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Alberto Fernández a wife beater?

Soap opera is right. We are reading all of these stories here in Spain about all of this. Each day more things come out. That is the problem with these Kirchneristas. If you let them in your life it is just lies and misery. Alberto's wife is finding that out the hard way.

The PRO has introduced a bill to revoke Alberto Fernández's special pension and security detail. I don't think it will happen, but it would be interesting if it did. It could set a precedent and deter anyone else from making such a shameful display and showing how little they care about the people.

The PRO has introduced a bill to revoke Alberto Fernández's special pension and security detail. I don't think it will happen, but it would be interesting if it did. It could set a precedent and deter anyone else from making such a shameful display and showing how little they care about the people.

I doubt that will happen. It's almost impossible to remove a pension once they are eligible for one. Think of all the harm and theft that CFK has done over the last decades. Nothing happened to hers.
It's ironic that Alberto created the Ministry of Women, Gender, and Diversity when he's an abuser. The worst part is that when Fabiola asked this ministry for help, they abandoned her. I hope her statements lead to charges against everyone who knew about her situation at the time and did nothing, even when she asked for help.

Another one for the collection: In her statement, Fabiola Yañez revealed that Alberto was cheating on her with the community manager Cecilia Hermoso. He had a really busy life, but not because he was running the country, rather, because of the number of women he was involved with. It’s outrageous.

Uh oh, Florencia Peña came out to clarify that she isn’t the president's mistress. Haha, if you have to explain, you're just making it worse!

She is very well likely a high end escort. What I found out here is that sort of thing can be common even amongst actresses and people in the media. My lawyer here told me that many of these professions don't pay well and the women do that on the side. Unfortunately I found out the hard way that females here do that even if they have respectable careers to make $$$.

If they aren't paid with cash sometimes they are paid by getting high paying government jobs. Such is life.
Alberto Fernández is really in trouble now. He's been formally charged with serious offenses like grievous bodily harm and coercive threats, and even though he’s trying to deny everything, it looks like he’s in deep trouble. The situation is getting more complicated, and it’s hard to see how he’ll get out of this without facing serious consequences. This government is paving the way for a new justice system: one that is truthful, clear, and transparent.

With the recent revelations about abuse, beatings, and deprivation of liberty, from Alberto to Fabiola, the sensitivity is at an all-time high. In this context, libertarian deputy Lemoine broke down in tears during a session and revealed that she was a victim of rape 18 years ago.

Alberto Fernández is really in trouble now. He's been formally charged with serious offenses like grievous bodily harm and coercive threats, and even though he’s trying to deny everything, it looks like he’s in deep trouble. The situation is getting more complicated, and it’s hard to see how he’ll get out of this without facing serious consequences. This government is paving the way for a new justice system: one that is truthful, clear, and transparent.

Has he gotten arrested yet?
Has he gotten arrested yet?
This is a case from 2006, and it seems the abuser was never caught, even though she kept a water bottle that she claims contains the criminal's DNA. However, the criminal DNA database only includes information on convicted criminals. That's why she's advocating for the new law to cover everyone, including fugitives.
More and more chats are coming to light that complicate Alberto’s situation. He wasn’t leaving any stone unturned—he even flirted with his wife’s friends, 😂

More and more chats are coming to light that complicate Alberto’s situation. He wasn’t leaving any stone unturned—he even flirted with his wife’s friends, 😂

What a scumbag. Sounds like he has some addiction to sex. Sounds very very strange to flirt with your wives friends. Something is VERY off in this picture.
One thing for sure is there is a lot of drama here in Argentina! It shouldn't matter of the past of the President's wife (or actually I heard they were never married). No woman should get beat up like that.
You’re right, and what’s worse is that many people around him knew about the situation and did nothing. This guy, (an actor and Kirchnerist activist) Pablo Echarri says that he and many others knew but pretended not to. It was convenient for him to fake dementia to continue receiving government funds. It infuriates me how these Kirchnerists always manage to exploit everything to their advantage.

They must have paid Fabiola whatever she wanted. I noticed now she says she conveniently lost her phone. These people are all crooks.

Oh, but she can present screenshots 😕... my god! This seems like a real joke!
