You nailed it
@CraigM. I work for a bank so I can tell you how screwed up the banking system still is in Argentina. $20 Billion is a huge amount of money when it comes to people pulling it out of their mattress and safe deposit boxes or bringing it from accounts outside of Argentina. And it is only about 5% to 10% of what US government best case estimates are of cash still held by locals.
The banking system is chaotic in Argentina but hopefully it goes back to normal. I am furnishing my apartment now and it is nuts that I can't just wire funds down directly. I have to go through a cueva and my money is going to a third party that gets the cash in Argentina. I had to pay a few % points to get cash there. When I seldom wire funds and when making the wire it got flagged. My manager asked for the details of the recipient who was just some third party.
🤣 They asked what the purpose of the funds were so I was just honest and said furniture and decorations for a property purchased.
Everything went ok but it is one example of how messed up and difficult their banking system is with currency restrictions in place.