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For Sale CasaBar is for Sale

Yeah. By many accounts he's a bit unstable. Had a partner at one time, don't know if that went away or if he just went silent, or what.
Yeah. By many accounts he's a bit unstable. Had a partner at one time, don't know if that went away or if he just went silent, or what.
Thanks Chesse for the info.

I never hung out at these expat type of bars or places.

I can't even imagine dealing with the food or beverage industry where it's all cash and the potential for employees to rob you blind are high!

Even in a corporate environment it was tough enough but no thanks in that industry.

I do have some friends that own some bars in BA and they seem to be doing ok (or at least still in business after several years) which is a good sign I guess.

But one thing I didn't get is most of them spent lots of money on a renovation of some building and they didn't own it but did a fairly short multi-year lease. I never understood the motivation of that as I figure the owner will take advantage of them when their lease is up.

What ever happened to that American guy that owned that burrito company. Is it still around? Someone told me a while ago that knew him that he was so anxious to sell it. Judging by his website it looks like he did. Good for him!

I didn't think there could be much profit there after rent, employee salaries/lawsuits, etc.