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I'm planning a two-month sabbatical in Buenos Aires with my wife and three kids (ages 10, 8, and 6). We're looking for an authentic experience away from the touristy spots. Coming from Portland, Oregon, we're keen on immersing ourselves in the local culture. Our ideal plan involves enrolling the kids in a soccer camp for a few weeks, allowing my wife and me to unwind while working remotely (she doesn't have a sabbatical). After this, we plan to explore must-see places as a family, either by car or public transportation. We're experienced in road trips, having done a major one across the USA with tent camping.

Given our devotion to Catholicism, we also wish to visit local churches and pilgrimage centers. To make our experience more meaningful, I'm interested in volunteering to speak to high school or college students during our stay. I hold a Ph.D. in electrical engineering and work in the chip industry.
We're mindful of our budget, which is set at $20,000. Any suggestions or recommendations for places to visit, affordable accommodations, local soccer camps, and potential volunteering opportunities would be greatly appreciated.
So, a few questions/comments:

- If you don't want a touristy experience why come to Buenos Aires? Why not go somewhere rural?
- Soccer camp will be very difficult if you and your kids don't speak Spanish, unless you're looking to get fleeced for being rich gringos
- Your wife is going to be working remotely I assume? If so, this will require you to stay in cities/towns for a good internet connection
- Camping/roadtrips in Argentina aren't the same as the US, Argentina isn't I-5 to Disneyland, depending on where you go/what you want to see
you need to do some preparation and investigation
- Someone else may be more knowledgeable than me on this given my... senitments on catholicism, but you'll want to visit the Basílica de Nuestra Señora de Luján, about an hour and change west of Buenos Aires. She's the patron saint of Argentina, and I there's also some sort of pilgrimage route in the middle of the country too, but I can't remember it's name/when it happens/what it's about
- Again, do you speak Spanish? And even so, no offense, but I'm not sure a school is going to be interested in having some random gringo come speak when we have people in this industry here already
- The average salary in Argentina is 4K USD a YEAR, you guys will be fine, also I think it's important to practice some modesty as you're coming from a place of extreme privilege in a country where 66% of children live in poverty and millions of people are indigent. It may not be your intention, but it comes across as out of touch worrying about a budget friendliness when said budget is the equivalent of someone coming to the US on vacation for two month with 250K USD for two months of vacation.
Find a location in the Provincia de Buenos Aires with good internet and rural atmosphere. For example Mercedes, 100 kmts. from B.A.
when are you planning to come? The recommendations for summer and winter holiday time, and low season, would be very different. Aer you planning to have a car here?
I'm planning a two-month sabbatical in Buenos Aires with my wife and three kids (ages 10, 8, and 6). We're looking for an authentic experience away from the touristy spots. Coming from Portland, Oregon, we're keen on immersing ourselves in the local culture. Our ideal plan involves enrolling the kids in a soccer camp for a few weeks, allowing my wife and me to unwind while working remotely (she doesn't have a sabbatical). After this, we plan to explore must-see places as a family, either by car or public transportation. We're experienced in road trips, having done a major one across the USA with tent camping.

Given our devotion to Catholicism, we also wish to visit local churches and pilgrimage centers. To make our experience more meaningful, I'm interested in volunteering to speak to high school or college students during our stay. I hold a Ph.D. in electrical engineering and work in the chip industry.
We're mindful of our budget, which is set at $20,000. Any suggestions or recommendations for places to visit, affordable accommodations, local soccer camps, and potential volunteering opportunities would be greatly appreciated.
Planning for summer 2024 Mid June to mid August. I can drive and willing to rent a car if that is what is needed to make my experience enjoyable. But prefer to take public transportation if it's safe and convenient.
I'm not sure if you're kids play tennis at all? My kids both play competitive tennis. My daughter made the Varsity tennis team as a Freshman in high school. We just got back from 2 months in Buenos Aires this summer. Here in the USA we pay $100 US per hour per kid in tennis lessons. In Buenos Aires we had a top instructor and we paid $15 US per hour. You might want to look for things like that.