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BuySellBA CEO, Michael Koh - “International CEO Conclave- Avensis 2023: Beyond Boundaries- Sustain, Innovate & Transform” - XLRI Jamshedpur (India)


Join our Founder and CEO, Michael Koh as he co-hosts this round-table in India at one of the top Business Schools in India. - November 25, 2023

YouTube Replay:

(Michael Koh speaking starts at 11:45 / 40:00 /1:04:20 ). And you can skip around and just listen to him if you want. He spoke 3 or 4 times.

“International CEO Conclave- Avensis 2023: Beyond Boundaries- Sustain, Innovate & Transform” themed "Climate Policy and Corporate Leadership" is live from XLRI Jamshedpur. Join us for a discussion on how CEOs drive sustainability initiatives in an area of carbon pricing and green finance with our esteemed guests

Meet Michael Koh, Founder & CEO of BuySellBA, a luminary in private real estate. With a remarkable journey marked by successful startups and accolades from prestigious media outlets, Michael brings a wealth of experience. In this session, he delves into transparent ways for companies to measure their sustainability progress, highlighting the interconnected aspects of environmental, social, and economic responsibility. Michael emphasizes the significance of human capital. While environmental aspects often take the spotlight, he underscores the importance of taking care of employees, their health, and overall well-being.

#RealEstateInnovation #SustainableLeadership #AviationInnovation#ClimateAction #xlri #xlrijamshedpur #AvensisConclave#LeadershipJourney #GlobalLeadership #CEOInsights #Networking#bschool #sustainability #innovation #transformation #climatechange#corporateleadership #ESG
Wow. I wasn't expecting the CEO to be so young. I read that he was in Buenos Aires 21+ years so I assumed he was older. He is very eloquent. I thought he easily was the best speaker out of the 3 CEO's. Now I understand why he is so successful. He comes across as very articulate and polished.
Wow. I wasn't expecting the CEO to be so young. I read that he was in Buenos Aires 21+ years so I assumed he was older. He is very eloquent. I thought he easily was the best speaker out of the 3 CEO's. Now I understand why he is so successful. He comes across as very articulate and polished.
Thank you Avocado. That's very nice of you to say. It was a great event attended by tens of thousands around the world.
Fabulous Zoom! I pictured you different @earlyretirement I was expecting you older as well. You were amongst some great company. I know the other CEO from a conference I went to before. I thought the other Michael was very dry and boring and too industry specific. You were very articulate and relatable. I loved how you were honest and spoke about wanting sexy and cool first. How do you like your Teslas? I'm thinking about buying one.
LOL! @Che Vos, just make sure your boyfriend skips this particular post!

On the other hand, I'm glad to hear Mike's take on sustainability. No buzzwords and a very down to earth approach. It shows that he always speaks based on his own truth, and that's so remarkable in an often fake world.
I totally agree with you Portenha. Most people are so fake and pretend when it comes to sustainability. I loved how he mentioned taking care of employees is the #1 most important thing. I wouldn't have thought someone would talk about that in a sustainability speech. I agree most things in this world are too fake. I loved this speech and I can understand how his company is very successful. I did a search and I had no idea he did so many successful companies before.
though i dislike most usage of the words "Sustainability" and "ESG" and "Climate Change" because they 99% of the time they are corrupt socialist plans that come with a huge federal government plan to spend more money (AKA print it and inflate our currency), i can still personally attest that if you're wanting to invest here in BsAs, the $300 USD cost of a consultation with Mike is very, very worthwhile for those who reject ESG and instead think the burning ball in the sky controls the climate much more than human activity, Bjorn Lomberg is a really good dude to follow on X/twitter https://twitter.com/bjornlomborg
though i dislike most usage of the words "Sustainability" and "ESG" and "Climate Change" because they 99% of the time they are corrupt socialist plans that come with a huge federal government plan to spend more money (AKA print it and inflate our currency), i can still personally attest that if you're wanting to invest here in BsAs, the $300 USD cost of a consultation with Mike is very, very worthwhile for those who reject ESG and instead think the burning ball in the sky controls the climate much more than human activity, Bjorn Lomberg is a really good dude to follow on X/twitter https://twitter.com/bjornlomborg
I was thinking about doing an initial consultation too. That's good to hear a real life review. Just out of curiosity, @StatusNomadicus what areas are you looking in? Is this to live in or for rental? I'm looking for an investment property. Thanks.
Fabulous Zoom! I pictured you different @earlyretirement I was expecting you older as well. You were amongst some great company. I know the other CEO from a conference I went to before. I thought the other Michael was very dry and boring and too industry specific. You were very articulate and relatable. I loved how you were honest and spoke about wanting sexy and cool first. How do you like your Teslas? I'm thinking about buying one.
Thanks Canada Goose for the kind comments. For sure, both of those other two speakers were very polished and intelligent. I was honored to be asked to present in India. I was in good company. They already asked that I speak again to their students. I have done these before in Germany and the UK as well. I love speaking to fellow and future Entrepreneurs. I also have been on the Advisory Boards of several start-ups.

I LOVE my Teslas. I was one of the very first to buy the Tesla Model S in 2012. There were a LOT of issues when they first came out. I remember when they first sold it, they didn't even wrap the car with protective film or anything. So they would transport them on 18 wheelers and no protection so my brand new Tesla Model S arrived with tons of rock chips and damage. They had to completely repaint it. They were a start-up and didn't have anything figured out yet. It was constantly in and out of the shop.

I was also one of the first that got the Model X and I've had it for 8 years. It was trouble and hassle free until a few months ago. Now it has about 125,000 miles on it and it was in the shop a few months ago and just last week in the shop again. So in a short amount of time about $4,500 US in repair bills. Mostly to replace parts. EVERYTHING in a Tesla is expensive when it breaks down. My Model X windshield is so large. It's like a helicopter cockpit. I've had rock chips damage the windshield 2 times. It is about $3,500 each time you have to replace the windshield. So my insurance company told me if it happens again it's on me.

My wife also drives a Tesla, the Model Y. We only have Teslas in my household. My daughter will drive next year and I'll probably get her a Model 3. I haven't purchased gasoline in 11+ years. I love them! I ordered the Tesla Roadster a few years ago but it never came. Much like the Model X, that was a few years late too. Which Model are you thinking of buying? I'd highly recommend one.
though i dislike most usage of the words "Sustainability" and "ESG" and "Climate Change" because they 99% of the time they are corrupt socialist plans that come with a huge federal government plan to spend more money (AKA print it and inflate our currency), i can still personally attest that if you're wanting to invest here in BsAs, the $300 USD cost of a consultation with Mike is very, very worthwhile for those who reject ESG and instead think the burning ball in the sky controls the climate much more than human activity, Bjorn Lomberg is a really good dude to follow on X/twitter https://twitter.com/bjornlomborg

@StatusNomadicus Wow, gotta love this community! I feel at home with smart people who can see beyond and speak their truth. You may also want to check out https://x.com/sunweatherman
Which Model are you thinking of buying? I'd highly recommend one.
I was thinking about the Model X until I read about the repair bills and cost to replace a damaged windshield! $3,500 is crazy. So your insurance company paid $7,000 to replace 2 damaged windshields? In Canada it cost like $350 US to replace a windshield on a normal car. $3,500 is crazy!

Maybe I will get a Model S instead. What was your experience like with Model S? Would you recommend that? Does your wife like the Model Y? Crazy you are getting the Tesla Roadster. I saw some photos and video of that! Looks sick! Crazy cool. But the cost of that is more than many apartments!
@StatusNomadicus Wow, gotta love this community! I feel at home with smart people who can see beyond and speak their truth. You may also want to check out https://x.com/sunweatherman
Hi @Portenha. I follow @sunweatherman! Great content! I agree about this community. I know it's new but I feel at home here on this site. I can't wait till there is more content but it seems like it's growing fast. I saw this post on Twitter already has 1,630 views in 2 days! (Very smart marketing!) https://x.com/BuySellBA/status/1730421634300039610?s=20

I saw @BuySellBA posted yesterday's statistics - https://x.com/BuySellBA/status/1731347097897808337?s=20. 190 visitors in one day and many countries. Most forums are 90% lurkers and 10% contribute but on good websites this shifts quickly once they read content and then more contribute. I'd guess this will be the case with ExpatsBA too.