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Argentina sees sharpest drop in beef consumption for 30 years!

I am making up for locals not eating as much beef. With the sudden rise of the blue dollar steaks 4X a week. Got this $7 USD steak at Coto. This in many countries would be a $50 steak.

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A steak like that here in the States would be at least $40 or more. It is sad for locals that they have to cut back so much on beef.
I just saw this today. I always thought Argentina exported more beef. Hard to believe the USA exports double the amount of beef than Argentina does.

It's worrying that 80% of Argentinians are cutting back on asados due to economic difficulties. This highlights how the gap between incomes and prices is impacting even the most traditional customs. It's a clear sign of the financial strain many families are under and how budget cuts are affecting something as fundamental as traditions and everyday life.
