Above inflation: rents in the northern zone continue to rise - Infobae

Por encima de la inflación: los alquileres en zona norte continúan en aumento
Los valores de publicación de los alquileres en GBA norte subieron más del 60% en lo que va del año, pero continúan por debajo del promedio de la ciudad de Buenos Aires

October 10, 2024
Rental listing prices in North GBA have risen by more than 60% so far this year, but remain below the average for the city of Buenos Aires

Rincón de Milberg is positioned as the most expensive neighborhood to rent in the northern area of Greater Buenos AiresRicardo Pristupluk
For the second consecutive month, rental listing prices in the northern area of Greater Buenos Aires increased above inflation : 5.1% in September , according to data from the latest Zonaprop report, compared to 4.2% of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) announced by INDEC in August (the last data released).
In this way, it is observed that in the third quarter of the year the values of the new contracts rose by 15% and accumulate an increase of 63.3% so far this year: 38.3 percentage points below inflation (94.8%). These agreements are established today due to contractual freedom, following the repeal of the rental law reflected in Javier Milei's DNU on December 29, 2023; while the contracts under it are still in force: those that are updated annually by the Lease Contract Index (ICL) and those that increase every six months by Casa Propia . The latter were closed after the law was updated at the end of October last year.
Regarding the latter, Federico González Rouco, an economist specializing in housing, made reference : “In recent years, up until December, we had contracts that were adjusted every year based on the ICL, which generated the automatic reaction of the owner trying to cover himself and, consequently, inflating the initial prices a lot. Today, the scheme is more consistent with the Argentine economic reality : more periodic updates that mean that this need for coverage, of putting money into uncertainty, is no longer there .”

A one-bedroom apartment of 50 m² in GBA north is rented for an average of $473,179 per month Daniel Karp
Another key fact to keep in mind is that this increase in the northern zone is above the increase in the city of Buenos Aires , which was 4.4% in August compared to the previous month, but lower than that of the west-south zone of GBA, which was 5.7%.
In concrete numbers, a one-bedroom apartment of 50 m² in GBA Norte is rented for an average of $473,179 per month , while a three-room apartment has an average price of $669,691 per month. Renting an average one-bedroom apartment in GBA Norte is 34% more expensive than in GBA Oeste-Sud ($350,157), but 7% less than in CABA ($507,422).
How much does it cost to rent in the northern area of Greater Buenos Aires?
According to the report, listing prices vary in each neighborhood in the area and range from $343,581 to $641,069 , breaking the $600,000 barrier, for the average one-bedroom apartment of 50 m². For example, the most expensive and cheapest are located as follows:Rincón de Milberg leads the ranking of neighborhoods with the highest listing prices, with an average value of $641,069 per month. Nordelta and Olivos complete the podium with an average value of $605,205 and $571,264 per month, respectively. Los Polvorines , on the other hand, has the cheapest offer , with an average price of $ 343,581 . José León Suárez followsand San Miguel with $381,854 .

The areas with the average prices are :
- La Lucila : $540,877
- San Isidro : $517,878
- Tigre : $489,506
- San Fernando : $440,036
- San Andres : $397,028
In addition, according to the platform's year-on-year measurements, it can be observed that the neighborhoods that registered the greatest increase compared to the previous year are: Los Polvorines , with an increase of 300.6%, José León Suárez , with 230.4%, and San Andrés with 211.5%. While on the other hand , there are Manuel Alberti , Olivos and Victoria , with a variation of 83.5%, 81.7% and 75.4%, respectively.