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  1. M

    Economy Do I need to think about inflation even if I live with USD from overseas rental income

    If I live in buenos aires or other cities,I will try to live with USD and I exchange ARS one time in few days. I will get rental income and it is foreign currency(maybe USD). need I still worry about inflation a lot? And Does shop allow to pay USD?
  2. L

    Banking Get USD in Santiago, Chile

    I'm going to Santiago, Chile, soon and I wanna try to get USD there with my ATM or Credit Card from a Swiss account. Anybody has done it before and can tell me which bank to go to? Don't feel like wasting to much time looking around so thanks for giving me a specific hint (I know this might...
  3. M

    Western Union gave me $500 USD in 100 peso bills

    The lady at the counter said we only have 100s is that OK? But I wasn't paying attention and thought she meant 1000s so I said fine Next minute she pulls out these enormous sacks of cash and I had to fill my entire backpack and a large shopping bag. Wtf.. Anyone know If I take it into a bank...
  4. M

    Visas Visa Rentista and the need for pesification

    Hello, I have a visa rentista from 11.2022 - it’s end 11.2023 I have enough passive income for new emigration rules to extend my visa. I can send it to my Argentinian bank accounts in USD (I already have a USD account) - In the new system can I withdraw USD or I must convert it to Peso and...
  5. M

    Economy Argentina's continued collapse by another Redditor in June 2023

    Just came across this report- How much of this is true? Looks quite worrisome. :( "I was just here, it is true they work for visa bank cards that a foreign. But f*ck my life that was the most expensive place I've ever travelled. They have somehow priced inflation like 6 months ahead, even...
  6. M

    Newcomer living cost for one person in BA?

    Hi I want to know living cost for one person.But no cost for rent.Can you tell me price for 2 bedroom in safety area? and I think I will get money from overseas.(maybe USD or KRW) I think I will eat out sometimes and travel by airplane 1 or less times a year. Also,I want privite health...