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Are Foreign expats in Buenos Aires the ones that couldn't hack it in their own countries?

Argentina is accepting of all foreigners from other countries. Our country is a country of immigrants from other countries.
I agree with this statement. I think there are many expats here that couldn't "hack" it back home in the USA or other countries. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. I know many friends that can't "hack" it in the USA and they live there. Many are living on "borrowed time" and living on fumes and up to the gill with credit card bills, high car payments, mortgage payments they can't afford.

I don't know what they will do. So it's not really fair saying expats here can't hack it as many back home can't either! I don't think Argentina is like poor countries like Colombia or Venezuela where it's much poorer and females will more easily be swayed by an "expat from abroad". Argentine women are more of a pain in the ass (or at least AS tough as American chicks). Ha. I don't think they are any easier. Or at least in my case. My wife is a hard ass and most of the females I know in Argentina are the same. So I don't think you come to Argentina to easily find some poor girl like some other Latin American countries.
I agree with this statement. I think there are many expats here that couldn't "hack" it back home in the USA or other countries. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. I know many friends that can't "hack" it in the USA and they live there. Many are living on "borrowed time" and living on fumes and up to the gill with credit card bills, high car payments, mortgage payments they can't afford.

I don't know what they will do. So it's not really fair saying expats here can't hack it as many back home can't either! I don't think Argentina is like poor countries like Colombia or Venezuela where it's much poorer and females will more easily be swayed by an "expat from abroad". Argentine women are more of a pain in the ass (or at least AS tough as American chicks). Ha. I don't think they are any easier. Or at least in my case. My wife is a hard ass and most of the females I know in Argentina are the same. So I don't think you come to Argentina to easily find some poor girl like some other Latin American countries.
I think this post is spot on target @Vince !

On my Twitter someone posted this:

Screenshot 2024-01-02 at 8.57.25 AM.jpg

Here was my response:

Damn I just followed you. You are posting some of the most common sense and logical and helpful information that I've seen. Kudos.

You're so true about it being harsh if you don't have family or friends or a girlfriend/boyfriend already. It's not so easy to really penetrate a local's circle of friends. I mean going out sure, but the type of bond where they are inviting you to their weekly asados (BBQ).

I'm VERY fortunate I did ASAP after moving here in the early 2000's. They became my family. My support system and my life. To this day, I'm closer to my Argentine friends that I first connected with than my true family.

And guys might think that girls here will cream their panties for your US Passport. Girls here don't give a sh*t. You're just another dumb "American" that couldn't hack it either financially or love life so you came to South America. (I'm saying that's what many think of ex-pats not me necessarily).

These girls/guys consider themselves "European" because their grandma and grandpa are from Spain or Italy. They don't think of themselves as South American. And in fact, many have already fled Argentina for Europe. These "Passport Bros" that think they are hot sh*t in Colombia, Venezuela, or Ecuador or Paraguay or some other sh*tty South American country with the poor uneducated girls in those countries think Buenos Aires will be the same. NO WAY Passport bros. This is Buenos Aires. Argentina! Argentina used to be one of the wealthiest countries in the world. Do you think they give a rats ass about your blue passport? They have a blue passport too!
Expats from USA or Europe or from wherever are here for a load of different reasons.

Some came for work , liked it and stayed.

Some were running away from professional disasters and personal problems and had to leave their homes

Some fell in love with beautiful girls , all great women ; @Vince has described above perfectly his wife as "a hard ass" - I am sure mine would give his a good battle!

But years later we still love them!
Expats from USA or Europe or from wherever are here for a load of different reasons.

Some came for work , liked it and stayed.

Some were running away from professional disasters and personal problems and had to leave their homes

Some fell in love with beautiful girls , all great women ; @Vince has described above perfectly his wife as "a hard ass" - I am sure mine would give his a good battle!

But years later we still love them!
I doubt either of yours would win the battle against my ex-Porteña wife! I wouldn't say Argentines are very easy docile women. But alas I'm on #2. I just proposed to my girlfriend who is from Buenos Aires. She isn't the easiest woman but she is 10X easier than my ex-wife.
I doubt either of yours would win the battle against my ex-Porteña wife! I wouldn't say Argentines are very easy docile women. But alas I'm on #2. I just proposed to my girlfriend who is from Buenos Aires. She isn't the easiest woman but she is 10X easier than my ex-wife.
I think my wife beats your wives with her hands tied behind her back. She is very difficult as Argentines come. But I still love her. But I just read a post where foreigners want to hook up with locals so there is that! I can pretend to be a wealthy Argentine polo horse farm owner. @Cupid's Daughter said there are many pikers in Argentina. Shhh.. Don't tell anyone. I will change my screen name to Rico Luis!

Are expats in Buenos Aires really considered to be losers or people that couldn't hack it in the USA?? I had not heard this before.
Are expats in Buenos Aires really considered to be losers or people that couldn't hack it in the USA?? I had not heard this before.
I have been living here for the past few years. I don't think expats here are thought of one way or another. In some countries in South America, people might think an expat from the USA or Europe is something special. But here it isn't an advantage or disadvantage. Tons of foreigners here. You can't really tell expats from tourists. My experience dating is there aren't too many that speak English here and the ones that do speak English mostly have EU passports so they don't think anything at all that you're a foreigner.
There's hundreds of different reasons. At the top of most is cost of living. Doesn't mean everyone is broke back in their home countries, although sure many have been priced out of living a comfortable life there. Some want to stretch their dollars, retire early, have a change of scenery, cultural reasons, or many more.

For me, I live comfortably but want to go to a more metropolitan area, closer to parks, activities, no need for a car/driving everyday, a 15 minute city so to speak. And although I could afford to move closer to such an area, it would deeply dip into my savings and years to retirement. In BA I would be that much closer.
I am running into more and more DINK's in Latin America. I travel quite a bit for work in Brazil, Argentina, Colombia and Peru. Lately I am meeting more and more DINK's that don't seem to want any kids. Is this the trend now that no one wants to have kids. Do all of you expats not want any kids these days?

I am running into more and more DINK's in Latin America. I travel quite a bit for work in Brazil, Argentina, Colombia and Peru. Lately I am meeting more and more DINK's that don't seem to want any kids. Is this the trend now that no one wants to have kids. Do all of you expats not want any kids these days?

Are most people that you're running into young digital nomads?? If so most are likely to be transients jumping around from one place to the next, not ready to settle down. But irregardless of expats or not the birth rates in the US have been declining.

Are most people that you're running into young digital nomads?? If so most are likely to be transients jumping around from one place to the next, not ready to settle down. But irregardless of expats or not the birth rates in the US have been declining.

Yes. Since Covid I have ran into many youngish digital nomads with no children. Several couples but no kids. I realize the birth rates have been going down but it seems like it has really increased. I have not noticed this as much before but I have seen this quite a bit traveling for work and also on holiday. I went to a few cities in Mexico and especially noticed it there.

I did not always ask as it is none of my business but it seems like this phenomenon of DINK's has exploded since Covid. Do people not want kids now because they do not want kids or because they can't afford them?
Yes. Since Covid I have ran into many youngish digital nomads with no children. Several couples but no kids. I realize the birth rates have been going down but it seems like it has really increased. I have not noticed this as much before but I have seen this quite a bit traveling for work and also on holiday. I went to a few cities in Mexico and especially noticed it there.

I did not always ask as it is none of my business but it seems like this phenomenon of DINK's has exploded since Covid. Do people not want kids now because they do not want kids or because they can't afford them?
Like expats moving or traveling abroad there's a variety of reasons. It's a combination of both and the fact many are delaying when they have kids limits the amount and sometimes the probability of having them.
Like expats moving or traveling abroad there's a variety of reasons. It's a combination of both and the fact many are delaying when they have kids limits the amount and sometimes the probability of having them.
Agree with you. I don't want kids at all now and I am not sure I want the responsibility of raising kids in this world which seems to be getting worse each passing year.
I think the world will be hell in 20 years the way technology is going I don't see any other ending. Drones hovering above us monitoring every thing each individual does with face tracking. "Pre crime" arrests of suspicious people like that movie Minority Report. Cashless society where every transaction is electronic and monitored by AI on behalf of the ruling class.

A tiny elite enslaving 8 billion others. Basically what China is today but expanded to a global level and much harsher. I'm not bringing kids into that
I think the world will be hell in 20 years the way technology is going I don't see any other ending. Drones hovering above us monitoring every thing each individual does with face tracking. "Pre crime" arrests of suspicious people like that movie Minority Report. Cashless society where every transaction is electronic and monitored by AI on behalf of the ruling class.

A tiny elite enslaving 8 billion others. Basically what China is today but expanded to a global level and much harsher. I'm not bringing kids into that
I worry about this society where government monitors everything. Face recognition already being used by Argentine government. They have all our info and this will be used against society. No more privacy anywhere and now all the government of world will share this with one another. They know everywhere we go. Even look at subway. Why the government want to make me register? They make fare much higher if I don't register. They want to know everything!