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Newcomer Booking Booking exchange rate


New member
Hi all, I booked a hotel in Buenos Aires on Booking for $200 (one week). I booked it with payment at the establishment. My question is whether on arrival I should pay the $200 at the normal exchange rate or the guy can charge me at the blue if he wants to, or how is the thing. Obviously, I plan to pay cash in pesos having exchanged dollars in advance. Thanks
If you pay with pesos you should be charged at the official rate (not Blue) + VAT, this rate is the official dollar on the day of payment.

The best option is to change your dollars to the Blue dollar and then pay the hotel with those pesos already changed, since the hotel charges you the official dollar (+ VAT).
If you pay with pesos you should be charged at the official rate (not Blue) + VAT, this rate is the official dollar on the day of payment.

The best option is to change your dollars to the Blue dollar and then pay the hotel with those pesos already changed, since the hotel charges you the official dollar (+ VAT).
But if you pay with a foreign card you do not pay VAT and pay the official, I understand that it is more convenient?
But if you pay with a foreign card you do not pay VAT and pay the official, I understand that it is more convenient?
Of course, but paying with a foreign card in your country you have to convert those Argentine pesos to dollars and also in my case I was once charged a commission for the use of the card abroad.

When the official Argentinean dollar was at $360 it was more convenient to pay with pesos in cash and pay VAT .... now with the dollar at $800 + VAT it is not so convenient... you have to take into account that with the foreign card your bank in Uruguay converts everything to dollars... in Uruguay now there is no problem because the dollar is quite stable, but it is a detail to take into account...
It used to be more convenient to pay in cash because the price was lower compared to the cashier's check and sometimes they would give you a cash discount!
Now using the Visa card, they convert the Argentine pesos at an exchange rate between the. MEP and Blue, which is better than the official one. And in the hotel the price published in dollars is converted to pesos with the official exchange rate. You are right that the cards charge a commission depending on the type of card but the maximum they charge is 3%.

This is in addition to not paying the 21% VAT.