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Anyone had stuff posted from the UK to Argentina? I'm hoping to get sent some SIM cards and ideally credit cards from the UK to here, but I'm wondering how likely this is to work. Any ideas how long it might take, might it be held up by customs? And I'm moving around at the moment, is there anywhere anyone can recommend for pickup?
If it's anything important, use DHL or equivalent. Nothing of ours, sent by ordinary mail from the UK, ever gets here any more.
Thanks all - for some feedback I got it sent by Royal Mail and it arrived here with Correo Argentina 3.5 weeks later. Was going to use DHL but it was 4 times the price. Just got it sent to a local here.
Thanks all - for some feedback I got it sent by Royal Mail and it arrived here with Correo Argentina 3.5 weeks later. Was going to use DHL but it was 4 times the price. Just got it sent to a local here.
This is probably smart just to get it regular mail. As crazy as it sounds, I recently during COVID sent my Porteño friend a SIM card from the USA. I sent it DHL and I had to list the contents of it. I should have lied and just put letter but I put SIM card.

It was crazy as he had to go down and he got pulled into an office. They were asking him why he needs a SIM card from the USA. He needed it as he had a bank account in the USA and they had 2 factor authentication and none of the various methods would work like Google Voice, Skype, etc. So he was forced into getting the SIM card from the USA.

He did get the SIM card but they hassled him which was really surprising to me.