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Politics Alberto Fernandez has no shame!

The facts demonstrate the disaster he has left. One doesn't need to be an expert to realize that he was one of those who contributed to sinking this country.

Yip but there is an extradition treaty. Still not too sure if the current Spanish government would pay attention to Argentina. One lives in the hope that the Judicial system in Spain is independent of the government.
True. But there are so many frauds getting uncovered. I'm not sure if there are enough jail cells to fit all these criminals.

Everyday I am reading more and more criminals that Milei's team is finding. It's no wonder Argentina is broke!

I'd say all this corruption and fraud is par for the course. What Milei is doing cleaning house is a very necessary step. A big part of the reason Argentina is in such dire straights is because of all the corruption. I remember doing big projects or even building custom luxury homes and all kinds of people would want a bribe and I'd never pay any. It would always take me longer to finish projects but I knew once I started, I'd never end. It's great for me to see them getting rid of all this fraud and abuse.
Another day. Another scandal. Where did all this money and food go? This report says that 50% of all the soup kitchens under Alberto Ferndandez 's reign were fake or didn't exist. I am ALL for the government helping out the poor but I think Milei's point was to investigate and see where the funds are going. This is why audits are necessary.

What a scam.

Another day. Another scandal. Where did all this money and food go? This report says that 50% of all the soup kitchens under Alberto Ferndandez 's reign were fake or didn't exist. I am ALL for the government helping out the poor but I think Milei's point was to investigate and see where the funds are going. This is why audits are necessary.

What a scam.

This was suspected and the reason why Milei's team suspended payments. The other side screams false headlines that "Milei stopped funding soup kitchens". But the truth is that this was lining someone's pockets and it was NOT the pour. All sorts of fraud like this out there that they are finding. Of course the people ranting or raving will never respond when you ask them about this.
That's right. Yet the opposition will continue to say that the government does not send money to the soup kitchens even though they perfectly know that's not true. But what will they say to try and safe face? Lies.
Amen. I was just posting the same thing. It is strange as there have been all sorts of problems in the country for decades yet half of people now are trying to place all the blame with Milei. How convenient. This year we have seen Milei been blamed for everything and every injustice out there. LGBTQ issues, poverty, homelessness, crime, people losing jobs, inflation, mosquito issues/Dengue and on and on and on.
Another day. Another scandal. Where did all this money and food go? This report says that 50% of all the soup kitchens under Alberto Ferndandez 's reign were fake or didn't exist. I am ALL for the government helping out the poor but I think Milei's point was to investigate and see where the funds are going. This is why audits are necessary.

What a scam.

50%!?? Wow. I guessed that there was some amount of fraud but 50%?! That is a fraud of epic scale. People that are anti-Milei should be angry and questioning where THEIR food went. Instead they are too busy trying to blame Milei. They should be asking where all that money/food went. Insane!
Amen. I was just posting the same thing. It is strange as there have been all sorts of problems in the country for decades yet half of people now are trying to place all the blame with Milei. How convenient. This year we have seen Milei been blamed for everything and every injustice out there. LGBTQ issues, poverty, homelessness, crime, people losing jobs, inflation, mosquito issues/Dengue and on and on and on.
I am not the biggest Milei fan but I have to admit all this theft they are uncovering is VERY shocking!