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Be careful guys.....

Well to be fair, for a girl it is very easy almost anywhere in the world to get attention if you're attractive. No passport needed. Most times you just have to show up!
And some places women don't even have to be that attractive, just be under 250 350 pounds. That's per partner. So @Jenn even if you happen to be 400 lbs (but under 700) you can still get plenty of action as long as you're willing to play a devil's threeway :)
Are you there now in Colombia @HannibalLector? How is the situation for an American female? My friend and I were thinking of going to Medellin and Cartagena once I get to BA in a few weeks to check the scene out. We heard they have hot guys. Would it be safe for a blonde hair blue eyed gringa?
In Colombia targets are men, specially the 'passport bros' otherwise you will be fine, I would just avoid partying at long hours of the night like you would do in BA.
In Colombia targets are men, specially the 'passport bros' otherwise you will be fine, I would just avoid partying at long hours of the night like you would do in BA.
I can't believe how late the locals stay up to eat and also to party. My first visit to Buenos Aires I could not believe how late life is here. I am too old for that. I am on my 2nd visit to Buenos Aires and this city really grows on you quickly. This was my first visit to South America. I told my girlfriend that I wanted to explore South America more and go to Rio or Medellin and she is not allowing me. She told me it was too dangerous and the women would drug me. I am certainly not a passport bro but was she just saying this to prevent me from meeting other girls? Now I am very curious.
I can't believe how late the locals stay up to eat and also to party. My first visit to Buenos Aires I could not believe how late life is here. I am too old for that. I am on my 2nd visit to Buenos Aires and this city really grows on you quickly. This was my first visit to South America. I told my girlfriend that I wanted to explore South America more and go to Rio or Medellin and she is not allowing me. She told me it was too dangerous and the women would drug me. I am certainly not a passport bro but was she just saying this to prevent me from meeting other girls? Now I am very curious.
No first hand experience but I found this video interesting, esp about the cultural differences of getting a drink alone. Others here would know more and like all things YMMV.
No first hand experience but I found this video interesting, esp about the cultural differences of getting a drink alone. Others here would know more and like all things YMMV.
Yikes Medellin sounds like the Wild West. I just read how many murders there were of Americans the past few month. I am scratching it off my list. I don't care what reason someone gives! That is a lot of dead Americans in a short amount of time.
Definitely the vibe and scene is turning in Medellin against gringos. I have a few novias in Medellin that I have known for a long time. I was walking around in the mall the other day and I have never gotten so many dirty looks. This was never the case before. Or at least not like this. If you are an older man and with a younger girl people will assume the worst. This is horrible.
I was just in Medellin stopping to see one of my female friends and the situation there is not good. An American male pedophile was caught with a 12 and 13 year old girl and now the entire city is on edge and taking it out on any tourists. The Mayor banned prostitution in certain parts of the city for 6 months. Even if you're not a Passport bro and just a normal tourist like me you can feel unwelcome. I left as it was not fun.

Colombia looks pretty bad at the moment.

I have only seen a couple of cases reported here where the Black Widows have drugged their unassuming boyfriends.

Just be on your guard guys!
It is bad and getting worse. My friend that lives there is an American with blonde hair blue eyes. He is married to a local for many years and walking in the street now he claims people are yelling gringo go home. Sad when you hear about that.
It is bad and getting worse. My friend that lives there is an American with blonde hair blue eyes. He is married to a local for many years and walking in the street now he claims people are yelling gringo go home. Sad when you hear about that.
Yep. Medellin is hostile. I just got back from there. 2 of my ex-wives are from here so I go here all the time. But the passport bros have ruined it for legitimate male tourists here. If you are obviously a gringo they will assume you're a sex-pat.
This is sad to read about. Medellin has a lot of friendly people and I am not just talking about the beautiful girls. It is a shame and I hope things turn around soon. I went down 2 years ago and the biggest issue I had was there were many black tourists from the USA that I met and they were very loud and obnoxious. They were filming everywhere they went and it was obvious they only went down for the girls. It is just a shame they give tourists a bad name.
This is sad to read about. Medellin has a lot of friendly people and I am not just talking about the beautiful girls. It is a shame and I hope things turn around soon. I went down 2 years ago and the biggest issue I had was there were many black tourists from the USA that I met and they were very loud and obnoxious. They were filming everywhere they went and it was obvious they only went down for the girls. It is just a shame they give tourists a bad name.
I read the Mayor in Medellin was trying to ban prostitution. I seriously doubt they can control it much. I stopped going there as you mentioned Surfer too many loud and obnoxious tourists from the South.
This is the scene in Medellin now. Females setting fires protesting gringos there.

The passport bros only have themselves to blame for this. I have been going to Colombia for many years and the scene has changed there over the past few years. Loud, obnoxious Americans were going down and also filming and posting streams online. Something had to change there. Hopefully these type of ugly tourists stop going to Colombia and Brazil and other destinations. The entire passport bro movement is hopefully coming to an end. This guy got chased out of Brazil.

The passport bros only have themselves to blame for this. I have been going to Colombia for many years and the scene has changed there over the past few years. Loud, obnoxious Americans were going down and also filming and posting streams online. Something had to change there. Hopefully these type of ugly tourists stop going to Colombia and Brazil and other destinations. The entire passport bro movement is hopefully coming to an end. This guy got chased out of Brazil.

Thank God we don't have to deal with this type of ugly tourist in Buenos Aires. Fortunately I haven't seen this type of tourist in Argentina like you see in some other Latin American countries.
Another one bites the dust. Not just gringos but latinos too. Seriously Is anyone having luck with Tinder in Medellin and not getting killed? Seems nuts to use Tinder in Medellin.

I don't understand why anyone would use Tinder in Medellin. For all the reported cases of people getting drugged, just imagine how many people don't report it out of embarrassment that don't end up dead.
I don't understand why anyone would use Tinder in Medellin. For all the reported cases of people getting drugged, just imagine how many people don't report it out of embarrassment that don't end up dead.
A question of guys thinking with their little heads instead of big ones!