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It's funny watching all of the BAexpats folks turn on one another. They are accusing @earlyretirement of being many other users. Poor Utopos. He has been posting since 2010 and he is like, "what the heck did I do?!". LOL. It's funny. He is getting accused as well. That website is going downhill fast. The beginning of the end when they start accusing long time posters in good standing of things.

The only user I like now on that site is Ronnie Hotdogs.
It's funny watching all of the BAexpats folks turn on one another. They are accusing @earlyretirement of being many other users. Poor Utopos. He has been posting since 2010 and he is like, "what the heck did I do?!". LOL. It's funny. He is getting accused as well. That website is going downhill fast. The beginning of the end when they start accusing long time posters in good standing of things.

The only user I like now on that site is Ronnie Hotdogs.
I agree. I feel sorry for poor Utopos. Seems like he has been posting since 2010 like @earlyretirement. Ok maybe he IS earlyretirement! Both posting since 2010 on that old forum. Hmmmm? Such a coincidence!

I like that Reversegate guy. Nothing better than a tedious Centris Brit! He sounds smart using works like empiricism and praexology. Sexy as hell! Plus he is an anti-vaxer like me.
I post on the old forum too. I like the format of this forum much better. Also, this forum doesn't seem to moderate anything as I have seen posts from both ends of the spectrum. I'm just wondering now which of the long time forum members are posting here and what their user names are here. It is funny. I thought maybe Alby, who I think is by far the smartest on the old forum with the best post was Aussieland. But Alby just said he/she is not. So now I don't know. Does Alby post here @earlyretirement? At least tell us that. I can't wait until all the old posters migrate here but even if they do, they will probably have different user names? I thought I know the meaning of life but now I feel like I'm living in an alternate universe.
I post on the old forum too. I like the format of this forum much better. Also, this forum doesn't seem to moderate anything as I have seen posts from both ends of the spectrum. I'm just wondering now which of the long time forum members are posting here and what their user names are here. It is funny. I thought maybe Alby, who I think is by far the smartest on the old forum with the best post was Aussieland. But Alby just said he/she is not. So now I don't know. Does Alby post here @earlyretirement? At least tell us that. I can't wait until all the old posters migrate here but even if they do, they will probably have different user names? I thought I know the meaning of life but now I feel like I'm living in an alternate universe.
Aussieland doesn't like it when Aussieland is assumed to be another poster on the old forum. Aussieland has no evil twin. There is the one and only true Aussieland. Aussieland doesn't want to talk about this matter again. Thank you.
I post on the old forum too. I like the format of this forum much better. Also, this forum doesn't seem to moderate anything as I have seen posts from both ends of the spectrum. I'm just wondering now which of the long time forum members are posting here and what their user names are here. It is funny. I thought maybe Alby, who I think is by far the smartest on the old forum with the best post was Aussieland. But Alby just said he/she is not. So now I don't know. Does Alby post here @earlyretirement? At least tell us that. I can't wait until all the old posters migrate here but even if they do, they will probably have different user names? I thought I know the meaning of life but now I feel like I'm living in an alternate universe.
I won't "out" anyone as I will respect their personal privacy. There was only ONE member that requested to delete a post. And you can figure out who it was as he posted on the old forum to complain. But we have 12 people now that we know have come over from the old forum. I believe all are posting under different user names. Most mentioned a fear of the Admin/owner banning them on the old forum. Honestly, I don't care what handle a person posts under. I think the great thing is participating on the sharing of great Buenos Aires information. That's always been my goal.

But YES, there are many members on the old forum posting here too. If they want to reveal their identities they can but I won't do that. Everyone's goal should be to share great information on all things Buenos Aires.
Aussieland doesn't like it when Aussieland is assumed to be another poster on the old forum. Aussieland has no evil twin. There is the one and only true Aussieland. Aussieland doesn't want to talk about this matter again. Thank you.
This is hilarious! Actually truth be told, Alby from the old forum is one of my favorite posters. S/he is one of the most intelligent posters on that forum. I hope s/he is posting here but I have no way of knowing if s/he is. I was secretly hoping Aussieland was her/him but that doesn't sound like that is the case. earlyretirement is very sad about that. :(
You knew this was bound to happen. Now members of that forum are copying posts from this forum and news articles over there! I think it's funny. It's a good thing as good information is being shared with people. I just think it's funny how people were making a big deal about posts and now posts from this forum are being posted there. LOL.
You knew this was bound to happen. Now members of that forum are copying posts from this forum and news articles over there! I think it's funny. It's a good thing as good information is being shared with people. I just think it's funny how people were making a big deal about posts and now posts from this forum are being posted there. LOL.
I'm all for my posts on this forum copies to that forum. LOL. Those members on that forum think they are Harvard Professors with enlightening content when most of them are comparing the price of candy bars from one day to another and thinking they are Einstein.
Aussieland doesn't like it when Aussieland is assumed to be another poster on the old forum. Aussieland has no evil twin. There is the one and only true Aussieland. Aussieland doesn't want to talk about this matter again. Thank you.
Funny! I didn't understand this post but then I saw a post talking about Aussieland talking in the third person on the old forum. I'm a bit confused if Aussieland is really Alby? I didn't know if s/he was joking or not about not being Aussieland.

One thing unless I'm imagining is the # of posts on the old forum seems to have gone WAY down since this forum started. But maybe it's due to the holidays? I don't know enough about both forums do know what is normal during holidays.
I had no idea there was an old forum. I just got a message from @Cariba asking me if my post was copied from the old forum. I told her absolutely not. It was a simple post on my experiences going to a dermatologist. I guess some old member on the forum freaked out as I went to the same dermatologist and posted about it. (Mine was different time, different price, different experience yet the member is asking @Cariba to delete my post!).

Do these old members have nothing to do all day? I shared my information to help people. It is very strange that people get bothered if someone has a similar experience. If they go through life so annoyed they should stay in a hole and not post anything. It's sad and pathetic and petty.
I had no idea there was an old forum. I just got a message from @Cariba asking me if my post was copied from the old forum. I told her absolutely not. It was a simple post on my experiences going to a dermatologist. I guess some old member on the forum freaked out as I went to the same dermatologist and posted about it. (Mine was different time, different price, different experience yet the member is asking @Cariba to delete my post!).

Do these old members have nothing to do all day? I shared my information to help people. It is very strange that people get bothered if someone has a similar experience. If they go through life so annoyed they should stay in a hole and not post anything. It's sad and pathetic and petty.
I am going to reiterate that I ask people to post authentic experiences and information. I have always maintained that both forums can coexist. Fortunately, I have only received 3 requests to delete posts. In those cases, we will ask the OP if their post is authentic. If they say it is and it breaks no moderation rules, we have no reason to delete it. I'm very proud to have diverse members and opinions and very proud we have not had to moderate posts at all.

You can imagine the challenges of running a FREE, public online forum. I'm very proud of the growth of this new forum in a short amount of time. I am very happy to have many members from the old forum participating in this forum and also lurking and reading many posts.

But it is important to note that multiple people can have similar experiences. The entire purpose of an online forum is to share information. If you don't want to share information, then don't post it at all on ANY forum. If you don't want to read this forum then don't. But it's impossible to spend valuable time going through each post and analyzing it.

People are free to contact us if they believe a post of theirs is violated and we will see on a case by case basis.

I am going to reiterate that I ask people to post authentic experiences and information. I have always maintained that both forums can coexist. Fortunately, I have only received 3 requests to delete posts. In those cases, we will ask the OP if their post is authentic. If they say it is and it breaks no moderation rules, we have no reason to delete it. I'm very proud to have diverse members and opinions and very proud we have not had to moderate posts at all.

You can imagine the challenges of running a FREE, public online forum. I'm very proud of the growth of this new forum in a short amount of time. I am very happy to have many members from the old forum participating in this forum and also lurking and reading many posts.

But it is important to note that multiple people can have similar experiences. The entire purpose of an online forum is to share information. If you don't want to share information, then don't post it at all on ANY forum. If you don't want to read this forum then don't. But it's impossible to spend valuable time going through each post and analyzing it.

People are free to contact us if they believe a post of theirs is violated and we will see on a case by case basis.

People on the old forum really need to get over themselves! I read that forum and NOTHING is that valuable. Mostly members fighting and other drivel. Funny people think their stuff is so valuable. Ha.
People on the old forum really need to get over themselves! I read that forum and NOTHING is that valuable. Mostly members fighting and other drivel. Funny people think their stuff is so valuable. Ha.
Agreed!! I read an actual post the other day where one of the forum members actually thought the old US $100 bills were more desirable than the newer big-head bills. I read that and laughed so hard! Talk about stupid gringos! Ha!
