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Taxes Argentina May Issue Bond to Pay $16 Billion Award in YPF Lawsuit - Bloomberg

He became Governor because he is CFK's favourite baby and leads her party in the province - there is no other reason.

There are a lot more intelligent people than him but CFK never saw him as a threat to her family's overall control
I don't pretend to understand politics but the CKF fans sound totally ignorant. I don't understand how people can be so blind that she was robbing them blind and they still support someone like Kilciloff. Does he still enjoy such strong support? I'm very glad that Milei won but seems like many in Argentina are very ignorant still if they support someone like Kilciloff that is going to cause them so much harm with what he did with YPF.

I read a great blog that talked about YPF. Do locals acknowledge all the wrong that Kilciloff did?

I know two or three CFK fans and when I point out that she has benefitted financially from many deals done during her presidency, they change the subject and talk about something else.

Kiciloff won in the province but with a hugely reduced majority. Most independent observers agree that he bought a pile of votes with free freezers and other electrical appliances.

The day before yesterday he announced huge property tax increases but no reduction in expenditure.

Very dangerous as property tax is one of the easiest ones not to pay or postpone actual payment.
I know two or three CFK fans and when I point out that she has benefitted financially from many deals done during her presidency, they change the subject and talk about something else.

Kiciloff won in the province but with a hugely reduced majority. Most independent observers agree that he bought a pile of votes with free freezers and other electrical appliances.

The day before yesterday he announced huge property tax increases but no reduction in expenditure.

Very dangerous as property tax is one of the easiest ones not to pay or postpone actual payment.
HA! Yep. That is the same as my acquaintances that I know that are CFK supporters. They always manage to talk about something else when I bring it up. Funny how that is but when they want to talk about Milei they are adamant about not changing the subject.

Yes It's always the same with CFK always buying votes. Property tax? What's that? Ha. I haven't paid a property tax since I purchased my property. They never have enforced it with no penalties for not paying. It will be interesting if they actually enforce. That will be painful. I wonder if they will cumulate all back taxes. I haven't paid a property tax on my apartment in over 10 years. I don't think my wife's folks pay on any of their properties either.
Good update from Bowtied Mara from Twitter. I wonder what assets Argentina has abroad?

Not too much - embassies ( but not sure if these can be embargoed)

The Navy Training Ship will not be sailing anywhere after the last adventure during the last embargo period.

Aerolineas Argentinas airplanes - not sure how many are fully owned and how many belong to the leasing company

Thtas about it...
Not too much - embassies ( but not sure if these can be embargoed)

The Navy Training Ship will not be sailing anywhere after the last adventure during the last embargo period.

Aerolineas Argentinas airplanes - not sure how many are fully owned and how many belong to the leasing company

Thtas about it...
No, Embassies and consulate offices can't be embargoed. I was wondering about Aerolineas Argentina aircraft. I would imagine that Argentina will have thought about that already and shielded itself from that liability.

Still will be interesting to see how this plays out. It may take some time but eventually these investors sound like they will get made whole.
Interesting. Anyone think Buford has a shot?

No shot. It is one thing to win in court. It is another thing to collect and get paid. Not sure when their payday will come. Argentina will never give up YPF.

YPF no way - give them Aerolineas Argentinas
They wouldn't want to accept Aerolineas. A money-losing operation without subsidies.
No shot. It is one thing to win in court. It is another thing to collect and get paid. Not sure when their payday will come. Argentina will never give up YPF.

They wouldn't want to accept Aerolineas. A money-losing operation without subsidies.
@Todd , that is the idea give them the bad assets . Not the good ones
@Todd , that is the idea give them the bad assets . Not the good ones
Buford sounds like a smart group of fellas. No one really thought they would win a judgement. Gotta give them credit. It seems like they will get paid one way or another. Interest is building up isn't it?