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Bank robbery attempt foiled by discovery of a tunnel


Active member
I just saw this. I heard a lot of Argentines have cash in safe deposit boxes and in safes. A friend told me that bank safe deposit boxes have been robbed before. What happens when a bank safe deposit box is robbed like this? How do people prove what they have in it?

I just saw this. I heard a lot of Argentines have cash in safe deposit boxes and in safes. A friend told me that bank safe deposit boxes have been robbed before. What happens when a bank safe deposit box is robbed like this? How do people prove what they have in it?

I was just reading about that today. It sounds like a bank in the area got robbed in 2006.

Yes there was a big robbery less than 20 blocks away in 2006. 2 of the thieves were caught but 2 never were. I'm not sure how people can prove what they have or how that is handled. Most people wouldn't declare with AFIP cash they have there so it probably would be a big issue.

The BA Times also had a story today on this busted robbery. It sounds like the thieves were almost done and were probably going to rob the bank in the next week or two. They got really lucky discovering this. I lived in Buenos Aires in 2006 when that bank got robbed. Quite the scandal. I'm not sure how you could prove how much you had stolen or if their insurance would cover this.

It was a very stressful time in 2006 because you couldn't trust banks to keep loads of cash in them so it was common for people to use safe deposit boxes. At the time, my company was buying a lot of real estate and we always had lots of cash we had to deal with. Our bank was right across the street so always in and out at the safe deposit box. We also had very big safes in our office as well and we had a robbery attempt. Very stressful times back then.

Probably the most detailed article about the robbery is below. My wife's family had their safe deposit box stolen during that heist. I'm told they were made whole but not sure what all they had in it.

There is also a movie they made about it.

I'm leaving a thread discussing this news.
