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Hello everyone ;)
We're a family of three from Australia – my husband, our little 7-month-old boy, and me. We're considering a visit to Buenos Aires for a couple of months. However, we've heard concerns about safety due to the current economic situation. Some people have suggested that traveling with a baby might be risky because of crime. What's your recent experience with the situation? We were informed that only a few districts are considered safe. Any insights you can share would be greatly appreciated.
I haven't noticed Buenos Aires being less safe compared to 3 or 5 years ago. There's an increase in people sleeping on the streets, but in my experience, walking home for about 30-40 minutes almost every night after milongas (between 2 AM and 7 AM), I haven't encountered any issues in the neighborhoods of Palermo, Villa Crespo, Almagro, and Caballito. This holds true during the day as well. Personally, I believe the reports about safety concerns are exaggerated. In fact, I've observed more police presence in the streets than before.
People really exaggerate the "danger". There is petty crime like all major cities around the world. Just avoid flashy jewelry and be careful with expensive cameras. iPhones these days and nice phones are very common but still take precaution when in busy areas (especially on the subway). Locals love babies and kids. Your biggest danger will be crossing the streets as the locals are notoriously bad drivers and having a baby stroller won't make you immune. So be careful crossing the street.

Also, note that no taxis have car seats but no one will require that you have one if you have your baby. All the advice on this thread is very good and accurate.

But by all means come on vacation. You'll have a great time.