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Argentina in the Copa America - Will they go all the way to Champions again?

Not all of us are ignorant and think it's ok to sing this kind of songs. It is disgraceful. It is also disgraceful that the VP would defend this kind of reaction. What is wrong with our politicians that they just go on X automatically with their silliness.

At least Milei's sister apologized to France. This was correct to apologize.

It was good that Karina went to apologize. This is something I don't like about Argentina. Sometimes when they are clearly wrong they double down on things and make it worse. It is clear that Karina doesn't like the VP. No communication between them. Everyone just finds out on Twitter these days.

It was good that Karina went to apologize. This is something I don't like about Argentina. Sometimes when they are clearly wrong they double down on things and make it worse. It is clear that Karina doesn't like the VP. No communication between them. Everyone just finds out on Twitter these days.

I think apologizing is an overreaction. Yes, I understand that it might not be the best timing, with Milei traveling to France in just a few days, but these back-and-forths only highlight the government’s communication weaknesses. France made a huge deal out of this, even though what the players said in the song is quite accurate and shouldn’t be offensive. It almost seems like being from Angola is considered an insult.

The same ones throwing a fit about now, but didn't blink an eye about this are hypocrites. Don't care at all about their opinions.
Two wrongs don't make a right. Once someone is a naturalized citizen of that country they have the rights to consider themselves French. Or the same thing goes on in the USA where originally many slaves from Africa are now Americans. @FuturoBA do you think it's ok to call these Americans that are now part of the United States Africans all their lives? I agree there is a balance between being too woke but also in doing the right thing too. Just because this comedian was inappropriate doesn't give people license to also be inappropriate.
This is very true. Much of it isn't racism per se but there is still racism here whether they want to admit it or not. It might not be too direct but it exists. I have a lot of friends from Venezuela and there are tons of racism here. And most people aren't really ashamed of it. They will get angry at you if you tell them you aren't comfortable with their line of questioning. They can be outright rude sometimes about it.

They will accuse you of being all woke but it's not like that at all. People from Bolivia are many times looked downed upon here. And of course locals will always deny it or get upset about it but it exists nonetheless. People here always say race here is a non-issue but that isn't true. Not saying it's as bad as some countries but pretending like it doesn't exist isn't a solution either.
To an extent, there is racism everywhere. You will always have that. Racism exists in the USA as well. People say just because America elected Obama it means that it's not racist but that isn't true. Much of the States has a lot of racism and probably always will.
I think apologizing is an overreaction. Yes, I understand that it might not be the best timing, with Milei traveling to France in just a few days, but these back-and-forths only highlight the government’s communication weaknesses. France made a huge deal out of this, even though what the players said in the song is quite accurate and shouldn’t be offensive. It almost seems like being from Angola is considered an insult.

Disagree with you. If it was an overreaction she wouldn't have gone to apologize. With Milei going there in a few weeks there is no need to turn this into something bigger. Finally Milei is showing some common sense. This was the right move apologizing. The VP and Karina don't get along and something tells me Karina has more sway with her brother than Vicky.
People are really making a bigger deal of this than it is. France can't talk as they exploit African nations and it's people.

Two wrongs don't make a right. Once someone is a naturalized citizen of that country they have the rights to consider themselves French. Or the same thing goes on in the USA where originally many slaves from Africa are now Americans. @FuturoBA do you think it's ok to call these Americans that are now part of the United States Africans all their lives? I agree there is a balance between being too woke but also in doing the right thing too. Just because this comedian was inappropriate doesn't give people license to also be inappropriate.
I guess I don't have the energy be in a constant state of outrage at the smallest of slights, whether real or not. The French players themselves don't seem concerned about this issue, and they're the ones most affected, but yet the same people offended will yet again be offended by the next current thing.
I guess I don't have the energy be in a constant state of outrage at the smallest of slights, whether real or not. The French players themselves don't seem concerned about this issue, and they're the ones most affected, but yet the same people offended will yet again be offended by the next current thing.
You are lucky @FuturoBA! I worry about the slightest of things like encountering poop on sidewalks on my Airbnb lockbox now. People will find something to complain about. Still, if the President's sister rushed off to apologize it probably is a sign that the government looks at it as an issue.
I wouldn't say racist. They do group people into racial groups which some may find offensive.

Chino = Any Asian
Negro = Any black person (although I heard locals calling other locals negros even if they weren't black but a bit darker)
Yanqui = Caucasion
Turco = Any Middle Eastern
Gordo = Fat (I heard several people calling this to their friends that were on the bigger side but I heard guys calling their girlfriends gorda too so maybe a term of affection)

I personally don't care at all but some might care.
I witnessed this too but didn't take any offense to it. I happen to be Chinese but when I was with my Asian friends from other countries they didn't like it but they could see that no one was intentional trying to be racist. They just commented that Argentines aren't aware that in most of the world this would be considered rude but that is just how they are.

I saw this on X and thought it was great. My friend from Japan was very shocked. Everyone in his country is so polite and he was surprised everyone goes around calling everyone idiots (boludo) here. They left the trip shocked that lots here do that.

You are lucky @FuturoBA! I worry about the slightest of things like encountering poop on sidewalks on my Airbnb lockbox now. People will find something to complain about. Still, if the President's sister rushed off to apologize it probably is a sign that the government looks at it as an issue.
Oh lawd it sounds like the poop gods are just following you around :LOL: I kinda wondered where you'd be while you kept pushing back BA. I believe you went to Spain now, how are you doing there?
Oh lawd it sounds like the poop gods are just following you around :LOL: I kinda wondered where you'd be while you kept pushing back BA. I believe you went to Spain now, how are you doing there?
Yes. Not the best of luck with this issue. I have been in Spain the past month. Went to Barcelona and in Seville now. Lot of anti tourists activities. Someone smeared poop on my Airbnb lock box for my keys. I was able to move out because of that. I am going to stay here a while and then check out Malaga.
Two wrongs don't make a right. Once someone is a naturalized citizen of that country they have the rights to consider themselves French. Or the same thing goes on in the USA where originally many slaves from Africa are now Americans. @FuturoBA do you think it's ok to call these Americans that are now part of the United States Africans all their lives? I agree there is a balance between being too woke but also in doing the right thing too. Just because this comedian was inappropriate doesn't give people license to also be inappropriate.
At least Enzo apologized for it. Of course most people probably won't admit when there is racism. There is plenty of racism in the USA against blacks and other minorities. If you try to point this out with some Americans they will be quick to say that a black President was elected and racism isn't a problem. Just like in Argentina you will have locals pointing out that Menem was elected. There is plenty of racism in both countries.

Even my Argentinean friends admit there is a lot of racism in their country. And judging by reaction of Karina Milei, they wanted to quickly put this to rest. It doesn't benefit anyone in Argentina for the VP to have reacted this way.

Yes. Not the best of luck with this issue. I have been in Spain the past month. Went to Barcelona and in Seville now. Lot of anti tourists activities. Someone smeared poop on my Airbnb lock box for my keys. I was able to move out because of that. I am going to stay here a while and then check out Malaga.
I see the news for Spain. Terrible about how they are treating tourists. Very foolish.

At least Enzo apologized for it. Of course most people probably won't admit when there is racism. There is plenty of racism in the USA against blacks and other minorities. If you try to point this out with some Americans they will be quick to say that a black President was elected and racism isn't a problem. Just like in Argentina you will have locals pointing out that Menem was elected. There is plenty of racism in both countries.

Even my Argentinean friends admit there is a lot of racism in their country. And judging by reaction of Karina Milei, they wanted to quickly put this to rest. It doesn't benefit anyone in Argentina for the VP to have reacted this way.

There is racism here just like everywhere in world. Some bad apple but mostly good people.

This Milei send mixed signal. He send sister to go apologize only so he can get his ticket to go see Olympics in some weeks. He fire another employee that demanded apology and then he send sister to go apologize. This stupid. Not consistent.

I just went to the Copa America in Miami and it was a zoo. One of my Colombian friends met me there and we watched the game together. His college roommate was one of those Colombians you saw storming the stadium without a ticket. He has a green card for the USA but was just contacted as he came up on a biometric scan. He is freaking out that he may lose his green card. He was contacted by some authority. I'm not sure which agency but I guess there were 7,000 people identified.

I just went to the Copa America in Miami and it was a zoo. One of my Colombian friends met me there and we watched the game together. His college roommate was one of those Colombians you saw storming the stadium without a ticket. He has a green card for the USA but was just contacted as he came up on a biometric scan. He is freaking out that he may lose his green card. He was contacted by some authority. I'm not sure which agency but I guess there were 7,000 people identified.

I saw that on the news today. There is a class action lawsuit against now by people that had tickets and couldn't get into the game. I didn't know there was so much damage caused to the stadium. I heard they are going to go after these people they have on camera. Thousands of people they have biometric data on. It seems fitting some of these people will get deported and lose their Green Cards for the USA and also their tourist visas for Argentines.

No more privacy. Argentina is going to use the same technology with protestors.
I saw that on the news today. There is a class action lawsuit against now by people that had tickets and couldn't get into the game. I didn't know there was so much damage caused to the stadium. I heard they are going to go after these people they have on camera. Thousands of people they have biometric data on. It seems fitting some of these people will get deported and lose their Green Cards for the USA and also their tourist visas for Argentines.

No more privacy. Argentina is going to use the same technology with protestors.
It is one thing to illegally enter a soccer match and cause destruction. It is another to legally protest. I think those at the Copa America deserve any problems they might encounter. But a protestor in Argentina peacefully protesting shouldn't have issues because of their biometric scan. I hope this not take advantage of.
It is one thing to illegally enter a soccer match and cause destruction. It is another to legally protest. I think those at the Copa America deserve any problems they might encounter. But a protestor in Argentina peacefully protesting shouldn't have issues because of their biometric scan. I hope this not take advantage of.
i doubt anyone that is peacefully protesting will have any issues with biometric data. Probably only people that are causing problems or destroying property.