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Economy Amid punishing inflation, 10,000-peso banknote enters into circulation in Argentina

Yes, it does. BTW, the stores are have trouble making change, some were out of 100 peso bills today.
Some do and some don't. I am also having this issue with lack of change of the 100 peso note. Lately I have just let them keep it but this can add up. The government is trying to push many into going digital but I doubt this happens as quick as they want to. Many people will always stay in cash especially with AFIP tracking everything..
I don't get it either. Today I asked a teller not to give me a 10,000 bill because I was afraid the ATM would not accept it. She gave me 2,000 bills instead.
I am just curious. What are all of you using ATM's for? Is this for billpayment or something? I never use ATM's there and I have been going a while.

I was so happy they would be introducing the larger bills so disappointed to see the delay.
Anyone know when the 20,000 notes come out?

They are rumored to come out in July but I'm not for sure.

Are there many 10,000 notes in circulation now? How common are they?
Not very common, at least in my area of CABA. The new 2,000 notes are.
No I haven't seen any yet of the 10,000 notes. At least the 2,000 peso notes are more widely available.
Anyone know when the 20,000 notes come out?

I have asked my money exchange place about the 10,000 peso notes but they don't have any but getting the 2,000 peso notes regularly. Can't wait for the 20k notes. Many places offering good 15% discounts to pay in cash. I was using credit cards but some places offering mucho ofertas for efectivo. May bueno!
I have asked my money exchange place about the 10,000 peso notes but they don't have any but getting the 2,000 peso notes regularly. Can't wait for the 20k notes. Many places offering good 15% discounts to pay in cash. I was using credit cards but some places offering mucho ofertas for efectivo. May bueno!
Yep. The cash discounts add up. Truth be told many locals will always use cash. Tax evasion is a big thing here and probably always will be. Cash sales are easier for the stores. I am lucky enough to have US credit cards but most of my local friends all pay cash. Not for the discounts but they like to stay under the radar of AFIP which monitors all your spending you do on local credit or debit cards. I can't see this changing for the foreseeable future even as all places start going electric. Stores will always prefer cash and offer discounts to pay in cash.

So can't wait for those 20k notes either!
Yes, it does. BTW, the stores are have trouble making change, some were out of 100 peso bills today.
I think the government is trying to eliminate all the really small bills but lately no one seems to have many of the 100 peso notes.
Yep. The cash discounts add up. Truth be told many locals will always use cash. Tax evasion is a big thing here and probably always will be. Cash sales are easier for the stores. I am lucky enough to have US credit cards but most of my local friends all pay cash. Not for the discounts but they like to stay under the radar of AFIP which monitors all your spending you do on local credit or debit cards. I can't see this changing for the foreseeable future even as all places start going electric. Stores will always prefer cash and offer discounts to pay in cash.

So can't wait for those 20k notes either!
Cash will always be king here.
Thanks @FuturoBA! I heard there are a lot of these false bills floating around. My friend visiting got stuck with a few. Tourists don’t know the difference too well.
Tourists are always the ones that people try passing off fake bills to the most.My friends always joke when visiting me that all of this feels like monopoly money. The older smaller bills feel so low quality paper. The market seems to be encountering more and more of these fake bills. I have had people try to give me fake bills but I inspect each carefully and have rejected it.