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Newcomer Argentina: Top Choice for Digital Nomads


Argentina is now in the top 3 most attractive countries for digital nomads worldwide because of its low cost of living. According to Nomadlist, the hottest spots in 2024 are mostly in Southeast Asia, Central and Southern Europe, and Latin America. While Thailand and Malaysia are top picks, Argentina stands out for its affordability and great quality of life.

Even though the country is in crisis, it remains one of the most convenient destinations for digital nomads. Besides the economic factor, why would you choose Argentina?

Even though digital nomads earn less than in their home countries, they have much greater purchasing power and can save more in Buenos Aires. Even with a 30% lower income, they can save more than those working locally in their home countries. This is thanks to Buenos Aires' low cost of living and some tax advantages. So living here is a great option if you're looking to enjoy a high quality of life and save more! Additionally, just as a fun fact, I'm in love with the culture, the people, and the way of life here... This is definitely my place.
There are several reasons why digital nomads choose to live here. If you ask me, I could list them:
  1. Quality of Life: Argentina offers a good quality of life, with a rich culture, diverse cuisine, and stunning landscapes, ranging from mountains to beaches.
  2. Vibrant Culture: Cities like Buenos Aires have an active cultural scene with events, concerts, museums, and a dynamic arts community.
  3. Relaxed Lifestyle: People in Argentina are generally friendly and welcoming, and the lifestyle is more relaxed compared to other countries.
  4. Cultural Diversity: With European and Latin American influences, Argentina becomes a diverse and interesting environment.
  5. Opportunities to Learn Spanish: For many digital nomads, living in Argentina is an excellent opportunity to learn or improve their Spanish.
These reasons, combined with the low cost of living, make Argentina an attractive destination for digital nomads.
Despite the crisis, Argentina is still a great place to live. Beyond the economic factor, what drew me in the most was the lifestyle. Here, people value different things, they work to live, unlike in New York, where it feels like people are just on autopilot, living to work and constantly paying, paying, paying. So, I already feel like Argentina is my home. :)
I do enjoy Buenos Aires quite a bit but I don't think it's the screaming deal that it used to be. Sure it's more affordable vs. USA but I wouldn't say it's cheap. I have some friends in Vietnam and Thailand and they are spending a fraction of what I am spending, especially with food. Sure, BA is a deal compared to US but my dining out budget has really gone up.

I do enjoy the lifestyle! Feels very European to me. And there is a TON to do every week.
Argentina is definitely still the best option, not just because of its economy but also because of its society and culture. I've lived here for years, and I wouldn't trade this country for anything.

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I don't think there prices are correct at all for Argentina. I'm not sure when they are taking this data but prices are very dear now. They seem like they are taking the median price for rental for locals but most expats won't come anywhere close to paying only $270 dollars in monthly rent.

The prices at many restaurants are the same price as the States now. Look at hamburger places and many are priced from $8 to $10 dollars now which is the same as when I visited the States. I spend the same amount for coffee here than the States and I can get it cheaper in Europe. The price for a cup of coffee here is very dear.
There are several reasons why digital nomads choose to live here. If you ask me, I could list them:
  1. Quality of Life: Argentina offers a good quality of life, with a rich culture, diverse cuisine, and stunning landscapes, ranging from mountains to beaches.
  2. Vibrant Culture: Cities like Buenos Aires have an active cultural scene with events, concerts, museums, and a dynamic arts community.
  3. Relaxed Lifestyle: People in Argentina are generally friendly and welcoming, and the lifestyle is more relaxed compared to other countries.
  4. Cultural Diversity: With European and Latin American influences, Argentina becomes a diverse and interesting environment.
  5. Opportunities to Learn Spanish: For many digital nomads, living in Argentina is an excellent opportunity to learn or improve their Spanish.
These reasons, combined with the low cost of living, make Argentina an attractive destination for digital nomads.
I enjoyed Buenos Aires and heading back here later this year. I didn't think it was a screaming deal. Sure compared to some areas it's cheaper. Accomodations wasn't too bad. I just don't think the typical expat going down is getting the cheap rates that most locals that are living there are getting. I mostly agree with this list above with the exception of "diverse cuisine". I posted some during my trip but I just didn't think there was too much diversity with food there.

I did have some good meals but I also had many mediocre meals. I appreciate some of the tips for great places. All of the best meals were suggestions that I got from this board. I don't think there is much diversity in the type of food here. Lots of steak, lots of Italian places. I didn't like the pizza there. Most of the Asian places were terrible. Only 1 good Sushi place but it was expensive. BA had many things but diversity in food shouldn't be on this list.