with similar experience that can confirm 35% of total earned income is what's due in the top tax bracket here?
  17. Tessa

    Economy Profits: the Government clarified that the non-taxable minimum will be $1,350,000 and 800 thousand people would pay again - Infobae

    Profits: the Government clarified that the non-taxable minimum will be $1,350,000 and 800 thousand people would pay again - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/01/22/ganancias-el-gobierno-enviara-manana-al-congreso-el-proyecto-para-que-paguen-los-salarios-desde-23-millones/...
  18. MiltonRD

    Economy Omnibus law: negotiation with the opposition could make the Government lose part of the fiscal adjustment plan - Infobae

    Omnibus law: negotiation with the opposition could make the Government lose part of the fiscal adjustment plan - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2024/01/22/ley-omnibus-la-negociacion-con-la-oposicion-podria-hacer-perder-al-gobierno-parte-del-plan-de-ajuste-fiscal/ January 22...
  19. P

    Wow I was shocked to learn I have to pay some taxes on my Social Security payments. Do you all pay taxes on pension or SS benefits?

    I recently retired and I mistakenly assumed I didn't have to pay any state or federal taxes on my Social security benefits. I got the shock of my life when I found out I have to pay some taxes on it. I get my deceased husband's pension too. Do you all pay any taxes on your Social Security...
  20. MDirtBoy

    Taxes Capital Gains Taxes

    Hello everyone! If a foreign seller (no DNI) sells property here, what is the capital gains tax? Everything is in white. Will be working with a foreign buyer if that makes any difference. Many thanks in advance.