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BA bike guide

Noticed the same thing. Same thing in stores. Some stores have things so expensive that no one will buy it. But they don't lower the price at all. Wierd. No concept of moving stuff and making more money. At $300 for 3 people riding bikes 4 hours the only takers are sucker tourists. Locals aren't going to spend that much money. Even tourists I would have to think would think twice about that.
I'm new here, but I've noticed a lot of people using the city bikes, which I understand are free. You just need to register to start using them. I've also seen "ecobici" stations all over the city, strategically placed. I think I'll give them a try one of these days.

I'm new here, but I've noticed a lot of people using the city bikes, which I understand are free. You just need to register to start using them. I've also seen "ecobici" stations all over the city, strategically placed. I think I'll give them a try one of these days.

Yes but if Craig is an experienced biker, I doubt he would want to use those to do serious biking. They aren't in the best shape.
Yes but if Craig is an experienced biker, I doubt he would want to use those to do serious biking. They aren't in the best shape.
I've actually used city bikes all over NYC, they're a little beaten up but the convenience is fantastic. We're not trying to get a workout on the bikes, it's just a great way to experience as much of the city as possible. Most of these tours only cover 10-15km over 3-5 hours so they're obviously moving slowly and stopping a lot.
I've found this Buenos Aires city website offering free tours. I tried booking to confirm it's really free, and yes! It lets you choose the date and time, and it shows "$0," for example, for a tour in La Boca. I think it's the same for the bike tour. There's a WhatsApp number where you can inquire, and the website shows the entire itinerary. Hope this helps!

whatsapp number +54 9 11 6244-8039
I've actually used city bikes all over NYC, they're a little beaten up but the convenience is fantastic. We're not trying to get a workout on the bikes, it's just a great way to experience as much of the city as possible. Most of these tours only cover 10-15km over 3-5 hours so they're obviously moving slowly and stopping a lot.
I agree about these city bikes. Works great in NYC! Not the best but they get the job done.

I've found this Buenos Aires city website offering free tours. I tried booking to confirm it's really free, and yes! It lets you choose the date and time, and it shows "$0," for example, for a tour in La Boca. I think it's the same for the bike tour. There's a WhatsApp number where you can inquire, and the website shows the entire itinerary. Hope this helps!

whatsapp number +54 9 11 6244-8039
There must be some catch. If it sounds too good to be true it usually is. They probably stop at stores or something to buy stuff where they make a commission or something.
I've found this Buenos Aires city website offering free tours. I tried booking to confirm it's really free, and yes! It lets you choose the date and time, and it shows "$0," for example, for a tour in La Boca. I think it's the same for the bike tour. There's a WhatsApp number where you can inquire, and the website shows the entire itinerary. Hope this helps!

whatsapp number +54 9 11 6244-8039

That's amazing, what a great service
I've found this Buenos Aires city website offering free tours. I tried booking to confirm it's really free, and yes! It lets you choose the date and time, and it shows "$0," for example, for a tour in La Boca. I think it's the same for the bike tour. There's a WhatsApp number where you can inquire, and the website shows the entire itinerary. Hope this helps!

whatsapp number +54 9 11 6244-8039
That is a great find. I have seen cities that offer free walking tours or free tours of the city. Sometimes it's for the person to make friends or practice their English. Other times they might have other tours and using this to possible sell other services if the people are happy. Great that something like this exists in BA.
Most of those tours are group tours but BA Bike Tours can do private tours. My sister did one. Just contact them and ask them what you need and they will give you a quote. Ask for an experienced guide and explain what you want and ask if it's possible. They are straight shooters.

I used this company and they were great. But it was a small group. The staff were very friendly. The prices went up since I went however
Just be careful riding on busy streets here @CraigM . Even on streets with bike lanes you have to be careful. Drivers here are some of the worst that I have seen and I have almost got hit many times walking around. We have seen one person riding a bike hit by a car. Just be very careful as it is not like other places were pedestrians or bikers are respected.
Biking is a great way to see Buenos Aires. Craig check out Sol Salute. She always has great stuff.

Thanks I actually had trouble reading it, every sentence is followed by a large banner ad. Not sure if that's normal these days but it's very hard to focus.
Just be careful riding on busy streets here @CraigM . Even on streets with bike lanes you have to be careful. Drivers here are some of the worst that I have seen and I have almost got hit many times walking around. We have seen one person riding a bike hit by a car. Just be very careful as it is not like other places were pedestrians or bikers are respected.
This is very true! You must be very careful here. Buses here actually speed up at yellow/red lights. I've seen several run lights and almost hit pedestrians. It's one thing I don't like about BA. Sometimes it seems like they want to hit you.

@CraigM I agree about the annoying advertisements! Many now seem to be doing that to monetize. It's annoying!
Just be careful riding on busy streets here @CraigM . Even on streets with bike lanes you have to be careful. Drivers here are some of the worst that I have seen and I have almost got hit many times walking around. We have seen one person riding a bike hit by a car. Just be very careful as it is not like other places were pedestrians or bikers are respected.
Amen. Drivers in BA are very bad and aggressive. I once saw a car hit a bike in Palermo and the driver started yelling at the bike rider even though he was at fault. I wouldn't ride a bike in BA.
Ha! It's actually no different here in Texas. Best to assume nobody can see you and be responsible for your own safety.
That is true. But in Texas will someone hit you with the car and then curse you and be angry at you and blame you? I heard in USA bike rider and people walking are safer. Here drivers very crazy. Don't respect the people walking or riding bike.
That is true. But in Texas will someone hit you with the car and then curse you and be angry at you and blame you? I heard in USA bike rider and people walking are safer. Here drivers very crazy. Don't respect the people walking or riding bike.
It's very different from state to state. West coast is the most bike friendly but it often makes cyclists arrogant and entitled, they yell at drivers and I find them embarrassing. It's a lot easier and safer to keep your head on a swivel and assume that drivers can't see you.
It's very different from state to state. West coast is the most bike friendly but it often makes cyclists arrogant and entitled, they yell at drivers and I find them embarrassing. It's a lot easier and safer to keep your head on a swivel and assume that drivers can't see you.
That’s a good attitude. Very true about West Coast. I’ve experienced the same thing. Fortunately it is easy for bikers in California. I’m from Orange County and some are very entitled and even throw cans or bottles at you if they think you’re in their space.
That is true. But in Texas will someone hit you with the car and then curse you and be angry at you and blame you? I heard in USA bike rider and people walking are safer. Here drivers very crazy. Don't respect the people walking or riding bike.
Texas is terrible with biking. Most streets don't have bike lanes, and of those that do, many are only painted. No physical barrier separating them and why I never bike the streets here.

This just happened 2 weeks ago. Warning: graphic video drunk driver and thankfully cyclists are reportedly fine