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Argentina in the Copa America - Will they go all the way to Champions again?

Kirchner supporters celebrating Messi's injury because they view him as aligned with Milei is really unpleasant.

I don't know any Argentines that would wish any ill will on Messi. He is like a God here. Nice article about mindset for many in Argentina. The ones that are suffering the most have soccer to unite Argentina.

I don't know any Argentines that would wish any ill will on Messi. He is like a God here. Nice article about mindset for many in Argentina. The ones that are suffering the most have soccer to unite Argentina.

As some now I am NOT a Milei supporter. Still, I would never dream for Messi to get hurt just because he supports Milei. My heart broke when I see him hurt.

Milei as usual doesn't understand what make Argentine football great.

I don't know any Argentines that would wish any ill will on Messi. He is like a God here. Nice article about mindset for many in Argentina. The ones that are suffering the most have soccer to unite Argentina.

Those who hate him must be the minority, we shouldn't give them any attention. Now, the French Football Federation wants to accuse Argentine national team players of racist chants against them. There are always some who want to spoil the celebration.

Those who hate him must be the minority, we shouldn't give them any attention. Now, the French Football Federation wants to accuse Argentine national team players of racist chants against them. There are always some who want to spoil the celebration.

To be fair those Argentine players were kind of dumb to sing that song and record it. Not sure why people tape themselves doing stupid things.

To be fair those Argentine players were kind of dumb to sing that song and record it. Not sure why people tape themselves doing stupid things.

Argentines have a reputation for being racist against black people. The players were absolutely ignorant to live stream that. In this day and age of woke, you can lose a lot of sponsors with this sort of thing. Of course he apologised but makes you question his IQ doing something like that.

Here’s the statement from Vice President Villaruel. Here’s the translation:

"Argentina is a sovereign and free country. We have never had colonies or second-class citizens. We have never imposed our way of life on anyone. But we will not tolerate anyone doing it to us. Argentina was built with the sweat and courage of Indigenous people, Europeans, Creoles, and Black individuals like Remedios del Valle, Sergeant Cabral, and Bernardo de Monteagudo. No colonialist country is going to intimidate us over a chant or for speaking truths that are uncomfortable to admit. Enough with the feigned outrage, hypocrites. Enzo, I support you, and Messi, thank you for everything! Argentinians always hold their heads high! Long live Argentinian identity!"

Here’s the statement from Vice President Villaruel. Here’s the translation:

"Argentina is a sovereign and free country. We have never had colonies or second-class citizens. We have never imposed our way of life on anyone. But we will not tolerate anyone doing it to us. Argentina was built with the sweat and courage of Indigenous people, Europeans, Creoles, and Black individuals like Remedios del Valle, Sergeant Cabral, and Bernardo de Monteagudo. No colonialist country is going to intimidate us over a chant or for speaking truths that are uncomfortable to admit. Enough with the feigned outrage, hypocrites. Enzo, I support you, and Messi, thank you for everything! Argentinians always hold their heads high! Long live Argentinian identity!"

Hell yeah I love this. Now what preceded I think was immature as the World Cup was almost 2 years ago and who cares about the France team now, but for anyone to try and bully shame Enzo or anyone else they can go kick rocks. Glad to see VP Villaruel supporting and having their backs. Love to see it.
Hell yeah I love this. Now what preceded I think was immature as the World Cup was almost 2 years ago and who cares about the France team now, but for anyone to try and bully shame Enzo or anyone else they can go kick rocks. Glad to see VP Villaruel supporting and having their backs. Love to see it.
Not just the VP supporting them but they terminated a PRO party official that asked Messi to apologize.

Not just the VP supporting them but they terminated a PRO party official that asked Messi to apologize.

People need to end all this WOKE behavior. It's gone too far. I'm glad they fired Julio Garro, the Under Secretary of Sports. It's also funny to see so many Argentines fired for posting stupid things on X. Maybe they will think twice about posting things that the government administration don't agree with.
Argentines have a reputation for being racist against black people. The players were absolutely ignorant to live stream that. In this day and age of woke, you can lose a lot of sponsors with this sort of thing. Of course he apologised but makes you question his IQ doing something like that.

I have heard the same thing that many people from Argentina are racist. My friend living there for the past several months even has many Argentine friends that admit that as a society they kind of are racist. I wasn't sure if they were joking around or not. I heard there are almost no black people in Argentina but are they really racist?
I have heard the same thing that many people from Argentina are racist. My friend living there for the past several months even has many Argentine friends that admit that as a society they kind of are racist. I wasn't sure if they were joking around or not. I heard there are almost no black people in Argentina but are they really racist?
Nah most of them aren't racist. I'm sure there are some racist in every country out there but I haven't seen that. They do complain a lot though!
Nah most of them aren't racist. I'm sure there are some racist in every country out there but I haven't seen that. They do complain a lot though!
I wouldn't say racist. They do group people into racial groups which some may find offensive.

Chino = Any Asian
Negro = Any black person (although I heard locals calling other locals negros even if they weren't black but a bit darker)
Yanqui = Caucasion
Turco = Any Middle Eastern
Gordo = Fat (I heard several people calling this to their friends that were on the bigger side but I heard guys calling their girlfriends gorda too so maybe a term of affection)

I personally don't care at all but some might care.
I wouldn't say racist. They do group people into racial groups which some may find offensive.

Chino = Any Asian
Negro = Any black person (although I heard locals calling other locals negros even if they weren't black but a bit darker)
Yanqui = Caucasion
Turco = Any Middle Eastern
Gordo = Fat (I heard several people calling this to their friends that were on the bigger side but I heard guys calling their girlfriends gorda too so maybe a term of affection)

I personally don't care at all but some might care.
This is very true. Much of it isn't racism per se but there is still racism here whether they want to admit it or not. It might not be too direct but it exists. I have a lot of friends from Venezuela and there are tons of racism here. And most people aren't really ashamed of it. They will get angry at you if you tell them you aren't comfortable with their line of questioning. They can be outright rude sometimes about it.

They will accuse you of being all woke but it's not like that at all. People from Bolivia are many times looked downed upon here. And of course locals will always deny it or get upset about it but it exists nonetheless. People here always say race here is a non-issue but that isn't true. Not saying it's as bad as some countries but pretending like it doesn't exist isn't a solution either.
I wouldn't say racist. They do group people into racial groups which some may find offensive.

Chino = Any Asian
Negro = Any black person (although I heard locals calling other locals negros even if they weren't black but a bit darker)
Yanqui = Caucasion
Turco = Any Middle Eastern
Gordo = Fat (I heard several people calling this to their friends that were on the bigger side but I heard guys calling their girlfriends gorda too so maybe a term of affection)

I personally don't care at all but some might care.
Yes this type of thing is common. Some people get offended and some just laugh it off. I have a friend from Japan that comes to visit me and at first she got offended when they just always would call her a chino. But then she just realized that Argentines have their own way. Argentines are the least politically correct and can be some of the most stubborn people out there. But that probably always explains why they are in a constant funk with their country.

I would say a lot of Americans are also racist. You can't deny that. People would give the argument that how can Americans be racists as there was a black President or how can Argentina be racist since they elected an Arab with Menem. That doesn't mean that racism doesn't exist. It does in both countries.
I believe it's just a lack of common sense. Most reasonable people anywhere in the world would know that it's not a good idea to sing a song like that. Why bring controversy to the National team and also to Argentina at a time when they should be celebrating a win. Most Argentines aren't racist but some are. Argentina already has a reputation in much of the world for being racist so why do this? Just a lack of common sense.

The player even apologized about it. Probably not for Argentina but because he works and lives outside of Argentina where he knows this isn't acceptable to many countries. It could affect his sponsorships. But Argrentina just doubles down on it.
I wouldn't say racist. They do group people into racial groups which some may find offensive.

Chino = Any Asian
Negro = Any black person (although I heard locals calling other locals negros even if they weren't black but a bit darker)
Yanqui = Caucasion
Turco = Any Middle Eastern
Gordo = Fat (I heard several people calling this to their friends that were on the bigger side but I heard guys calling their girlfriends gorda too so maybe a term of affection)

I personally don't care at all but some might care.
This is totally correct. I have a few friends in town and they all do the same thing. I think for the most part Argentines have no filter and they will say what they think even if it doesn't come out right. I did notice that some look down on Chinese. There are a lot of corner Chinese markets and some of these people don't speak Spanish well. It seems like at least some people talk down on Chinese in BA. Racism exists in every country. Argentina is no exception.
Ah Argentina. The only country that can win the Copa America and be surrounded in controversy the same day winning it. Agree with some points about being too woke but also it can swing the other way too. This will drag out longer because of VP and others now involved.

Wish we could focus on other bigger issues Argentina has to solve. But this is a big part of why Argentines are thought of around the world as difficult.
Not just the VP supporting them but they terminated a PRO party official that asked Messi to apologize.

Not all of us are ignorant and think it's ok to sing this kind of songs. It is disgraceful. It is also disgraceful that the VP would defend this kind of reaction. What is wrong with our politicians that they just go on X automatically with their silliness.

At least Milei's sister apologized to France. This was correct to apologize.
