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  1. BuySellBA

    Real Estate News The Government enacted the rental law: How the new contracts will be like and what taxes owners stop paying - La Nación Propiedades

    The Government enacted the rental law: How the new contracts will be like and what taxes owners stop paying - La Nación Propiedades Source...
  2. PerryP

    Economy Omnibus law: imported products may be entered for personal use without paying taxes - infobae

    Interesting news Omnibus law: imported products may be entered for personal use without paying taxes - Infobae Source: https://www.infobae.com/economia/2023/12/27/ley-omnibus-se-podran-ingresar-productos-importados-para-uso-personal-sin-pagar-impuestos/ December 27, 2023 The Government...
  3. F

    Taxes Income tax here(living in Argentina) as US citizen working for US company paid in USD: How does it work?

    Anyone familiar with how income taxes work if you're earning in foreign currency but living here with the company is in no way associated with Argentina?? My understanding and I could be wrong, but if for example, I'm living in Argentina but working for and being paid by a US employer I pay my...
  4. A

    Taxes Agent claims foreigners cannot sell a house for six years

    Hello - new to this site, and this forum. My American parents bought a house they've never seen in the town of San Rafael about 10 years ago. Now they are elderly and need to sell it to pay mounting medical bills here in the US, where they live. The real estate agent conveniently "rented back"...
  5. D

    Taxes Tax help!

    Hi, I'm hoping someone could give me a hand here. Just landed a new job. Company is based in FL, USA but I'm working remotely from Argentina. It's a base salary job, plus commissions. What is the general percentage taken out for salary based on commission? I need to fill out W-2, etc...any...
  6. DaveDed

    Politics Are people watching this - could become serious

    Is everybody following this unfortunate strike of truck drivers and the intervention of the national guard? I really hope that this doesn't boil over.......these types of incidents can trigger a major bruhaha that can last for a long long time and affect us all very adversely. I understand what...
  7. P

    Economy Is Argentina on the verge of another crisis?

    Hi I am a newcomer to this forum. I have toyed with the idea of moving to Argentina for a few years. I have been looking at recent posts to get a feel for the current situation. What I have read does not install much confidence in making this move. It appears that inflation is running out of...