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Real Estate Sales Amazing Therapist for Ex-Pats or Locals - Super affordable


I wanted to post a testimonial for one of the best healthcare professionals I’ve ever encountered anywhere in the world. I will preface this and say, I hold permanent residences in different countries and live in different parts of the world throughout the year, so I’ve visited healthcare providers in many different countries. My experience dealing with her has been amazing.

A few years ago, I got diagnosed with a rare medical condition. The pain is extremely strong, and the pain has gotten progressively worse over time. I’ve been to some of the best doctors and clinics around the world and there is nothing they can do. I’ve had expensive medical procedures like stem cells and other procedures that haven’t helped at all.

The pain got so severe earlier this year, that I started looking for therapists to help me deal with the pain. I have the best medical coverage in the USA, but it was very difficult to find someone to help me. And when I did, they didn’t accept ANY insurance at all. It was strictly cash pay situation. After COVID, many were very busy and were backed up and not accepting new patients. And the ones that were taking new patients were cash only and some were $300+ US per hour.

Those prices just seemed crazy to me. I have never talked to a therapist before in my life and at those prices, I figured I would never talk to one. Many friends that have chronic pain issues advised me to talk to someone. I kept researching options when I found an old post by SteveinBA’s post talking about a psychotherapist he met walking his dog one day in Buenos Aires.

He posted about Susana Olañeta from - https://bacounseling.com.ar

I read her website and I was really impressed with her approach on things and her specialization with ex-pats. I’ve been an ex-pat in one form or another for the past 25 years as I have set up companies in many different countries. I noticed that she studied and lived in London before and that impressed me. At the very least, she would relate being an ex-pat herself.

We scheduled an initial consultation, and she was wonderful. Although I was in the USA, she accommodated a time that worked for me. When I decided that I wanted to work with her, she made it easy to pay her. I just sent in a Western Union and I would pay for 4 sessions at a time (she only charges $25 US dollars per session). We do the sessions via Skype video. I have also met her in my house in Buenos Aires and it was great to have met her in person.

I have never spoken about personal medical issues on a public forum before so this is a first for me. But I have gotten such a tremendous benefit from Susana, I feel like it’s not fair to “gate keep” her anymore. I don’t know her availability so you can contact her via her website, but I CAN tell you that she is worth every penny, and I find she charges a fee that is tremendously affordable for any ex-pat or even any local. $25 US dollars is 10 X less than the therapists in the USA wanted and I’m sure they wouldn’t be a fraction as good. In fact, I have referred personal friends from the USA that have used other more expensive therapists and I recommended Susana, and they confided in me that she is the best they ever talked to and continue to see her.

At my worst of my pain, I was doing 2 sessions each week with Susana, but I’ve been doing weekly sessions now for the past 2 months and that has been great. We always have a lot to catch up on when we speak.

Over the past 7 months, she has not only helped me with dealing with my extreme pain, but she has also made my relationship stronger with my wife and kids and I feel like I’m a better person too. She non-judgmental and asks great questions.

With the pain, I was doubtful with many things in my life but her working approach has given me the confidence and validation that I needed. I would highly recommend her for anyone looking for a good therapist and her value far exceeds the price she charges. I can’t say enough good things about her.

Thanks Susana!
I wanted to post a testimonial for one of the best healthcare professionals I’ve ever encountered anywhere in the world. I will preface this and say, I hold permanent residences in different countries and live in different parts of the world throughout the year, so I’ve visited healthcare providers in many different countries. My experience dealing with her has been amazing.

A few years ago, I got diagnosed with a rare medical condition. The pain is extremely strong, and the pain has gotten progressively worse over time. I’ve been to some of the best doctors and clinics around the world and there is nothing they can do. I’ve had expensive medical procedures like stem cells and other procedures that haven’t helped at all.

The pain got so severe earlier this year, that I started looking for therapists to help me deal with the pain. I have the best medical coverage in the USA, but it was very difficult to find someone to help me. And when I did, they didn’t accept ANY insurance at all. It was strictly cash pay situation. After COVID, many were very busy and were backed up and not accepting new patients. And the ones that were taking new patients were cash only and some were $300+ US per hour.

Those prices just seemed crazy to me. I have never talked to a therapist before in my life and at those prices, I figured I would never talk to one. Many friends that have chronic pain issues advised me to talk to someone. I kept researching options when I found an old post by SteveinBA’s post talking about a psychotherapist he met walking his dog one day in Buenos Aires.

He posted about Susana Olañeta from - https://bacounseling.com.ar

I read her website and I was really impressed with her approach on things and her specialization with ex-pats. I’ve been an ex-pat in one form or another for the past 25 years as I have set up companies in many different countries. I noticed that she studied and lived in London before and that impressed me. At the very least, she would relate being an ex-pat herself.

We scheduled an initial consultation, and she was wonderful. Although I was in the USA, she accommodated a time that worked for me. When I decided that I wanted to work with her, she made it easy to pay her. I just sent in a Western Union and I would pay for 4 sessions at a time (she only charges $25 US dollars per session). We do the sessions via Skype video. I have also met her in my house in Buenos Aires and it was great to have met her in person.

I have never spoken about personal medical issues on a public forum before so this is a first for me. But I have gotten such a tremendous benefit from Susana, I feel like it’s not fair to “gate keep” her anymore. I don’t know her availability so you can contact her via her website, but I CAN tell you that she is worth every penny, and I find she charges a fee that is tremendously affordable for any ex-pat or even any local. $25 US dollars is 10 X less than the therapists in the USA wanted and I’m sure they wouldn’t be a fraction as good. In fact, I have referred personal friends from the USA that have used other more expensive therapists and I recommended Susana, and they confided in me that she is the best they ever talked to and continue to see her.

At my worst of my pain, I was doing 2 sessions each week with Susana, but I’ve been doing weekly sessions now for the past 2 months and that has been great. We always have a lot to catch up on when we speak.

Over the past 7 months, she has not only helped me with dealing with my extreme pain, but she has also made my relationship stronger with my wife and kids and I feel like I’m a better person too. She non-judgmental and asks great questions.

With the pain, I was doubtful with many things in my life but her working approach has given me the confidence and validation that I needed. I would highly recommend her for anyone looking for a good therapist and her value far exceeds the price she charges. I can’t say enough good things about her.

Thanks Susana!

PS - A HUGE thanks to SteveBsAs! I never took the time to thank you but it just goes to show you the power of information and sharing knowledge with one another on a public forum. Steve, you might have helped save my life. Susan is a blessing. I'm kicking myself that I didn't try going to a therapist earlier in life. All my employees when I lived in Buenos Aires went to therapists and I thought it was strange. But now after having gone to Susan I think everyone should be going to one. And at $25 US per session there is NO excuse not to.
It seems rather surreal timing for me to see such a post for something I’ve recently come to the conclusion that I need/desire. Thank you for the recommendation.

May I ask if she could also recommend another psychotherapist? It’s something that I want to pursue with my partner, separately, and I don’t think it’d be conducive to utilise the same person.

Glad to know that it can be conducted via video call as I’m not going to be in BA for the rest of the year.

I also wish you luck dealing with your pain
How wonderful to see you post this. You know something? It's a taboo subject in much of the world. But I've had hundreds of employees in Buenos Aires over the past 20+ years. I didn't really understand how or why the Porteños go so frequently. But the OSDE 410 plan that I provided to my employees covered it.

On a recent session with Susana, something amazing happened. I told her how I was planning to move back to Buenos Aires and I was excited but I was NOT looking forward to the negative aspects. She asked like what? I said like the inefficiency, the corruption, the red tape, the backwards laws, the lazy people there. I told her that the locals are all used to that but even living there 10 years I could NEVER get used to that. I told her that since they grew up with this, that I think this is NORMAL to them.

But Susana told me something super interesting that I never really thought of. She said the locals are NOT used to this. She said this is EXACTLY the reason why everyone goes to therapists! It was an aha moment for me! I didn't get it until then. She recounted how even she blew up at a recent appointment when the line wasn't moving and the employees weren't working. She yelled and even got kicked out of the place. She said that frustration day to day is really stressful on people.

You know something? She is totally right! I never thought about it! That was so insightful and the reason why I love talking to her so much. She not only helps you but she explains things and why things are the way they are. Sometimes she will tell me something and then only months later I will see the real life scenario. She has helped me immensely and made me a stronger and better person.

Yes! She has referred others as well. She can't prescribe medications so she has referred me to a great psychotherapist as well. He was booked solid but Susana got me in and I did a video call with him. He wrote some needed prescriptions to sleep. I have chronic insomnia and been on Ambien all my life but I needed a different type as well as a pain killer for my illness and he did a Video WhatsApp call for the consultation. That was $75 US and I could pay via PayPal and he also sent me the PDF prescriptions via WhatsApp so I had it instantly and could go to any pharmacy. It was amazing!

Yes, the video calls are great and I've done them with her in 5 different countries already. You have to love this technology. It was nice meeting her in person a few weeks ago in my house. But I don't find any benefit vs. video. She is very observant and even a few times when she could see I was distracted with a text on my phone she will call me out. So she isn't just going through the motions.

What I love about her is she is very relatable. She will sometimes ask normal questions and I will give an answer but only later will she pull out why she asked it. It might come up in a session later. She is one of the most intelligent person I ever met.

@JeyJoue , thanks so much for your kind words. This has been the toughest 2 years of my life. To go from a totally healthy fairly young person to constant, burning pain has been very difficult for not only me but my family as well. So it means a lot to me your kind words and thoughts.

Also, Jtee125, you're wise to use a separate person for your significant other. In fact, Susan is so amazing, I tried to refer my wife to her but she doesn't want a conflict of interest and won't take on a spouse. She wants to be there for YOU and feels like it would be a conflict if she was helping the same couple. I understand and agree but my wife has tried a few other therapists in Buenos Aires that friends referred and she wasn't impressed so she keeps trying others. I'd even be willing for my wife to use Susana as well but Susana always says no. I know she would help my wife as well.

I think anyone can get benefit for therapy. No one is perfect or can't improve themselves. EVERYONE can improve and I know now that therapy will do that.
How wonderful to see you post this. You know something? It's a taboo subject in much of the world. But I've had hundreds of employees in Buenos Aires over the past 20+ years. I didn't really understand how or why the Porteños go so frequently. But the OSDE 410 plan that I provided to my employees covered it.

On a recent session with Susana, something amazing happened. I told her how I was planning to move back to Buenos Aires and I was excited but I was NOT looking forward to the negative aspects. She asked like what? I said like the inefficiency, the corruption, the red tape, the backwards laws, the lazy people there. I told her that the locals are all used to that but even living there 10 years I could NEVER get used to that. I told her that since they grew up with this, that I think this is NORMAL to them.

But Susana told me something super interesting that I never really thought of. She said the locals are NOT used to this. She said this is EXACTLY the reason why everyone goes to therapists! It was an aha moment for me! I didn't get it until then. She recounted how even she blew up at a recent appointment when the line wasn't moving and the employees weren't working. She yelled and even got kicked out of the place. She said that frustration day to day is really stressful on people.

You know something? She is totally right! I never thought about it! That was so insightful and the reason why I love talking to her so much. She not only helps you but she explains things and why things are the way they are. Sometimes she will tell me something and then only months later I will see the real life scenario. She has helped me immensely and made me a stronger and better person.

Yes! She has referred others as well. She can't prescribe medications so she has referred me to a great psychotherapist as well. He was booked solid but Susana got me in and I did a video call with him. He wrote some needed prescriptions to sleep. I have chronic insomnia and been on Ambien all my life but I needed a different type as well as a pain killer for my illness and he did a Video WhatsApp call for the consultation. That was $75 US and I could pay via PayPal and he also sent me the PDF prescriptions via WhatsApp so I had it instantly and could go to any pharmacy. It was amazing!

Yes, the video calls are great and I've done them with her in 5 different countries already. You have to love this technology. It was nice meeting her in person a few weeks ago in my house. But I don't find any benefit vs. video. She is very observant and even a few times when she could see I was distracted with a text on my phone she will call me out. So she isn't just going through the motions.

What I love about her is she is very relatable. She will sometimes ask normal questions and I will give an answer but only later will she pull out why she asked it. It might come up in a session later. She is one of the most intelligent person I ever met.

@JeyJoue , thanks so much for your kind words. This has been the toughest 2 years of my life. To go from a totally healthy fairly young person to constant, burning pain has been very difficult for not only me but my family as well. So it means a lot to me your kind words and thoughts.

Also, Jtee125, you're wise to use a separate person for your significant other. In fact, Susan is so amazing, I tried to refer my wife to her but she doesn't want a conflict of interest and won't take on a spouse. She wants to be there for YOU and feels like it would be a conflict if she was helping the same couple. I understand and agree but my wife has tried a few other therapists in Buenos Aires that friends referred and she wasn't impressed so she keeps trying others. I'd even be willing for my wife to use Susana as well but Susana always says no. I know she would help my wife as well.

I think anyone can get benefit for therapy. No one is perfect or can't improve themselves. EVERYONE can improve and I know now that therapy will do that.
I really appreciate you taking the time to write such a thorough and explanatory reply. I’ve never used a therapist before, and perhaps culturally I tend to prefer to try to keep my sadness pent up inside where it can fester quietly as a mental illness (r/unexpectedFuturama)

It certainly is taboo but I’ve reached a precipice where I’ve realised that it’s something necessary for me and for my partner. I don’t want to divulge too much information but I brought my partner - who is Argentinian - to Europe this summer. It didn’t work out because we are both heavily enveloped with very separate yet equally significant problems that we need to resolve first and foremost.

I took one of the most difficult decisions of my life this week to cut our time together in Europe short to enable the two of us to focus on ourselves before giving it another go.

As I write this, my partner is crossing the Atlantic returning to Argentina so we can resolve our issues separately. I perhaps divulged more than I would prefer to but I wanted to express the poignance of your post personally for me.

I’m glad she also recognises that partners/spouses utilising the same therapist is inherently problematic. I’ve never sought therapy before so this’ll be a big step for me.

No need to thank me for kind words - sometimes the most supportive words can come from the most bizarre places and there’s an inherent relief in expressing a heartfelt opinion on a public forum whilst retaining a degree of anonymity.

As a final aside: how lovely of you to support your employees in seeking therapy though I’m not familiar with the plan you’ve referenced.

Your kind words also mean a lot. This week has been one of the, if not the, most difficult weeks of my life, and I appreciate your post today
No problem at all. And I truly believe sharing information is tremendously helpful. I've been posting publicly on various forums online all over the world. I was a very prolific poster on many forums. I'm writing an autobiography as I've had people approach me to possibly do a screenplay. I've contemplated writing an autobiography for the past 20 years and finally getting around to it. I actually think part of it is because of my sessions with Susana.

I don't think therapy and self help should be taboo anymore. When you take a look at the fundamental goal of improving yourself or your relationship, therapy makes sense for everyone. No one is perfect. No couple is perfect. Everyone has issues from time to time.

Also, with this illness, maybe God is trying to tell me something. My entire life, I've worked hard and also always strived to help people. Sharing information on forums. For no other reason but to share and grow and learn. Didn't matter the topic or forum. Whether it was sex, love, politics, financial advice or ex-pat issues like this forum. I've been a Moderator on big public forums because the owners of the website said I came across as objective with logical thinking.

See, I believe we all have different opinions and that's ok. The world would be a boring place if we all agreed or thought the same thing. But if you disagree then state your argument and intelligently defend your side. But on this issue of therapy I don't think anyone can intelligently argue against therapy. And the ONLY issue has been they don't do it because it's too expensive. But that can't be an argument anymore when you have Godsend people like Susana out there. I'm sure she isn't the first or last. My local Argentine friends are all paying around $25 US dollars per session. So this isn't anything rare with Susana.

Jtee125, I'm very sorry that you're going through difficult times. But I think everything happens for a reason. And I admire you trying to improve yourself and your relationship. The fact that you do, means your fighting to improve things. And you know what? That is freaking amazing! Think about it. You care so much you want things to improve.

For me with this pain, it's an agonizing pain. It's not life threatening (other than sometimes preferring to pass on rather than deal with the extreme pain) but imagine a fire burning your feet below 24/7. Constantly and doesn't go away and feels like you're burning alive. It's agonizing. Prior to this, my life was pretty perfect. I always thought having lots of money and doing well in business was the most important thing. To be able to provide for your family, live and own amazing houses, travel around the world. But you know what? NONE of that matters. The most important thing in life is good health. With out good health, NOTHING else matters. So I would encourage people to do therapy. If not with Susana then someone else. Buenos Aires has so many and I'm sure many are good. I guess after this thread, Susana won't have any availability or her rates might go up drastically so maybe I'm shooting myself in the feet sharing this. But ask your locals friends who they go to.

So even today these days aren't easy and I'm in agonizing pain. But I've learned that it's ok for people to know that. Previously only my friends knew about my condition. But I'm not scared to share more information as I write my autobiography.
Remarkable thread.
Thanks so much @GeoPolitics . Hopefully other people will have the confidence to post about their experiences with other therapists or healthcare providers in Buenos Aires. Maybe people can even share their own healthcare professionals.

One thing I thought was REMARKABLE was the other doctor being able to do a consultation with me in the comfort of my house. He did it via video call and then INSTANTLY sent me Prescriptions to my WhatsApp. All I had to do at Pharmacity in Buenos Aires was forward them the prescriptions! It was instant and seamless. I'd guess you can do this for ANY prescription you need.

So this is a valuable service for not only expats but also locals. Any tourists on vacation in Buenos Aires could do this. Imagine all the possibilities. Like I said, technology is amazing now.