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Argentina President Milei alters Internet rules to make way for Elon Musk’s Starlink - Buenos Aires Times

By that logic then nothing should ever be done with technology because no one can afford it in the moment. That isn't how technology and innovation works. True, first the upper class of society and the wealthy can only afford it. Then it gets validated and scaled for the masses. Look at air travel before when it came out. I remember when my grandparents would tell me stories of how they first traveled and how expensive it was. Thousands and thousands of dollars in inflation-adjusted dollars. Now, you have every Tom, Dick and Harry that can travel across the world effortlessly and for not too much money.

First you had big airlines and then you had smaller start-ups like Southwest Airlines and Frontier and Easy Jet and Ryan Air and on and on. Just imagine if companies or even governments had the attitude not to even do it as there was no market for it and no one can afford it. This is how things get done. With technology it will only get innovated and build faster.

Starlink and other services like it are a new technology but you will probably find that more and more people will be interested in it. Having internet access is essential now for work, for kids learning. As more and more companies expand and compete, the prices will come down. It's always how business and technology works. When computers and TV's came out they were very expensive and only for the wealthy.

It's too expensive to extend fiberoptic networks in rural areas due to the low population of people living in those areas. This all makes things become a reality. Stop with your negative way of thinking. Wake up and realize how technology will change the world.
Absolutely correct! Great analogy! The vast majority of the people live in urban metro areas where Starlink doesn't make sense and they already have an affordable provider. This only makes sense for rural areas that are mainly off the grid. As @James Bond mentioned, rural areas with poor internet connection or more importantly NO Internet connection. But this already isn't for the mega-wealthy. This can be implemented in schools where there is no signal and it will enrich and change their lives. Every person in a small village that was cut off from the world previously will have access.

This is a GREAT thing! I"m not sure how anyone can argue otherwise.
Watch and see. These new best friends will work out a deal that helps the wealthy Musk and his various companies but does very little for Argentines or Argentina. Maybe very cheap lithium extraction for Tesla and Musk? With very few benefits for Argentina. I doubt many jobs would be created in Argentina. Maybe they take all our Lithium or very low or no taxes paid on it. Watch and see.
Not true. Have you seen the amount of activity in Australia? It's been a boom for their economy. The same could be true for Argentina.

I also heard that this has been promised to launch for years. Who knows if Milei will expedite the launch or not.

Competition is usually a good thing. It will drive prices down ultimately. There is a need for this in rural areas due to a lack of infrastructure of high-speed internet across much of Argentina. I know people that use Starlink in Chile where it is available. There it is around $500 bucks for installation and about $50 bucks a month for the service.

Many companies will offer the same. Amazon founder, Jeff Bezos will also start placing low Earth orbit satellites all over the world as well. And the Chinese are going to launch similar services as well. This will become the new normal.

I'm not sure if this is good or bad but it will come. You can't stop technology. It will only speed up. We are almost at the point of singularity with technology.
I completely agree. The singularity is a real thing now. Computers are so smart with AI you don't really even need humans. You can give a computer a "persona" and it will go back and forth arguing the merits of both sides. It's remarkable where we have come with technology. Humans can be eliminated. For jobs, and many other things. You don't need a human anymore. My wife works for a multi-national company and she has eliminated many jobs and they are just using AI in the HR department for many tasks. She said that AI does a MUCH better job than any human does for writing up job descriptions and many other tasks.

Even on a forum like this one, soon humans will be replaced and AI and computers can give all the information on ANY topic.

By that logic then nothing should ever be done with technology because no one can afford it in the moment. That isn't how technology and innovation works. True, first the upper class of society and the wealthy can only afford it. Then it gets validated and scaled for the masses. Look at air travel before when it came out. I remember when my grandparents would tell me stories of how they first traveled and how expensive it was. Thousands and thousands of dollars in inflation-adjusted dollars. Now, you have every Tom, Dick and Harry that can travel across the world effortlessly and for not too much money.

First you had big airlines and then you had smaller start-ups like Southwest Airlines and Frontier and Easy Jet and Ryan Air and on and on. Just imagine if companies or even governments had the attitude not to even do it as there was no market for it and no one can afford it. This is how things get done. With technology it will only get innovated and build faster.

Starlink and other services like it are a new technology but you will probably find that more and more people will be interested in it. Having internet access is essential now for work, for kids learning. As more and more companies expand and compete, the prices will come down. It's always how business and technology works. When computers and TV's came out they were very expensive and only for the wealthy.

It's too expensive to extend fiberoptic networks in rural areas due to the low population of people living in those areas. This all makes things become a reality. Stop with your negative way of thinking. Wake up and realize how technology will change the world.
Spot on target! That's the perfect example. I saw that in Chile it only costs $53 US dollars per month. In Argentina they can probably get it even cheaper. This is great.

How fast are Internet speeds in Buenos Aires? I asked my Airbnb host if she would do a Speedtest but refuses to. Anyone have any idea if my Internet isn't fast if they can just upgrade service if I pay? Can I just go into a store or call and upgrade for the 2 months I am there? Anyone know how long it will take? Can I upgrade for just 2 months. I asked the owner and she said wait until I'm here and I can do it. But reading things online nothing sounds easy there or quick.

She said the internet provider is I-Plan.
I also heard that this has been promised to launch for years. Who knows if Milei will expedite the launch or not.

Competition is usually a good thing. It will drive prices down ultimately. There is a need for this in rural areas due to a lack of infrastructure of high-speed internet across much of Argentina. I know people that use Starlink in Chile where it is available. There it is around $500 bucks for installation and about $50 bucks a month for the service.

Many companies will offer the same. Amazon founder, Jeff Bezos will also start placing low Earth orbit satellites all over the world as well. And the Chinese are going to launch similar services as well. This will become the new normal.

I'm not sure if this is good or bad but it will come. You can't stop technology. It will only speed up. We are almost at the point of singularity with technology.
I totally agree. I'm always amazed with technology and all the things AI can do. Milei is laying off thousands and thousands of people and probably a few computers can do the work of all these people these days.
How fast are Internet speeds in Buenos Aires? I asked my Airbnb host if she would do a Speedtest but refuses to. Anyone have any idea if my Internet isn't fast if they can just upgrade service if I pay? Can I just go into a store or call and upgrade for the 2 months I am there? Anyone know how long it will take? Can I upgrade for just 2 months. I asked the owner and she said wait until I'm here and I can do it. But reading things online nothing sounds easy there or quick.

She said the internet provider is I-Plan.
Internet speeds in CABA are very quick if you have a good plan. Many Airbnb owners have the cheapest plans. You should really ask your Airbnb owner to do this AHEAD of time. Maybe offer to pay her ahead of time for the service. NOTHING is quick here and sometimes they can't just do it via phone. Or they might have to upgrade the modem. Do NOT wait until you get here if fast internet is important to you. Just tell her you want to cancel if this is the case and she will probably spring into action. You can pay the owner ahead of time via Airbnb for additional services.
Interesting. I was reading this article today that said @Elon called President Milei and was interested in Argentina's vast Lithium reserves. It seems everyone wants a piece of Argentina these days.
