Hi earlyetirement. I want to ask some questions as I have been investing in mexican PR and you are the one with first hand experience.
Is that such an easy process as you said, any other implications after arriving in Mexico? How long do I need to be in Mexico (months per year) to keep PR? Do Méxican immigration keep track of leaving from land border? I mean I can just walk pass the mexican border control, but US entry record is linked to Mexican immigration?
Yes, it's very easy. HOWEVER, if you don't speak Spanish it will be impossible for you to do it yourself. I recommend you check out this company -
https://www.yucatanexpatriateservices.com/category/resident-services if you don't speak Spanish. They can help you. They have great reviews online and they I talked to Adriana when I was going through the process. I determined after an initial consultation that I could do it myself. The only thing I used her for was she prepared some forms for me to fill out to bring to Guadalajara to finish the process. That was a big help.
Here is the address I went to in Guadalajara to apply:
Alcalde No. 500 4° Piso Palacio Federal, Col. Centro, C. P. 44280 Guadalajara, Jal.
Their office hours are Mon-Fri from 9 AM to 1 PM.
Checklist of documents to take to Immigration for the “canje” procedure:
Original and copy of passport (the original is just to compare with the copy; they will give it back to you the same day).
Copy of the resident visa stamped in the passport. (You get this from Mexican Consulate office in USA).
Original of the FMM document (the one you will receive at the airport marked as canje for 30 days).
Letter requesting the resident card.
Online form requesting the change of document to permanent resident card.
Formato básico (basic form).
Payment of immigration fees for the card. You must go to a bank to do this payment with a form the Immigration officer will provide to you when you submit your documents. (The payment will be done by you).
Dues to Immigration for each procedure
Permanent resident card: $4,828.00 pesos. (I paid this back in 2018 but it could have changed today the amount).
If you speak Spanish then I don't think you'd need to pay anyone other than maybe just Adriana for an initial consultation to get the forms. Let me see in my files if I still find the form. If so, I'll post it here so it will help you and possibly others.
I speak Spanish so I did it myself. As mentioned, you have to start the process in the USA. But once you get to Mexico, you can't leave Mexico again until you get the Permanent Residency card. (Or at least I was told if you do leave it can complicate things). It only took me 2 weeks to get the PR card once I applied. I applied in the Guadalajara office which was very easy. The toughest thing was finding a place that had those funky small photos.
You don't have to spend any amount of time there in Mexico to keep the card. It's impossible for them to keep track when you cross the land borders when you leave. Only when you enter again. For example, AFTER you get your PR card you can just go to Tijuana and cross back into the USA without doing anything with your Mexican Permanent Residency card. Entry to USA is NOT linked to your Mexican PR card. I just enter with my Global Entry card.
I don't live in Mexico full time. I just always like to get Permanent Residency once I start buying real estate in a country. I like to have the same rights and privileges vs. locals. And in many countries you can't open a bank account without getting permanent residency.
It was all very easy in Mexico and as mentioned, I did it myself. I did it several years ago and was the best decision I ever made. I think anyone that can easily qualify for this for Mexico should do it ASAP. They could change the laws so I'd do it now while it's relatively easy.
It just comes down to having enough money in the bank. Just make sure the name on your bank statement matches exactly the name in your passport. They were sticklers about that. I actually had to go back to the Mexican Consulate office because the first time my middle name wasn't on my bank statement. So make sure before your appointment in the USA at the Mexican Consulate, your name matches exactly from Passport to Bank Statement.
Mexico just wants to make sure you won't be a drain on society so they want to make sure you have enough money to retire down there. I hope that helps.
PS. I found the forms that I needed to fill out and bring with me. It was these attachments. Just make sure you bring 3 copies of "infantile" sized photos. There is a place right near the government office in Guadalajara that did these photos. It was VERY frustrating as I had these photos done in USA but the size was a little off. They have to be exactly that size. There was only 1 place I found near there that would do it.
The lady was REALLY nice at the Mexican office as she told me to come back but she said I could skip the line (I waited 2 hours to get to the front of the line). So I went to do photos again and then skipped up to the line. Go early in the morning right when they open.