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Avianca inaugurated a new route between Medellin and Buenos Aires for you Colombia lovers

Great! I was thinking of going for a visit. I heard that things were a bit tense there for gringos now but still may check it out. I am going to Rio de Janeiro next week to check out the scene there but Medellin is a fun city with great nightlife.

I just looked at the prices for that flight. Wow! It's over $1,000 USD for that flight. Expensive.
Great option but you're right that is expensive right now. I wonder how busy that route will be. I have an ex-boyfriend that lives in Medellin so may have to check it out.
Wow, I just looked at the flight time. For some reason I thought that was a shorter flight. Still, that seems like an expensive flight. I flew from the West Coast USA to Buenos Aires last year and it was about $1,400. $1000 seems expensive for the closer distance.