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Real Estate Sales Buying on a high floor: When a good view justifies the price of the apartment - La Nacion Propiedades



Buying on a high floor: When a good view justifies the price of the apartment - La Nacion Propiedades



June 16, 2024

If you want to buy an apartment with a good view and on high floors, there is one thing you need to know before making the decision.

By Maria Josefina Lanzi


An apartment with views of the Río de la Plata and the Botanical Garden that is located on the 13th floor

Good views in the apartments are something required by many. The possibility of resting while looking at the horizon, the greenery or even the water can be a highly sought after aspect when purchasing a property. But the big question that arises is how much the price of a unit can change when adding this variable to the equation.

In general terms, high floors are the most desired apartments because they offer advantages related, mainly, to quality of life ,” says Fabián Catanese, associate producer at Martin Pinus Real Estate. It must be taken into account that, among the notable benefits of higher floors , is noise reduction. In addition, they generally have better views and in some cases panoramic views. They also tend to have a greater incidence of natural light.


Apartments with good views are quoted at a price much higher than those that do not have those attributes

However, this visual breadth also has a “b side”, since, as the floors go up, the price escalates and a much higher ticket can be reached. “Given that it is one of the most sought-after aspects in this type of product, it becomes another factor to take into account at the time of appraisal,” says Jesica Pacanowski, broker at Martín Pinus Real Estate, and adds: “ In some cases , panoramic views of green lungs or the river, could increase the base price of the property by 20% to 30% , compared to a similar product without views.”

Soledad Balayan, owner of Maure Inmobiliaria, shares this view and explains that it is not easy to secure a specific percentage, but that “ a good view of the river or the polo can be worth 30% more than something similar without a view.”

According to architect Daniel Obetko, premium residential manager at Interwin, views are decisive in the value of properties here and around the world. It is estimated that the price of an apartment increases between 1% and 1.5% as you go up the floor, due to the increase in luminosity and the decrease in noise. “Naturally, there can be higher increments, if any particular visual obstacle is overcome,” adds Obetko.

A particular case: “It looks like Central Park”

In one of the most coveted neighborhoods of Buenos Aires, an apartment is located that has an exclusive view of the Botanical Garden and the La Plata River. The green landscape evokes Central Park , the iconic urban park located in the heart of Manhattan, New York, a view that in this case raises the price of the property to a considerable number.


The apartment has views of the Botanical Garden and the Río de la Plata


The interior of the apartment located in Palermo

With a total of 235 m² and located on the top floor of a building on 2400 Armenia Street, the penthouse is valued at US$750,000 , a higher price than the other apartments in the development. It is located in a building with 34 residential units; 33 of them are studio apartments of between 45 and 50 m², valued between approximately US$160,000 and US$210,000, of which five remain to be sold. All the apartments that face Santa Fe have a view of the Botanical Garden, although the open view of the river can be seen from the tenth floor.

The apartment is a loft that unfolds over Armenia Street and Santa Fe Avenue, with large windows that allow in natural light. However, the curious fact is that, despite having 235 square meters -of which 125 are covered, almost the same as the uncovered ones-, it is a two-room apartment because it only has one bedroom on the upper floor. In addition, a balcony borders the entire apartment and provides panoramic views.

Now, these typologies pose a dilemma: is it worth investing in this type of units? Martín Pinus, founder and Director of Martín Pinus Real Estate, responds to possible dilemmas:

When does a good view justify the price of an apartment?

Pinus believes that panoramic views justify the appreciation of the square meter of an apartment in most cases , given that “it provides the property with significant value in terms of quality of life and connection with the environment.” He explains that the value of the property is often related to market demand: “If for a certain segment of the population, vision constitutes an exclusive variable and one is willing to pay more to have it, then it is natural that it contributes to raise the price per square meter of properties that comply with this aspect.”

When considering whether it is a good investment, it is advisable to think about the personal needs of the buyer and whether it is a unique and impressive view of emblematic places in the city, and also if the location of the building is privileged. Furthermore, the founder of Martín Pinus Real Estate explains that these types of units become a good long-term investment, since “ the apartments from which you can enjoy incredible views, usually maintain or increase their value over time” .

Is it worth sacrificing covered meters for a good view? What does it depend on?

Pinus explains that the decision to sacrifice square meters for an open view, of the city, the river or a green lung, will depend mainly on two variables: the budget, (since, as mentioned before, the price of properties with good views generally have a higher price per square meter) and personal circumstances, according to what the person looking for their next home ultimately needs, and what they value to improve their quality of life.

“There are clients for whom a property with a spectacular view is an exclusive factor and they do not visit apartments that meet all their search criteria if they do not have visual width to the outside,” details the broker .


The apartment faces Armenia streets and Santa Fe Avenue

How do I know that the property will not depreciate in value?

“Properties become devalued over time, especially in very new buildings. However, there are some that are old and do not lose their value ,” says Pinus and explains that this is the case of the so-called iconic ones, those that already have a brand in the market or those that, due to their quality and location, or because they are status symbol, they do not lose relevance. “In this category are, without a doubt, the towers built on land that is increasingly scarce, especially those on the main avenues of Buenos Aires,” concludes the broker .


Buying on a high floor: When a good view justifies the price of the apartment - La Nacion Propiedades



June 16, 2024

If you want to buy an apartment with a good view and on high floors, there is one thing you need to know before making the decision.

By Maria Josefina Lanzi


An apartment with views of the Río de la Plata and the Botanical Garden that is located on the 13th floor

Good views in the apartments are something required by many. The possibility of resting while looking at the horizon, the greenery or even the water can be a highly sought after aspect when purchasing a property. But the big question that arises is how much the price of a unit can change when adding this variable to the equation.

In general terms, high floors are the most desired apartments because they offer advantages related, mainly, to quality of life ,” says Fabián Catanese, associate producer at Martin Pinus Real Estate. It must be taken into account that, among the notable benefits of higher floors , is noise reduction. In addition, they generally have better views and in some cases panoramic views. They also tend to have a greater incidence of natural light.


Apartments with good views are quoted at a price much higher than those that do not have those attributes

However, this visual breadth also has a “b side”, since, as the floors go up, the price escalates and a much higher ticket can be reached. “Given that it is one of the most sought-after aspects in this type of product, it becomes another factor to take into account at the time of appraisal,” says Jesica Pacanowski, broker at Martín Pinus Real Estate, and adds: “ In some cases , panoramic views of green lungs or the river, could increase the base price of the property by 20% to 30% , compared to a similar product without views.”

Soledad Balayan, owner of Maure Inmobiliaria, shares this view and explains that it is not easy to secure a specific percentage, but that “ a good view of the river or the polo can be worth 30% more than something similar without a view.”

According to architect Daniel Obetko, premium residential manager at Interwin, views are decisive in the value of properties here and around the world. It is estimated that the price of an apartment increases between 1% and 1.5% as you go up the floor, due to the increase in luminosity and the decrease in noise. “Naturally, there can be higher increments, if any particular visual obstacle is overcome,” adds Obetko.

A particular case: “It looks like Central Park”

In one of the most coveted neighborhoods of Buenos Aires, an apartment is located that has an exclusive view of the Botanical Garden and the La Plata River. The green landscape evokes Central Park , the iconic urban park located in the heart of Manhattan, New York, a view that in this case raises the price of the property to a considerable number.


The apartment has views of the Botanical Garden and the Río de la Plata


The interior of the apartment located in Palermo

With a total of 235 m² and located on the top floor of a building on 2400 Armenia Street, the penthouse is valued at US$750,000 , a higher price than the other apartments in the development. It is located in a building with 34 residential units; 33 of them are studio apartments of between 45 and 50 m², valued between approximately US$160,000 and US$210,000, of which five remain to be sold. All the apartments that face Santa Fe have a view of the Botanical Garden, although the open view of the river can be seen from the tenth floor.

The apartment is a loft that unfolds over Armenia Street and Santa Fe Avenue, with large windows that allow in natural light. However, the curious fact is that, despite having 235 square meters -of which 125 are covered, almost the same as the uncovered ones-, it is a two-room apartment because it only has one bedroom on the upper floor. In addition, a balcony borders the entire apartment and provides panoramic views.

Now, these typologies pose a dilemma: is it worth investing in this type of units? Martín Pinus, founder and Director of Martín Pinus Real Estate, responds to possible dilemmas:

When does a good view justify the price of an apartment?

Pinus believes that panoramic views justify the appreciation of the square meter of an apartment in most cases , given that “it provides the property with significant value in terms of quality of life and connection with the environment.” He explains that the value of the property is often related to market demand: “If for a certain segment of the population, vision constitutes an exclusive variable and one is willing to pay more to have it, then it is natural that it contributes to raise the price per square meter of properties that comply with this aspect.”

When considering whether it is a good investment, it is advisable to think about the personal needs of the buyer and whether it is a unique and impressive view of emblematic places in the city, and also if the location of the building is privileged. Furthermore, the founder of Martín Pinus Real Estate explains that these types of units become a good long-term investment, since “ the apartments from which you can enjoy incredible views, usually maintain or increase their value over time” .

Is it worth sacrificing covered meters for a good view? What does it depend on?

Pinus explains that the decision to sacrifice square meters for an open view, of the city, the river or a green lung, will depend mainly on two variables: the budget, (since, as mentioned before, the price of properties with good views generally have a higher price per square meter) and personal circumstances, according to what the person looking for their next home ultimately needs, and what they value to improve their quality of life.

“There are clients for whom a property with a spectacular view is an exclusive factor and they do not visit apartments that meet all their search criteria if they do not have visual width to the outside,” details the broker .


The apartment faces Armenia streets and Santa Fe Avenue

How do I know that the property will not depreciate in value?

“Properties become devalued over time, especially in very new buildings. However, there are some that are old and do not lose their value ,” says Pinus and explains that this is the case of the so-called iconic ones, those that already have a brand in the market or those that, due to their quality and location, or because they are status symbol, they do not lose relevance. “In this category are, without a doubt, the towers built on land that is increasingly scarce, especially those on the main avenues of Buenos Aires,” concludes the broker .

Wow up to 30% more for a premium view, I'd want to make sure there's no land nearby that another developer could build later on to obstruct it. I've heard it happen in the states where somebody had a lake view condo but years later another building went up that blocked the first one's view. Surprising too, that higher floor only increases 1-1.5% per floor considering the benefits especially in a densely packed city like BA.

The building that's mentioned I'm pretty sure is the Lux Lofts Botanical which I almost wanted to buy a unit in.
Wow up to 30% more for a premium view, I'd want to make sure there's no land nearby that another developer could build later on to obstruct it. I've heard it happen in the states where somebody had a lake view condo but years later another building went up that blocked the first one's view. Surprising too, that higher floor only increases 1-1.5% per floor considering the benefits especially in a densely packed city like BA.

The building that's mentioned I'm pretty sure is the Lux Lofts Botanical which I almost wanted to buy a unit in.
Yes, some buyers are willing to pay a big premium for amazing views. You make a great point @FuturoBA as some people that have a great view have a building that blocks that view. That has happened to several in Palermo Hollywood or Puerto Madero. It's always a good idea to see what buildings are in front of you and to see how high they can build if the building were to sell. Particular note should be of parking garages as they are often sold and the new owner builds up.

Always buy as high up as you can for all the reasons they mentioned. More natural sunlight, less noise, safer as well being as high up as possible.
I always thought it would be cool to buy a penthouse apartment and be at the top and I finally did in BA last year. I can't wait until my place is done. Nothing fancy like this article and just a one bedroom apartment but looking forward to having an excuse to come back to BA more often.
Am I reading that correctly, a 235 m2 penthouse for US$750k?
Yes that is correct @CraigM. You can see the typical price per sq. meter for each neighborhood on this website. You can click on Learn More and it will give you typical sales prices per sq. meter.

There is no formal MLS system but you can see actual listings on this website:

Yes that is correct @CraigM. You can see the typical price per sq. meter for each neighborhood on this website. You can click on Learn More and it will give you typical sales prices per sq. meter.

There is no formal MLS system but you can see actual listings on this website:

Thanks! Very interesting, I'm tempted to look at real estate while there.
Thanks! Very interesting, I'm tempted to look at real estate while there.
I did a little while I was down there. But there wasn't too much inventory on the market. Maybe there is more now. Plus the negative is it's all cash down there. No mortgages for foreigners. But real estate prices fell for 5 years in a row so many people say this is the bottom.
I did a little while I was down there. But there wasn't too much inventory on the market. Maybe there is more now. Plus the negative is it's all cash down there. No mortgages for foreigners. But real estate prices fell for 5 years in a row so many people say this is the bottom.
Makes sense, those are very good signs for buyers with cash.
When we started looking for an apartment here, we were set on finding a top-floor or penthouse unit. However, our realtor warned us about common recurrent roof leakage problems in many buildings, regardless of their age. We toured several top-floor apartments, anyway, in different neighborhoods, only to find that every single one had developed leakage issues from the rooftop.

We really liked a top-floor unit in a 25 y/o building that had been fully renovated and had high ceilings. I noticed that the moldings in the living room and the TV room seemed a bit lower. The owner explained that they had to lower the ceilings by six inches to install LED ceiling lights throughout. I then asked her realtor if there had been any water damage from the roof and she said she'd show us the roof, which had been resurfaced a few months earlier and looked in good condition.

Later that day, we revisited the neighborhood and stopped to chat with the building's portero. He said that the top floor had suffered from leakage problems for many years. The current owners had opted to pay for the new roof coating themselves because the building's consortium only approved resealing the roof every six years. An architect had advised lowering the ceiling as the least expensive way to address the problem cosmetically.

For those looking to buy top-floor apartments in CABA, it's crucial to ask lots of questions, also ask to see what repairs have been done to the roof and how often, and inquire about the waterproofing systems used in new constructions. Always have a chat with the portero; they know everything about the building and its residents.
When we started looking for an apartment here, we were set on finding a top-floor or penthouse unit. However, our realtor warned us about common recurrent roof leakage problems in many buildings, regardless of their age. We toured several top-floor apartments, anyway, in different neighborhoods, only to find that every single one had developed leakage issues from the rooftop.

We really liked a top-floor unit in a 25 y/o building that had been fully renovated and had high ceilings. I noticed that the moldings in the living room and the TV room seemed a bit lower. The owner explained that they had to lower the ceilings by six inches to install LED ceiling lights throughout. I then asked her realtor if there had been any water damage from the roof and she said she'd show us the roof, which had been resurfaced a few months earlier and looked in good condition.

Later that day, we revisited the neighborhood and stopped to chat with the building's portero. He said that the top floor had suffered from leakage problems for many years. The current owners had opted to pay for the new roof coating themselves because the building's consortium only approved resealing the roof every six years. An architect had advised lowering the ceiling as the least expensive way to address the problem cosmetically.

For those looking to buy top-floor apartments in CABA, it's crucial to ask lots of questions, also ask to see what repairs have been done to the roof and how often, and inquire about the waterproofing systems used in new constructions. Always have a chat with the portero; they know everything about the building and its residents.
Absolutely correct @Sunny. I've purchased over 500+ properties in Buenos Aires over the past 22 years and I can't tell you how many penthouses I've seen that have had issues with the roof leaking. It's exactly as you mentioned. The new construction properties are much better now with materials but a lot of the older buildings have constant problems with the penthouse roof leaking. And many times the building administration doesn't have the funds to fix it. So it's a constant struggle. When I buy personal properties for myself, I rarely buy on the penthouse level but instead will buy right under the penthouse so I still am very high and have a great view but don't want to deal with any potential headaches.

If you see the roof lowered on a penthouse apartment it typically spells problems. And as you mentioned, always talk to the doorman. They will always know all the gossip about every unit in the building. On a total new construction you don't have that luxury.
Absolutely correct @Sunny. I've purchased over 500+ properties in Buenos Aires over the past 22 years and I can't tell you how many penthouses I've seen that have had issues with the roof leaking. It's exactly as you mentioned. The new construction properties are much better now with materials but a lot of the older buildings have constant problems with the penthouse roof leaking. And many times the building administration doesn't have the funds to fix it. So it's a constant struggle. When I buy personal properties for myself, I rarely buy on the penthouse level but instead will buy right under the penthouse so I still am very high and have a great view but don't want to deal with any potential headaches.

If you see the roof lowered on a penthouse apartment it typically spells problems. And as you mentioned, always talk to the doorman. They will always know all the gossip about every unit in the building. On a total new construction you don't have that luxury.
I am told the new construction are much better with this issue as they have better waterproofing materials now. But I have a few friends that have houses too and they had issues with their house. They had to remove the entire roof and put waterproof seal on it. I wouldn't want a penthouse in Buenos Aires due to this issue unless maybe it was a new construction and it was a reputable builder.
I am told the new construction are much better with this issue as they have better waterproofing materials now. But I have a few friends that have houses too and they had issues with their house. They had to remove the entire roof and put waterproof seal on it. I wouldn't want a penthouse in Buenos Aires due to this issue unless maybe it was a new construction and it was a reputable builder.
Wow it makes sense that the penthouse would have more issues w leaks than the floors below them, but didn't realize it was this bad. And houses are just as prone?? Is it mostly poor quality waterproof sealant or also poor quality design/construction of the roof?? My understanding is penthouses have flatter roofs and therefore water may not drain as easily off them in addition to possibility of ponding water.
Wow it makes sense that the penthouse would have more issues w leaks than the floors below them, but didn't realize it was this bad. And houses are just as prone?? Is it mostly poor quality waterproof sealant or also poor quality design/construction of the roof?? My understanding is penthouses have flatter roofs and therefore water may not drain as easily off them in addition to possibility of ponding water.
@FuturoBA there are many issues with top floor apartment or house having humidity issues. Many people with old houses have problem. Rains sometimes is very heavy and sometimes drainage is not so good. Other time membrane wear out and have to change every few years. I think now better materials so you don't have to change so often. My friends in older buildings have more problems with that. New building I don't see so many issues. Usually even if you have good membrane to protect water enter sometimes from side. Sometimes they don't know where water enter. That happen to friend mine.

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