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Hi. Anyone able to use Apple Pay at Coto? We tried and it didn't work. We have had no issues using it in other stores, however we did notice sometimes they have to use a different machine to accept foreign credit cards. Also they ask for ID to prove the credit card is ours, but Apple Pay doesn't display name on the CC. Is it policy they ask for physical identification? We only have scanned copies of our ID which we save on our phone. Thanks
I've never used Apple Pay in Argentina, but I shop at Coto and always have to show them an ID because, yes, it is the stupid store policy. The funny thing is that they ask us to show our ID after we pay and they do not accept a drivers license because "we don't recognize a piece of plastic from another country, it has to be a passport of a DNI." The Coto I shop at has a supervisor who should actually pursue a career in the military, as a drill sergeant, maybe in El Salvador. Geez!

I wish Coto had self-checkout, you never have to show ID in Carrefour or Jumbo if you use self-checkout.

The Coto we shop at has those white terminals, we just touch the screen with our card. They always use the same one.
I like Coto but I always have to show ID as well but I thought the government was changing the law so you don't have to show ID but they always ask me there. I'm not sure why they are so strict there. I've never used Apple Pay there but I will try the next time.

But they don't make me show my passport. I have showed a US driver's license and they have accepted that. I just say I'm a tourist and don't carry my passport and I haven't had issues.
I like Coto but I always have to show ID as well but I thought the government was changing the law so you don't have to show ID but they always ask me there. I'm not sure why they are so strict there. I've never used Apple Pay there but I will try the next time.

But they don't make me show my passport. I have showed a US driver's license and they have accepted that. I just say I'm a tourist and don't carry my passport and I haven't had issues.
Apple Pay has never worked at Coto for me. I'm not sure they accept it. I did read that the law was changing about showing ID but I'm not sure what penalties exist if they still do. I always try to use my foreign credit card along with a US passport card. When I renew my passport when it expires I always order a Passport card and that has worked for ID at stores that ask for it but they do NOT allow me to use it at Western Union.
I like Coto but I always have to show ID as well but I thought the government was changing the law so you don't have to show ID but they always ask me there. I'm not sure why they are so strict there. I've never used Apple Pay there but I will try the next time.

But they don't make me show my passport. I have showed a US driver's license and they have accepted that. I just say I'm a tourist and don't carry my passport and I haven't had issues.
Apple Pay has never worked at Coto for me. I'm not sure they accept it. I did read that the law was changing about showing ID but I'm not sure what penalties exist if they still do. I always try to use my foreign credit card along with a US passport card. When I renew my passport when it expires I always order a Passport card and that has worked for ID at stores that ask for it but they do NOT allow me to use it at Western Union.
I think you are confused with that new law. I think businesses can still ask for Identification. They just have to not take it. Same as card.

I like Coto but I always have to show ID as well but I thought the government was changing the law so you don't have to show ID but they always ask me there. I'm not sure why they are so strict there. I've never used Apple Pay there but I will try the next time.

But they don't make me show my passport. I have showed a US driver's license and they have accepted that. I just say I'm a tourist and don't carry my passport and I haven't had issues.

Back in October, I had to put up with a very condescending supervisor at Carrefour. The cashier, a middle-age woman, tells me that my California driver's license was not accepted, this was the first time I'd find myself in such situation, having always used the self-checkout before. I asked why there seemed to be a problem, she calls the supervisor who tells me they need to see a passport or DNI. I tell her we keep our passport in a safe because it is a mayor inconvenience if it gets lost. The thing is, we had already paid! What sense does it make to ask for ID after the credit card has accepted the transaction? Then she tells me that she would make an exception this time only. From then on we'd only use the self-checkout.

No self-checkout at Coto, though. I will try showing a photo of my passport and see if that works.

Do you remember where/when you read that the government was changing the law?

ETA: I found a Clarín article published in March that talks about that change:


Now I have to find out if it has been implemented in CABA (the article said that it was in effect in La Pampa, Río Negro, and Neuquén).
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Back in October, I had to put up with a very condescending supervisor at Carrefour. The cashier, a middle-age woman, tells me that my California driver's license was not accepted, this was the first time I'd find myself in such situation, having always used the self-checkout before. I asked why there seemed to be a problem, she calls the supervisor who tells me they need to see a passport or DNI. I tell her we keep our passport in a safe because it is a mayor inconvenience if it gets lost. The thing is, we had already paid! What sense does it make to ask for ID after the credit card has accepted the transaction? Then she tells me that she would make an exception this time only. From then on we'd only use the self-checkout.

No self-checkout at Coto, though. I will try showing a photo of my passport and see if that works.

Do you remember where/when you read that the government was changing the law?

ETA: I found a Clarín article published in March that talks about that change:


Now I have to find out if it has been implemented in CABA (the article said that it was in effect in La Pampa, Río Negro, and Neuquén).

Well, the Boletín Oficial page with the Resolution 87/2024 the Clarín article talks about, does not mention anything about not having to show an ID.

The article states, Regarding this, Federico Cofman, Manager of Mastercard Argentina and Uruguay, stated: "We know that these types of measures have shown very good results in the provinces where they have been implemented. Everything proposed greatly contributes to raising security standards, improving and reducing the times in which one can pay without using the card oneself. Argentina is the only country in the region where you go to buy any product and they ask for an ID. All these changes will allow for a more agile and secure experience for both merchants and cardholders."
And here's the translation of Resolution 87/2024 published in the Boletín Oficial (https://www.boletinoficial.gob.ar/detalleAviso/primera/304600/20240312):


ARTICLE 1.- All commercial establishments that accept credit, purchase, or debit cards for their commercial transactions under the terms of Article 1 of Law No. 25.065 and its amendments, and operate with electronic terminals for payment of transactions carried out (data capture terminals or "POS"), must make them available to the consumer in such a way that, at no time, does the consumer lose control or possession of their card, not even momentarily, until the complete finalization of the transaction.

ARTICLE 2.- Violations of this resolution will be sanctioned based on the penalties provided in Article 47 of Law No. 24.240 and its amendments.

ARTICLE 3.- An adaptation period of ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY (180) days from the date of its entry into force is established, so that providers adapt their customer service according to the provisions of this resolution.

ARTICLE 4.- This measure will come into force upon its publication in the Official Gazette.

ARTICLE 5.- Communicate, publish, give notice to the NATIONAL DIRECTORATE OF OFFICIAL REGISTRY and archive.

Pablo Agustin Lavigne
Hi. Anyone able to use Apple Pay at Coto? We tried and it didn't work. We have had no issues using it in other stores, however we did notice sometimes they have to use a different machine to accept foreign credit cards. Also they ask for ID to prove the credit card is ours, but Apple Pay doesn't display name on the CC. Is it policy they ask for physical identification? We only have scanned copies of our ID which we save on our phone. Thanks
I go to the Coto all the time and although I have a DNI and permanent residency for 22 years I just say I'm a tourist and use my foreign credit card and my California driver's license. I've never had any issues at all. This is for the Coto at French and Pueyrredon. I've never had issues using my Driver's license anywhere except Western Union which requires a passport.
I guess showing a photo of the passport should do? I'm an Argentinean living abroad but I visited BA last month, at the self checkout in Jumbo and Carrefour you need to input your DNI... I always put "22222" because I don't want them to cross reference data with AFIP XD
I guess showing a photo of the passport should do? I'm an Argentinean living abroad but I visited BA last month, at the self checkout in Jumbo and Carrefour you need to input your DNI... I always put "22222" because I don't want them to cross reference data with AFIP XD
Some places ask for an ID but at Jumbo or Easy they want to see an actual ID but like others I just show my driver's license and no one has ever refused. Most people don't care at all and just a requirement but my girlfriend just makes up a DNI #. I don't think anyone really cares.
I haven't used Apple Pay in Argentina as I didn't know many places accepted it. Where are you using it @Oatmeal? I use it in the USA. I never give my DNI. Not because I have anything to hide but it's a known rule in Argentina better not to get in the crosshairs of AFIP. I have many local friends that only pay with cash for everything as they don't have foreign credit cards. I just use my American credit cards. My wife's family mostly pays cash for everything.
I guess showing a photo of the passport should do? I'm an Argentinean living abroad but I visited BA last month, at the self checkout in Jumbo and Carrefour you need to input your DNI... I always put "22222" because I don't want them to cross reference data with AFIP XD
Many places won't accept a photocopy of passport. It would be easier to use some plastic ID from your home country. I never carry around my DNI around for fear of losing it. Although these days it is much easier to replace it but I don't like dealing with red tape here.
I haven't used Apple Pay in Argentina as I didn't know many places accepted it. Where are you using it @Oatmeal? I use it in the USA. I never give my DNI. Not because I have anything to hide but it's a known rule in Argentina better not to get in the crosshairs of AFIP. I have many local friends that only pay with cash for everything as they don't have foreign credit cards. I just use my American credit cards. My wife's family mostly pays cash for everything.
I have used it at McDonalds, any restaurants that take credit card. Basically any stores that have a handheld POS for CC. One store I bought mattresses from had a separate machine for foreign credit cards as they were aware their other machine doesn't work with foreign CC. So you might need to ask. We also used it a Correfour or maybe Jumbo (can't remember which or maybe both), anyway sometimes ask them to charge as a debit card also works. We notice the new white machine with blue (mercado pago logo) works seamlessly. We have also used it at farmacity. Oh, I just bought Starlink from Fravega using my cc withe the recent 25 points exchange rate increase so that was nice (they had old black machine for the pos).
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I have used it at McDonalds, any restaurants that take credit card. Basically any stores that have a handheld POS for CC. One store I bought mattresses from had a separate machine for foreign credit cards as they were aware their other machine doesn't work with foreign CC. So you might need to ask. We also used it a Correfour or maybe Jumbo (can't remember which or maybe both), anyway sometimes ask them to charge as a debit card also works. We notice the new white machine with blue (mercado pago logo) works seamlessly. We have also used it at farmacity. Oh, I just bought Starlink from Fravega using my cc withe the recent 25 points exchange rate increase so that was nice (they had old black machine for the pos).
Great info. Cool about Starlink. Where do you plan to use that? Do you have a more remote property?
Great info. Cool about Starlink. Where do you plan to use that? Do you have a more remote property?
We are moving to a new development which only has internet via antenna. I guess by line of site which is does not have the greatest speeds. We were under the impression it was fiber but found out when we started searching for services. This was our only option until the infrastructure is upgraded.
I go to the Coto all the time and although I have a DNI and permanent residency for 22 years I just say I'm a tourist and use my foreign credit card and my California driver's license. I've never had any issues at all. This is for the Coto at French and Pueyrredon. I've never had issues using my Driver's license anywhere except Western Union which requires a passport.
I use my US passport card and Apple Pay at this Coto, when I do the self-checkout. When I go through the line, I just use the physical card since I don't want to deal with explaining something unusual to the clerks. My US Mastercards work through Apple Pay but my US Visa and AMEX cards don't for some reason, on the black machines. The white MercadoPago machines work for everything.
What I understand is that Apple Pay should work anywhere they accept contactless payments.

When it doesn't work, the problem is about your card being foreign and not about using Apple Pay itself. I don't usually use cards from abroad but I did use Apple Pay at Disco self checkout without problems.

By the way many Argentine banks support it too - I applied for a Brubank account and I was able to start using it within 24 hours thanks to Apple Pay, no need to wait for the card to arrive!

I use my US passport card and Apple Pay at this Coto, when I do the self-checkout. When I go through the line, I just use the physical card since I don't want to deal with explaining something unusual to the clerks. My US Mastercards work through Apple Pay but my US Visa and AMEX cards don't for some reason, on the black machines. The white MercadoPago machines work for everything.

Good to know! At Coto self-checkout there was a sign saying the "foreign cards don't work" so I never tried it. This means only some cards/machine don't work I guess.
I use my US passport card and Apple Pay at this Coto, when I do the self-checkout. When I go through the line, I just use the physical card since I don't want to deal with explaining something unusual to the clerks. My US Mastercards work through Apple Pay but my US Visa and AMEX cards don't for some reason, on the black machines. The white MercadoPago machines work for everything.
This is exactly what my friend down there said. She does the same thing as you Darksider415. She uses US passport card which is a formal government ID that people seem to all accept and she said the same about her USA Mastercard on the black machines. What % of machines down there accept Apple Pay if you had to guess?