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Have any expatriates who have married an Argentine had the experience of being required to undergo a blood test precisely 7 days before the wedding, or else the marriage would not be allowed? I know of an English individual here who is scheduled to undergo the test tomorrow. Is this information accurate?
I'm also an expatriate, and my husband is Argentine. We also underwent the blood test as part of the marriage requirements. The test can be conducted at either a private or public hospital, and its main purpose is to screen for venereal diseases (STDs). If either partner has a venereal disease during the contagious period, the marriage may not be allowed.
I'm also an expatriate, and my husband is Argentine. We also underwent the blood test as part of the marriage requirements. The test can be conducted at either a private or public hospital, and its main purpose is to screen for venereal diseases (STDs). If either partner has a venereal disease during the contagious period, the marriage may not be allowed.
Yep. Anyone getting married in Argentina has to have the blood test. My wife and I had to get it.

But I believe walkingtwig is incorrect when they say it can be done in a private clinic. We were told it MUST be done at the public hospital (which was fairly disgusting).

They told us it wasn't allowed to be done at a private clinic for fear of corruption or test altered but maybe things have changed in the past few years.
Yes I believe it is still mandatory.

Good thing that it is mandatory!! The local girls will sleep around on you and my ex-girlfriend gave me an STD so good to get tested before you get married. The locals are not faithful so beware.
Good thing that it is mandatory!!
for what? the government has no business knowing if you have an STD. and if it's for prevention of incest as @BeginNows mentioned, that would be even weirder.

The local girls will sleep around on you [...] The locals are not faithful so beware.
you sound like a fucking weirdo. who cares? why are you here, writing this worthless crap?

my ex-girlfriend gave me an STD
no one cares. people get STDs all the time. many of them are fixed with a little penicillin. what does your STD story have to do with anything?

good to get tested before you get married
no sh*t, Sherlock. it's good to get tested yearly, and after any risky sexual behavior. this is known around the world, for many years. remember there is an incubation period, so consult a good Doc about how many days after a possible exposure to get a test (blood, or otherwise)

regardless, implying that people haven't had sex before they're married is very strange. what % of the population do you think has a virgin husband and virgin wife in 2024? like 5% maybe? this is all quite idiotic, and should be removed from the law since it's obviously unconstitutional.

and also, @Slim Shady is now added to the short list of Muted morons here.
for what? the government has no business knowing if you have an STD. and if it's for prevention of incest as @BeginNows mentioned, that would be even weirder.

you sound like a fucking weirdo. who cares? why are you here, writing this worthless crap?

no one cares. people get STDs all the time. many of them are fixed with a little penicillin. what does your STD story have to do with anything?

no sh*t, Sherlock. it's good to get tested yearly, and after any risky sexual behavior. this is known around the world, for many years. remember there is an incubation period, so consult a good Doc about how many days after a possible exposure to get a test (blood, or otherwise)

regardless, implying that people haven't had sex before they're married is very strange. what % of the population do you think has a virgin husband and virgin wife in 2024? like 5% maybe? this is all quite idiotic, and should be removed from the law since it's obviously unconstitutional.

and also, @Slim Shady is now added to the short list of Muted morons here.
Why the hostility dude? These are good to have as marriage is tough enough to start out without issues. Can't hurt to know if you have a disease before getting married. You sound so angry at life. Chill out.
Why the hostility dude?
seriously? i just got done saying that (Zoolander reference) - see previous post, for analysis of why you're wasting everyone's time and making us stupider by your writing.

These are good to have as marriage is tough enough to start out without issues.
and it can be done without government decree. your point?

Can't hurt to know if you have a disease before getting married.
again, why does the government need to mandate this, thus controlling a private contract? (marriage)

You sound so angry at life. Chill out.
no, Commies need to have their stupid ideas challenged. i'll chill-out when you add value to this forum. so far, looking unlikely. again, your post "Good thing that it is mandatory!! The local girls will sleep around on you and my ex-girlfriend gave me an STD so good to get tested before you get married. The locals are not faithful so beware." is worthless and moronic, just to reiterate for you.
I agree it's probably a good idea if you want to get it before getting married but one would think you already know the person well enough if you're going to marry them. I agree that government shouldn't interfere with one's personal issues.
I agree it's probably a good idea if you want to get it before getting married but one would think you already know the person well enough if you're going to marry them. I agree that government shouldn't interfere with one's personal issues.
I agree with both of you that say it is none of the government's business anything that has to do with personal matters. Just seems like more red tape to me. It wasn't a big deal but many things in Argentina are like this with the government interfering or unnecessary red tape and government sticking it's nose where it doesn't belong.
Yes I believe it is still mandatory.

Does anyone know if this blood test is still necessary to get married here in Buenos Aires?

I believe the information is old. I got married in August last year and there was no blood test needed. My friend also got married a couple of months ago and she didn't mention anything about the blood test. All you need to get married in terms of documentation is your passport (as a foreigner) and the rest you just need to book the turno and have 2 witnesses ready with their DNIs.
I believe the information is old. I got married in August last year and there was no blood test needed. My friend also got married a couple of months ago and she didn't mention anything about the blood test. All you need to get married in terms of documentation is your passport (as a foreigner) and the rest you just need to book the turno and have 2 witnesses ready with their DNIs.
Oh this is great news! Thanks for the update @Jakoval. I like to see progress like this with Argentina. :)
I believe the information is old. I got married in August last year and there was no blood test needed. My friend also got married a couple of months ago and she didn't mention anything about the blood test. All you need to get married in terms of documentation is your passport (as a foreigner) and the rest you just need to book the turno and have 2 witnesses ready with their DNIs.
I can confirm this. My wife and I married in October and only needed to have witnesses and paperwork in hand. No blood test requirements at all.
I can confirm this. My wife and I married in October and only needed to have witnesses and paperwork in hand. No blood test requirements at all.
Congratulations on your recent wedding. It's good to get confirmation as many government websites never get updated or are full of wrong or non-updated info.