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Argentine Senators give themselves yet another raise

Digital Nomad

Well-known member
I thought Milei said he was against this but it doesn't seem like he can stop them. I just read that the Senators gave themselves yet another raise. I thought no hay plata. I guess there is for them.

I am willing to give MIlei the benefit of the doubt but some of these things he is doing like the big party the other night for his book seem like a big distraction and not good timing. All these trips internationally also seem like it's too much of a distraction. Some things he is doing are on the right track but he just doesn't have the votes to do much at all. This salary increase by the Senators is a good example of it.

Has anything changed much for locals besides everything costing more now? I realize change takes time but there is only so much patience that people will have. Seems like prices are much more than this time last year. No dollarization as he promised. CEPO is still in place. Import restrictions still remain. Taxes have gone up. Consumption has just stopped and the country is in a horrible recession.

I do like him but is anyone else getting the sense that he has lost touch with the common person in Argentina and what they are going through? I read that he is going back to Spain in a few weeks. Seems like this will eventually backfire on him if he isn't careful.
I am willing to give MIlei the benefit of the doubt but some of these things he is doing like the big party the other night for his book seem like a big distraction and not good timing. All these trips internationally also seem like it's too much of a distraction. Some things he is doing are on the right track but he just doesn't have the votes to do much at all. This salary increase by the Senators is a good example of it.

Has anything changed much for locals besides everything costing more now? I realize change takes time but there is only so much patience that people will have. Seems like prices are much more than this time last year. No dollarization as he promised. CEPO is still in place. Import restrictions still remain. Taxes have gone up. Consumption has just stopped and the country is in a horrible recession.

I do like him but is anyone else getting the sense that he has lost touch with the common person in Argentina and what they are going through? I read that he is going back to Spain in a few weeks. Seems like this will eventually backfire on him if he isn't careful.
No nothing has changed positively for the typical Argentine. They have experienced nothing but negative since Milei was elected. Poverty increased and prices are much higher.
Saw this today. It sounds like some of this increase covers other various expenses.

I don't think this will actually happen. It already happened in April, they said the same thing, and salaries haven't been lowered.

This is part of the biggest problems in Argentina. Many of my friends there never want to pay taxes because they think the system is all corrupt and stacked against them. I'm not sure this will ever change much if politicians say one thing and do another.
They did it again...🤦‍♂️

It’s not final yet; they need to review that increase. It seems they might roll it back.

They did it again...🤦‍♂️

A very angry and outraged Milei said that this is "a betrayal of the Argentine people".

This is just totally wrong on all levels. Not sure what they are thinking of but some may think that this is their last term and might want the $$$$ while they can get it. Stupid.
I completely agree, they should be ashamed. And look at how much Cristina K and Alberto are making! My God, they should be ashamed too.
And look at how much a retiree gets? The most vulnerable people, whom the government should be taking the most care of… it’s so sad.

They should be ashamed of themselves for demanding more raises when they terminate many positions. At least Milei is against them.

I completely agree, they should be ashamed. And look at how much Cristina K and Alberto are making! My God, they should be ashamed too.
And look at how much a retiree gets? The most vulnerable people, whom the government should be taking the most care of… it’s so sad.

View attachment 6929
While they’re giving themselves raises and earning 9,000,000 ARS, they just increased teachers' salaries. Do you know by how much? It honestly seems like a joke…

