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Politics Alberto Fernandez has no shame!

I am not the biggest Milei fan but I have to admit all this theft they are uncovering is VERY shocking!
This is why the majority of the population that voted for President Milei still support him. Do you really think that Argentina's woes will be solved when politicians and government leaders are raping the country?? No. The only way to fix this once and for all is to have someone like Javier Milei that will uncover all of this theft and get rid of it.
That's right. Yet the opposition will continue to say that the government does not send money to the soup kitchens even though they perfectly know that's not true. But what will they say to try and safe face? Lies.
People don't understand the level of corruption in Argentina. I don't even think the typical Porteño understands the depths of the corruption.
Take a look at article after article that is coming out now that they are doing in depth investigations and audits.

Social programs that are supposed to protect and serve the needy and hungry in Argentina have been proven to be holding back food that was provided by the government to poor, underserved population in communities that need it the most. These poor and starving are being denied food by the very organizations that are supposed to provide it with food! Ironic huh! Then they turn around and blame Milei and his party.

The soup kitchens were doing the same thing and withholding food unless they rallied against Milei. How can you anti-Milei people not understand this? Are you that naive? People ask why the poor are pro-Milei or could support Milei but read between the lines. These people want to fix Argentina for once and for all.

These poor and starving people are used as a political pawn. This is a travesty of justice.
Every day, they find more litter. It's a never-ending story...

Yet another scandal. What amazes me is all of these people that were supposed to be provided for were scammed so that people could steal these funds. It seems like these scams are endless!
