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Buquebus ferry trips to Colonia or Montevideo?


New member
I am visiting Buenos Aires next month and I read some posts about visiting Colonia. I heard Uruguay was more expensive than Buenos Aires and kind of boring but I wanted to get another country visited under my belt since I'm there. It seems like I can also use this border trip to extend my 3 month tourist visa so that will be nice as I want to stay about 6 months there. Does anyone know if you can still withdraw US dollars there? I read that you could withdraw $100 US bills there a few years ago. Is that still the case? Are tickets reaonsable?
Yes you can easily go to Colonia or even Montevideo. It is a nice country but it is very quiet compared to BA. Uruguayan ATM machines DO have USD ATM machines so you can withdraw cash while you are over there. Keep in mind you can use your credit cards here in BA for most things at favorable rates but if you have to pay rent in cash in USD it is advisable to bring some cash or visit a cueva. Going over to Uruguay takes time and tickets/hotel. They have discounted fares sometimes. You can see this ticket for 36,410 round-trip which is a great deal.
